Sim Dynasty
Sim Dynasty


Wally Berger League
2119 Schedule/Results   (All Games)
Game#DateOpponentResult SEA PitcherOpp. Pitcher
405/15/2119 Baltimore Orange and Black Attack Won 3 - 0Gene Black (W, 5-3)Dave Brown (L, 3-3)
415/16/2119 Baltimore Orange and Black Attack Lost 6 - 7Bruce Cutshaw (L, 2-1)Jim Fick (W, 2-0)
425/17/2119 Baltimore Orange and Black Attack Lost 1 - 4Dave Wade (L, 4-2)Dave Rittwage (W, 8-1)
435/19/2119 Washington Hendersons Won 5 - 4Bert Carey (W, 4-0)Jon Barr (L, 0-4)
445/20/2119 Washington Hendersons Won 5 - 0Gene Black (W, 6-3)Marcelino Whiteside (L, 3-7)
455/21/2119 Washington Hendersons Won 7 - 6Al Smajstrla (W, 5-2)Dick Myatt (L, 4-3)
465/22/2119 Detroit Diesel Lost 1 - 2John Jones (L, 3-3)Gary Leeper (W, 1-0)
475/23/2119 Detroit Diesel Lost 3 - 5Bruce Cutshaw (L, 2-2)John Kiecker (W, 6-1)
485/24/2119 Detroit Diesel Won 19 - 8Roy Narum (W, 6-1)Sammy Lonnett (L, 3-1)
495/25/2119 @ Minnesota Grackles
Gene Black (R)Kazuhiko Miyake (R)
505/26/2119 @ Minnesota Grackles
Al Smajstrla (R)Ray Burdette (L)
515/27/2119 @ Minnesota Grackles
Dave Wade (R)Roger Johnston (R)
525/29/2119 @ Texas Crusaders
Roy Narum (R)Guy Niekro (R)
535/30/2119 @ Texas Crusaders
Gene Black (R)Bill Jeffries (L)
545/31/2119 @ Texas Crusaders
Al Smajstrla (R)Silvio Worrell (R)