Poll: best movie | |
the godfather | 14 |
on the water front | 0 |
good fellas | 3 |
the deer hunter | 0 |
platoon | 1 |
other | 21 |
August 18, 2003 at 09:34PM View formatted
August 18, 2003 at 09:48PM View BBCode
this poll has really surprised me i thought that there would b a lot more votes for every movie on the poll and less for other.August 18, 2003 at 09:59PM View BBCode
You're really surprised that ALL 5 of the movies you picked, all of which are very much different from each other and not at all the same in any way, would be picked less than all the other movies ever made in the history of film? That there are movies out there that don't involve wars or mobsters and that people ACTUALLY enjoy those movies? Wow.August 18, 2003 at 10:15PM View BBCode
no im surprised that those movies r considered classics and movies like punch drunk love come in b4 on the water front.August 18, 2003 at 10:51PM View BBCode
I'm surprised at a few of the choices. The Godfather is an obvious choice, although I thought Godfather II was better. Good Fellas is the same type of movie only not as good. On the Waterfront is considered a great movie I guess, but I wasn't that impressed. Platoon was the beginning of the re-emergence of the black war movie. It came out the same time as Full Metal Jacket and wasn't even as good. Hamburger Hill was even better. Compare it to Saving Private Ryan and We Were Soldiers and it pales to mediocre. The Deer Hunter was a great 2 hour movie. It is a shame they made it 3 hours long. That's not to say that long movies are inherently bad, but The Deer Hunter dragged through far too many sections of the movie. It is tough to list comedies as greatest movies too. So much of what you see today was done before and better the first time. Jim Carey has some talent, but when I watch much of his goofball comedy movies, he just looks like he's doing a bad, not so funny impression of Jerry Lewis.August 18, 2003 at 11:13PM View BBCode
There are too many good movies out there to have to pick, since alot of them depend on the mood you're in. I like the track Andrew's on, Fight Club and Memento are great movies, but so is Usual Suspects and American History X. Even liked Good Will Hunting.August 18, 2003 at 11:20PM View BBCode
i wuz thinking of full metal jacket but i couldnt remember the name. these r mainly my favorites. i like the godfather a little bettr than the godfather II. i think that they should have stopped with two godfather movies eventhough the third wuznt bad it wuz no where near the first two. most of these movies have also been ranked as the 50 greatest movies of all time. goodfellas made the list partly bcuz of that. im also a little bias since i love mafia movies but i think that all three mafia movies up there deserve to b there.August 18, 2003 at 11:38PM View BBCode
Skier dribbled: "u were talking about watching movies that hollywood tells u to then one of ur examples of a great movie is punch drunk love, an adam sandler movie that people watch bcuz adam sandler is in it. all u have proved is that u have retarded people working at blockbuster. and that u stood and counted the number of copies of the hot chick."August 18, 2003 at 11:44PM View BBCode
u have to admit atleast that there r retarded ppl working at ur blockbuster every1 knows citizen kane. and y in hell would there b more copies of the hot chick. i havent seen the hot chick and have no desire to see it.August 19, 2003 at 01:18AM View BBCode
hoho for the believer and lock stock.August 19, 2003 at 05:01AM View BBCode
Just to amend what I said:August 19, 2003 at 07:50PM View BBCode
I couldn't possibly find a movie with worse acting than the Hot Chick. I was just wondering what Punch Drunk Love is about. It got really bad reviews didn't it...Is it worth seing? Anyway Hollywood, about you being accused of seing Punch Drunk Love because it had Adam Sandler in it...I think you must be a Adam Sandler bandwagon fan. You just see his movies because everyone else does...Even though you gave good, logical reasons why you went to see the movie im still going to call you a bandwagon fan yet I dont know you personally. I have come to the conclusing based on absolutely nothing that you are a bandwagon fan... Im not into picking fights with people on this message board but isnt this simular to what you do to Yankee fans. Were not all bandwagon fans.August 19, 2003 at 07:56PM View BBCode
I earlier said Jerry Maguire but now that I think about I liked Shaft a little more, so I guess thats my new vote.August 19, 2003 at 09:48PM View BBCode
I watched Punch Drunk Love because I really want to like PT Anderson: Boogie Nights was really good, but Magnolia was so overblown and pretentious. Punch Drunk is somewhere in between: it's a pretty good little movie with good performances from Adam Sandler and Emily Watson and too brief roles for the always reliable Luis Guzman and Philip Seymour Hoffman. It's also just the slightest bit pretentious, but thankfully very short. In all, it was a harmless little bizarro romantic comedy that's worth seeing if you are just looking for something to occupy an evening.August 19, 2003 at 11:52PM View BBCode
God Schef, is that the best you've got?August 20, 2003 at 12:00AM View BBCode
Best moviesAugust 20, 2003 at 12:55AM View BBCode
ok oz then ur a pt anderson bandwagon fan. face it thats all the evidence u got against me and schef but u insist were bandwagon yankee fans so we are gonna b just as hard headed and claim ur a bandwagon fan when we have no evidence of that just like u have no evidence to prove us to b bandwagon fans.August 20, 2003 at 03:27AM View BBCode
rounders, lock stock and two hands are near the top of my list..... what about major league????.....August 20, 2003 at 06:10PM View BBCode
Skier: Bandwagon PT Anderson fan? How is that even possible? His movie's have barely broken even. That's like calling someone a bandwagon Colorado Rockies fan.August 20, 2003 at 06:22PM View BBCode
ok well since i had never even heard of pt anderson b4 this poll. secondly u said that the reason u saw it wuz pt anderson. really i dont kno y u go see a movie for the director mayb u can answer it hollywood. but anyway us calling u a bandwagon pt anderson fan or adam sandler fan makes about as much sense as u calling us bandwagon fans. personally most movies i see i dont even kno who the director is.August 20, 2003 at 07:30PM View BBCode
For one, how the heck is it even possible to be bandwagon on a director, even a good one? Its not. A director doesnt even fit the definition.
personally most movies i see i dont even kno who the director is.
August 20, 2003 at 07:47PM View BBCode
punch drunk love was a veryAugust 20, 2003 at 07:47PM View BBCode
"i wanna smash your face in