Sim Dynasty
Sim Dynasty

Privacy Policy

Sim Dynasty values your privacy and is dedicated to protecting your personal information. Following is a listing of what you will find in our privacy policy:


  • The types of information we collect
  • How we collect information
  • How we use information
  • Who else has access to your information


  • How to control the e-mails you receive from us by visiting the Owner Profile page


  • How to see and correct the information we have about you


  • How we protect your information

Following is a complete description of our privacy practices.

The types of information we collect

The information we collect is broken down into three major categories.

Anonymous data is information that is not linked to you personally and is not used to track you individually in any way. It includes such things as:

  • The number of people visiting our site
  • The times when people visit
  • How long they stay
  • How many pages they look at
  • A visitor's IP address and browser type
  • The URL a visitor was referred from

For example, we might know that someone using Internet Explorer 6.0 with an IP address of 207.422.281.51 came to us at 10:00 p.m. on March 19th from a specific sports website, stayed for 5 minutes and viewed our Home Page and Rule Book. This information does not identify you personally and it is not linked to any of your personal information such as your name or address.

Personal data is anything that identifies you personally, such as your:

  • Name
  • Address
  • Telephone number
  • E-mail address
  • User name

Aggregate data. Sometimes we combine personal data about our customers so we can learn more about them. For example, we might prepare a report analyzing how many of our customers live in the U.S. or how many have played more than 5 seasons. When we aggregate data, we never identify individual users � so we would report on how many people live in the U.S., but not who those individuals are.

How we collect information

There are a number of different ways that a web site can collect information. This section briefly describes these collection methods and how Sim Dynasty uses them.

Log Files are records that we create automatically when somebody visits our web site. Our log files only collect anonymous data; nothing in our log files identifies you personally. Although some web sites combine the information from their log files with personal data they collect about you, Sim Dynasty does not do this. We do not link any of the anonymous data from our log files with any personal data you provide to us.

Cookies are tiny text files placed onto your computer's hard drive when you visit a site. Most major web sites use cookies; they allow a site to recognize your computer when you return. It might help to think of a cookie as an ID number for your computer. A cookie file usually looks something like this: ID=62q3f585c17cd0748d8032gf0baf1eb3.

By themselves, cookies generally don't do much of anything. However, a web site can link the cookie on your machine to other information it has about you. Cookies can be very helpful, doing things like remembering your login ID and password, customizing the information you see on the site or remembering the address where you want orders delivered.

There are two types of cookies: first-party cookies and third-party cookies. When the site you visit places a cookie on your machine, it is a first-party cookie. Sometimes a web site hires another company to serve advertisements, count site visitors or operate a message board. If those other companies place cookies on your machine, they are third-party cookies.

In order to keep down the cost of owning a team, we may use outside companies to place banner ads on the Sim Dynasty site. These companies often use third-party cookies to help track and measure these advertisements. Sim Dynasty also uses first-party cookies to remember your ID and password; see below for more details on what we use first and third party cookies for.

Beacon GIFs are also known as 1x1 pixels, clear GIFs, web bugs and web beacons. Beacon GIFs are images on a web site that are downloaded from somewhere other than the site you're visiting. While you retrieve the image from this third-party web site, that site can record:

  • Your IP address
  • Your browser type
  • Any cookie the third-party site previously placed on your machine
  • The web page you are on
  • The image you are retrieving

The companies that serve our advertisements may uses beacon GIFs to help track and measure the ads they place; see below for more details on what they use beacon GIFs for.

Registration form. You must register to play Sim Dynasty. The form to do so asks for some mandatory information and other information that is optional. We require you to provide your name, e-mail address and Zip code. You must also select a user name and password. If you are joining a dynasty league that requires payment, we require the necessary information for your credit card or PayPal account. We also ask you for your address and telephone number, but this information is optional.

