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quite a season in the AL

July 08, 2017 at 10:05PM View BBCode

6 games left and 4 teams either tied for first or 1 game back - in looking at the schedule I figured I would have a shot, but then tanked against The Generals - one bad inning by each of my two top pitchers, coupled with my starting 2nd baseman being injured (his replacement went a lovely 0-16 down the stretch) - really hurt. Best of luck to Toronto and Cleveland - rep the AL well!

July 09, 2017 at 12:57AM View BBCode

Wow! Yeah, that game 162 was a real heartbreaker. If it's any consolation, your team really did battle it out in September. Until the final series, your team had swept all of the bottom 3 teams in the last month. In addition, your BAL squad took the final series against both my CLE team and Toronto's. The final series was bad, but really the 3 game sweep you suffered at the hands of KC was especially unlucky. I'd bet there weren't too many teams that suffered 2 losses while their offense scored 8+ runs in the game. Doing a quick glance of my team's losses, I managed to find 1 game we lost when we scored 9 and another when we scored 7. That's for the whole season though!!!

July 09, 2017 at 04:48PM View BBCode

Yep, KC owned me all year - especially playing at their ballpark where there big hitters swung from both cheeks.

what an interesting year - 765 at home and under 500 on the road - Wilkes and Brown both had banner years in what will probably be their swan song - and what a wacky year for Skidmore - coming off back to back Cy Youngs he kept running into big innings, a defensive lapse here, a walk there and then a 3 run homer... which sounds like Sanderson's entire career.. LOL

July 11, 2017 at 02:05AM View BBCode

Originally posted by maxthesax
Yep, KC owned me all year - especially playing at their ballpark where there big hitters swung from both cheeks.

what an interesting year - 765 at home and under 500 on the road - Wilkes and Brown both had banner years in what will probably be their swan song - and what a wacky year for Skidmore - coming off back to back Cy Youngs he kept running into big innings, a defensive lapse here, a walk there and then a 3 run homer... which sounds like Sanderson's entire career.. LOL

Got you beat. My other team in the Joe Medwick League had a crazy Home/Away difference in Winning Percentage. At home, we went 58-23 (.716). On the road, we went 30-51 (.370). I've checked the stats too; it was primarily due to 4 batters that had huge Home/Road splits. The pitching was really close to the same. What's crazy is while I do expect my Stadium settings to give my rosters an added boost at home, it isn't like I made my stadium extra small or anything that would result in a boost to the offense.

The sad thing is that I had noticed the split was really exaggerated relatively early in the season with the expectation that it would course correct during the rest of the season. I did notice we started playing a bit better on the road, and a bit worse at home, but overall it never reverted back to normal numbers. Shoot, if we had just gone .500 on the road, I would have been in the thick of a brutal playoff race between a 114 win, 104 win, and 100 win team.

As for your split which is relatively wider than typical, did you do any investigating into the culprits? Just taking a look at the guys you mentioned:

Wilkes - He was remarkably even between the 2. However, last year, he was much better at home than on the road. The 2 years before that, the reverse was true. He's a strange guy, but I love having guys like him that crush RHP. You might be right; he might retire. He will be terrible against LHP, but you've always platooned him there anyways. His 34OS season was a thing of beauty; I love it when things work out that way.

Brown - He was a bit better at home, but not enough to make much of an effect to your team's performance. Basically, less walks and less doubles. Even though Brown is older than Wilkes, I'd bet he holds off on retirement longer. He has better leadership, and like you noticed, his performance didn't fall off by much. However, he probably can't get away with losing too much off his Hitting Skills. You might have him return to you and just not play him as much.

Skidmore - BINGO! Skidmore was like a pitcher throwing in Coors every time he was on the road. That was a huge reason for your poor road performance. You're right about his poor luck too. Check out his OPS over the last 3 years: .647, .575, .661

.661 isn't bad. Definitely not bad enough to expect his ERA to go up by more than a whole run compared to the previous 2 seasons.

Sanderson - I hate ending up with guys like Sanderson. Not really the greatest of examples as Sanderson makes [url=]Randy Wegener[/url] look like Cy Young, but I do believe Wegener always looked better than he was bc he was low A+ Velocity with low B+ Control during his prime. I'd bet Sanderson is the same. Low A+ Velocity coupled with low B Control seems to normally be that imaginary breaking point which causes pitchers to look extra bad.

July 11, 2017 at 07:35PM View BBCode

Sanderson - I hate ending up with guys like Sanderson. Not really the greatest of examples as Sanderson makes Randy Wegener look like Cy Young, but I do believe Wegener always looked better than he was bc he was low A+ Velocity with low B+ Control during his prime. I'd bet Sanderson is the same. Low A+ Velocity coupled with low B Control seems to normally be that imaginary breaking point which causes pitchers to look extra bad.

you hit it right on the head - he's 93-61 - still, you'd think that a guy over 150 overall would have a career era under 5...

[Edited on 7-11-2017 by maxthesax]

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