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New Dynasty Vision

April 30, 2004 at 09:03PM View BBCode

I put in the latest code for Dynasty Vision - includes at least a few bugs, but we wanted to do some browser testing and compatability testing to see if it works out.

Also, I added something behind the scenes that you won't see... yet. I am internally tracking player service time now. Every game that he is on the roster for a game, he will get credited for 1 game of service. I'm not sure yet where I will use this (at the very least, for ROY eligibility) - but I thought I would at least start tracking it internally for future use.

[Edited on 4-30-2004 by tysonlowery]

April 30, 2004 at 09:08PM View BBCode

There are lots of things about this display that don't work yet. The players on the field are correct at the beginning of the game, but don't get updated; the stats are correct at the beginning but don't get updated; hits and errors don't work yet, and the roster display and due up are missing.

The basic structure is there, though, and it needs to be hit with as many platforms and browsers as you can get your hands on.


April 30, 2004 at 09:12PM View BBCode

Is this retro active or is it only in place for games that run from here on out...

I guess I could check for myself ;) but...

April 30, 2004 at 09:14PM View BBCode

Seems to work okay with the old boxscores - stats don't show up, but the rest looks pretty good.

April 30, 2004 at 09:17PM View BBCode

It isn't working for me, I don't think.

Mac OS 10.2, with mozilla 1.2.1

It could have something to do with my system being somewhat outdated.

April 30, 2004 at 09:17PM View BBCode

Hmm, when I load it in Mozilla 1.5, it doesn't do anything. The field shows up, and I can click the buttons and see the speed display, but there's no one on the field. Also, the box score text doesn't appear. Rain delay, maybe?

April 30, 2004 at 09:24PM View BBCode

What moov gets is pretty much what I am getting, when I click faster it just makes the out of town scoreboard run through the teams quicker (no scores showing for them)

Also their is a number "94" showing up where it seems the play-by-play should be (for the other game I looked at there was a # 107 or something)

April 30, 2004 at 09:26PM View BBCode

yeah, mine shows a 92 for the play by play.
the batter/pitchers names is kind of a dull red as well, and the text is slightly cut off at the bottom. Could do with a brighter color, other than that it's coming along nicely!

April 30, 2004 at 09:29PM View BBCode

Originally posted by geoffrey13
yeah, mine shows a 92 for the play by play.
the batter/pitchers names is kind of a dull red as well, and the text is slightly cut off at the bottom. Could do with a brighter color, other than that it's coming along nicely!

Umm.. they should be white. :(

Time to re-Netscape my system... <shudder>

April 30, 2004 at 09:31PM View BBCode

Originally posted by andrew
What moov gets is pretty much what I am getting, when I click faster it just makes the out of town scoreboard run through the teams quicker (no scores showing for them)

Also their is a number "94" showing up where it seems the play-by-play should be (for the other game I looked at there was a # 107 or something)

Netscape uses a very different DHTML model. The engine I'm using now pre-processes the play-by-play into an object array for my own sanity so I can process everything one way from there, but I might be getting the wrong object handles for Netscape.

I had to scrap many features because of Netscape incompatibilities... :(

April 30, 2004 at 10:05PM View BBCode

I'm running Mac OS 9.1 and it froze up using Internet Explorer and in Netscape, the field showed up but the game didn't run.

Are the faster, slower options supposed to show up?
They didn't show on either of the browsers I tried.

April 30, 2004 at 11:13PM View BBCode

Using Mozilla FireFox everything appears to load properly but only the only way I can see anything is happening is by watching the "Out of Town" scoreboards, which... incidentally... also cycle through my game. Should this happen?

April 30, 2004 at 11:49PM View BBCode

Pause doesn't work. When the game ends, I'd rather see the boxscore than the dynasty vision. I realize there's a button but that takes 2 seconds out of my life. The Fasteer, Slower, Pause and Show All buttons remain on the boxscore

The team logos are the old ones and they rarely change when they should.

Using the slowest setting, the entire game ran without loading completely. I have yet to see the Out of Town scoreboard

There seems to be a lot of work left. Will this be up in 2 weeks?

[Edited on 4-30-2004 by hobos]

May 01, 2004 at 02:55AM View BBCode

Originally posted by hobos
Pause doesn't work. When the game ends, I'd rather see the boxscore than the dynasty vision. I realize there's a button but that takes 2 seconds out of my life. The Fasteer, Slower, Pause and Show All buttons remain on the boxscore

The team logos are the old ones and they rarely change when they should.

Using the slowest setting, the entire game ran without loading completely. I have yet to see the Out of Town scoreboard

There seems to be a lot of work left. Will this be up in 2 weeks?

[Edited on 4-30-2004 by hobos]

Well, this is why we're moving it to beta now. Most of these things look fine on my side, but I don't have 20 PC's to hit it with.

The Pause button i not hooked up yet... I should have mentioned that...

The reason I left DynastyVision on the screen at the end of the game was because I was always missing the last play of the game. If most people hate it, I can make it go to the box score automatically.

Thank you for your help!

May 01, 2004 at 03:05AM View BBCode

Originally posted by jer2911
Using Mozilla FireFox everything appears to load properly but only the only way I can see anything is happening is by watching the "Out of Town" scoreboards, which... incidentally... also cycle through my game. Should this happen?

Yes, your own game appears on the out-of-town scoreboards. It lags about a half-inning behind DynastyVision.

May 01, 2004 at 03:06AM View BBCode

There's a bug where the home team's score on the out of town scoreboard is always 0; I've found it and it'll get fixed the next time I send updates to Tyson.


May 01, 2004 at 03:36AM View BBCode

Thanks for going through the extra effort to make DV work across browsers & platforms :)

May 01, 2004 at 04:44AM View BBCode

I found the bug that was keeping Netscape from starting the play-by-play... but now the Show All button hangs Netscape. Back to work...

May 01, 2004 at 04:47AM View BBCode

you aren't a employee? you shoudl get something for all this hard work, maybe a free league or something. Geez, keep up all the great work

May 01, 2004 at 04:50AM View BBCode

Where is the show all botton? I can't seem to find it for the life of me...

May 01, 2004 at 05:08AM View BBCode

Originally posted by andrew
Where is the show all botton? I can't seem to find it for the life of me...

It looks like this:


May 01, 2004 at 05:13AM View BBCode

Okay. It just doesn't work for me at all.

Is it something on my side that is keeping the DV from working at all? Because right now I am getting next to nothing.

May 01, 2004 at 06:13AM View BBCode

If you're using Netscape, wait 'till Tyson puts my latest file up.

May 01, 2004 at 02:55PM View BBCode

I'll put the latest file up late this afternoon.

Chris plays for free in all his leagues.

[Edited on 5-1-2004 by tysonlowery]

May 01, 2004 at 09:20PM View BBCode

It looks a little better for me, but it still doesn't work. I am still getting the nymbers where the play by play is suppost to be. Using Mozilla on a Mac.

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