When you register, you can indicate whether or not you want to receive special offers or be contacted about league news. You also have the option to allow other members to see your e-mail address. Owners are only permitted to use these e-mail addresses for offering trades and other Sim Dynasty business. Any use of these addresses for anything other than Sim Dynasty business is strictly prohibited. Violators will receive one warning and then be expelled from the league. Please note that if you choose to reveal your information to other owners, Sim Dynasty is not responsible for violations of this policy. You can always update your contact preferences by visiting the Owner Profile page.

How we use information

Anonymous data is used to analyze traffic patterns and improve the site. We use it to learn what parts of the site are popular and which are not used often. We also study how many visitors we get so we can make sure we have enough bandwidth available to keep the site running quickly.

Aggregate data is used to understand the characteristics of our customer base so we can attract potential advertisers. We only tell the advertisers general information about our customers as a whole; your personal information is not shared with them. See below for more details.

First-party cookies are used by Sim Dynasty to remember your User ID while you move from page to page on the site; this allows us to identify which team you control. When you log in, Sim Dynasty offers to remember your login name and password so you don't have to retype that information every time you visit the site. If you allow Sim Dynasty to remember your login name and password, the cookie will stay on your computer; otherwise the cookie is deleted when you close your browser. We do not use our first-party cookies to track your activities on the Internet; we use them solely to make using our site more convenient.

Third-party cookies. The companies we use to place ads on our site may use a third-party cookie to track how many ads we present and how many people click on those ads. These cookies do not contain (or link to) any of your personal information and cannot be used to identify you individually.

Beacon GIFs . The companies we use to place ads on our site may use beacon GIFs in conjunction with their third-party cookie to track how many ads we present and how many people click on those ads. These beacon GIFs do not contain or link to any of your personal information and cannot be used to identify you individually.

Registration form . We use the information collected on our registration forms to set up and administer your account. If you sign up for a dynasty league, we will use the credit card or PayPal information you provide to bill you. We will use your e-mail address to send you updates about changes to our policies, to contact you if there is a problem with your account, or to respond to an e-mail you send to us.

Game play. We use your e-mail address to notify you if a player is injured or if you receive a trade offer. When you register you can indicate whether or not you want to receive these notices. You can always change your mind later by visiting the Owner Profile page.

Marketing offers. We will occasionally use your e-mail address to send you information on other products you might find interesting. If you prefer, when you register you can opt not to receive such e-mails by unchecking the box on the registration page. You can also opt-out of these e-mails at any time by visiting the Owner Profile page.

Who else has access to your information

Service providers are companies we hire to help us administer the Sim Dynasty web site. We may share your personal information with these companies, but they are only permitted to use your information for the service they provide. We may use service providers to host the Sim Dynasty web site, deliver e-mails to our customers, process credit card payments or serve ads on our web site.

Advertisers. In order to attract advertisers, we provide them with aggregate data about our web site visitors and customers. We never give an outside advertising company any of your personal information.

Other owners. During registration or by visiting the Owner Profile page, you can allow other owners to see your name and e-mail address. Owners are only allowed to use your e-mail address to make trades offers and conduct similar league business. This policy also applies to any personal information you post on the message board. Violators are not tolerated and will only receive one warning before being expelled from the league. Please note that if you choose to reveal your information to other owners, Sim Dynasty is not responsible for violations of this policy.

Exceptional circumstances. Following are a few special situations that may require us to release your personal information to a third party.

  • We may have to release your personal information in order to comply with judicial or other government subpoenas, warrants or orders.
  • If Sim Dynasty is sold or disposed of as a going concern, whether by merger, sale of assets or otherwise, our customer database would be sold as part of that transaction.
  • If a bank or government agency audits us, we may release your personal information to them.
  • We reserve the right to release personal information to law enforcement if necessary to investigate fraud or security violations, or if necessary for the investigation of a national emergency.

How to control the e-mails you receive from us

The My Profile page. Our customers are very important to us, and we give you full control over how we contact you. The Owner Profile page allows you to indicate whether you want other owners to see your e-mail address, if you want e-mail updates on player injuries and trade offers, and if you would like to receive occasional offers for other products you might find interesting.

