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Schef in the Bronx

November 21, 2003 at 09:13PM View BBCode

no this isnt about my cousin, i just wanna know wut u guys think about scheffield going to the yankees. i think that he will go seeing that doc gooden, his uncle has a front office job there and that he wants to play for a winning team and the yanks will give him the money he wants. i think that he is a good fit in nyc cuz he is not rattled by the media like vlad guerrero might be.

November 21, 2003 at 09:31PM View BBCode

Originally posted by skierdude44
i think that he is a good fit in nyc cuz he is not rattled by the media like vlad guerrero might be.

Shef got run out of LA by the media so I don't know about him being a good media guy.

November 21, 2003 at 09:39PM View BBCode

I don't want him, I want Vlad!
Schefield is 34 and has just had a career year, so he could turn out to be a huge waste of money.

November 21, 2003 at 09:49PM View BBCode

Vlad is my favorite player. It would kill me to see him in a Yankees uniform. I really wish the Mets would go after him but they have no interest in him(morons). The Yankees can have Grandpa Gary. He'll break a hip soon anyway.

November 21, 2003 at 09:50PM View BBCode

no no, skier is right. not hated by media like bonds. vlad is kind of afraid of the media, and doesnt want to go to a big city (NY, Chicago, LA...) even san fran is kind of too much media for him

November 21, 2003 at 09:53PM View BBCode

Trust me the LA media hated Shef.

November 21, 2003 at 09:54PM View BBCode

he got run out of LA bcuz the team didnt wanna deal with the media attention surrounding him, with an owner like steinbrenner that is constantly bringing the media toward the team no matter who is playin or managing for him so i dont think that that would be a problem. yea scheffield's biggest draw back is his age but bernie is old and still productive as proven by his post season performance. how bout this we get vlad and scheffield move vlad to center, move bernie to dh and trade johnson for a reliever. well that would be in a perfect world:).

November 21, 2003 at 09:56PM View BBCode

wow I didn't know everyone cared...

November 21, 2003 at 10:17PM View BBCode

Sheffield is the constant, chronic malcontent. He brings big production, but you can pretty much guarantee that within a year or two he will start complaining about the situation he's in, at which point the media and fans will start to turn on him, management will decide they don't need the headache, and he'll be shipped off to some other location. As much crap as Bonds gets from the media and fans, one thing I don't hear is him complaining about things if the team is in a slump or is going to miss the postseason. Like any professional, he goes out and does his job and doesn't complain about the performance of those around him. Sheffield would be a welcome addition to a lot of teams because of his bat, but don't expect the honeymoon to last long, in New York or anywhere else.

November 21, 2003 at 10:28PM View BBCode

wait wait, i got it, how about the yankees sign every single good player out there, and then whoever isnt all star worthy can be traded for a reliever (since no good relievers are out there except rhodes, i think)

November 21, 2003 at 11:45PM View BBCode

I heard Gammons say that Sheffield is almost definately going to the Yankees. The Yankees are waiting for December 8th (something like that) to sign him so they won't have to give up a draft choice. I don't think you have to worry about Sheffield complaining about the team not making the playoffs, but he can't be much worse than David Wells morale-wise.

skierdude you pulled a happy

November 21, 2003 at 11:46PM View BBCode

it's spelled "Sheffield" not "Scheffield"

November 22, 2003 at 12:09AM View BBCode

well he isnt one of the two greatest of our time so it is not as bad. and happy there are quite a few good relievers out there, rhodes, guardado, foulke, and i think hawkins too. the yanks arent gonna sign him to a long term deal anyway so i dont think that it will be that BIG a deal. anyway they have had to deal with munson, jackson, martin and steinbrenner all at one time so he cant be that bad. and in munson's defense jackson had taken shots at him it wuznt like he started it. and yea sheffield and bonds are hated by the media and some is warranted and some isnt, we get a very skewed view of wut these guys are really like but im pretty sure that he is no saint. but yea he is pretty much a yankee and i think that they have everything he wants, his uncle, the money, a playoff contender, and the spot light which he seems to like.

November 22, 2003 at 01:07AM View BBCode

It's not that he's not a saint. For all I know Sheffield is a great guy in person. And it has nothing to do with "chemistry", whatever that is. It's that Sheffield is never satisfied with his situation. Things always start out well, and then they go downhill. And in two years, when he's not happy in New York and demanding a trade, then it will be a problem for the team.

November 22, 2003 at 01:51AM View BBCode

i dont know the length of the deal in the works but i cant imagine that it would be for very long considering he is 34, and he has a lot of value. chemistry is VERY overrated. today in the nyc media they r making a big deal over a kenyon martin-alonzo mourning spat that happened while reporters were in the locker room. the fact is it doesnt matter, kobe and shaq hate eachother of the court but on the court they can be best of friends especially when they r laughing and hugging their way to a three-peat. anyway if sheffield does demand a trade i think cashman can work something out to benefit the yanks and after last season sheffield has a lot of value. maybe his uncle, doc gooden, will have an impact on him too.

November 22, 2003 at 02:22AM View BBCode

the general relief market is as follows:
foulke, guardado, hasegawa, beck, hawkins, urbina, worrell, quantrill, dejean, benitez, alfonseco, franco, gordon, and mesa

i also stumbeld onto the following article:
"The star infielder Kazuo Matsui interests the Yankees and will begin negotiating with major league teams soon. In the meantime, the Yankees have met with Shingo Takatsu, the career saves leader in Japan."

November 22, 2003 at 04:11AM View BBCode

that is very interesting, i though that kaz matsui was a short stop. which means they may move soriano to center, bernie to DH, trade johnson and put kaz matsui at 2nd or move kaz to 3rd and trade boone. that is assuming that this goes down. i am very interested in this shinjo takatsu too.

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