Sim Dynasty updates. We use your e-mail address to send you updates about changes to our policies or to contact you if there is a problem with your account. You cannot opt-out of these important announcements while you are a member of Sim Dynasty. If you do not want to receive these e-mails you must cancel your account.

How to see and correct the information we have about you

You can see and change the information we have about you by visiting the Owner Profile page. Please note that certain information is required in order for you to participate in the game and for auditing and compliance purposes.

How we protect your information

When you enter your credit card information to pay for a dynasty league, we protect that information using Secure Socket Layer (SSL) encryption, which is recognized as an industry standard in encryption technology. After billing you, we delete your credit card number from our records so that it is not accidentally exposed or we store it in an off-line database that is not accessible through the Internet. Since the other data we collect is not particularly sensitive, we only use encryption when we are collecting payment.


No children under 13 are permitted to participate in Sim Dynasty.

Limits of responsibility. Please note that if you reveal your e-mail address to other members or reveal personal information about yourself on our message board, Sim Dynasty is not responsible for any inappropriate use of this information by other members. The Sim Dynasty site may contain links to other sites; please note we are not responsible for the privacy practices of any other sites.

Changes to our privacy policy will be posted on this site. We will never use your information in a manner that was not previously specified without obtaining your permission.

How to contact us. If you have questions about the Sim Dynasty site in general or this privacy policy in particular, please write to

Terms of use. During the course of play, you may have access to the e-mail address or other personal information of other owners. You are only allowed to use this information to make trades offers and conduct similar league business. This policy also applies to any personal information posted on the message board. In particular, you may not use other owners' information to send spam, chain letters, marketing offers, harassing messages, etc. Violators are not tolerated and will only receive one warning before being expelled from the league. Please note that if you choose to reveal your information to other owners, Sim Dynasty is not responsible for violations of this policy.

Third Party Advertising.
We use third-party advertising companies to serve ads when you visit our Web site. These companies may use aggregated information (not including your name, address, email address or telephone number) about your visits to this and other Web sites in order to provide advertisements about goods and services of interest to you. If you would like more information about this practice and to know your choices about not having this information used by these companies, click here.

Third Party Cookies. In the course of serving advertisements to this site, our third-party advertiser may place or recognize a unique .cookie. on your browser.

Other Site Policies

No Refunds.
Due to the nature of our business, we cannot give refunds for teams purchased in our pay leagues. If you are removed from a league for violating our site policies, you will not be given a refund. The reason for this policy is that if we didn't have it and you want out of a league for some reason, all you have to do is find a policy to violate and you'd get a refund for being a jerk.

Being an absentee owner effects the enjoyment of the other 15 owners in your league. For this reason, you may be removed without refund if you are inactive for more than 2 weeks in your league.

Message Board and Chat Privileges.
We have rules about conduct, particularly in our message boards and chat room. If you violate these rules, you may have your message board or chat privileges turned off yet remain in a league. These parts of the site are not considered central to the user experience and users will not be entitled to a refund if they have chat or message board privileges turned off.

Things that are forbidden include, but are not limited to:
Personal attacks, flaming, or threats of any kind
Racial or Sexual Harassment
Starting Controversial topics (including, but not limited to, politics and religion) that serve no purpose but to start an argument are not permitted.
Topics and posts in the "Sim Forums" should remain relevant to the game and forum; any personal discussions - or disagreements - should remain in "Other Stuff" or a league specific forum from which they arise.
Inappropriate, adult, or obscene content will not be allowed. Please realize that users come from many backgrounds and ages; teenage minors may be users on the site, other users may view or share teams and messages boards with family, and all owners have different standards of decency and obscenity.
Any image that could be construed as offensive or sexually suggestive can not be used as an Avatar. This policy applies for images posted in a league message board as well. If someone in your league could or does construe an image as sexually suggestive, it will not be permitted.
Spamming and other advertisements are not permitted. Established customers who wish to review, suggest or advise others on other sites or opportunities may not use inappropriate forums and should not use direct links or engage in unsolicited and/or unwanted advertisement or recruitment via the message boards. Other contact information such as email and U2U gained through SimDynasty may not be used for unrelated purposes.