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August 11, 2003 at 07:45PM View formatted

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I was looking back at the news... and I saw that the NY Yankees sold out there team... to the baltimore spacers... They recieved one 2b man that has a rating of b+ one right fielder w/ B+ and a cf that has a b rating... what they got in return was a catcher with a c rating, a 1b with a c rating and cf that has a b- but he cant hit worth shit!!!! :mad: So does anyone else see this kinda crap going on?? Now baltimore is sitting 3rd while im stuck in 5th because he somehow traded his team up... Im starting to think this site is bullshit

August 11, 2003 at 07:48PM View BBCode

We'll take a look at it - if cheating did occur the teams will be banned.

August 11, 2003 at 08:03PM View BBCode

There isn't any evidence that these are the same person.

It looks to simply be a bad trade - one of the owners is actually in a few Dynasty leagues and I can't imagine he would waste his time trying to cheat. I think it was just the matter of someone more experienced taking advantage of a newbie in a trade. The owner who got shafted in the deal appears to have disappeared.

ok thanks

August 11, 2003 at 08:05PM View BBCode

thanks for looking into it at least

August 12, 2003 at 12:50PM View BBCode

yes he was definitly stupid....sorry about the trade...i told him a would give him my best SP mid way through the season i offered the trade but its been up there for a while so i just took it down

August 16, 2003 at 04:21AM View BBCode

Nice job of staying alert Tysme55. I can't say whether it was cheating or not but it sure looks like it. But even if its not Baltimore should be ashamed of themselves for even accepting such a lopsided deal.

Looking at NY's record it sure makes one wonder whether Baltimore is just using NY as a farmteam.

NY Anarchists

i know

August 16, 2003 at 05:03AM View BBCode

ya i hear you but the higher ups seem to disagree, i cant honestly believe that nyy can go 17 and 80.... wow, well let it go i guess i dont think ill be playin here next year so its cool

August 16, 2003 at 06:24PM View BBCode

Tne trading rule states:

Any attempt to cheat by making lopsided trades with another owner in your league is considered cheating and your team will be deleted from the site immediately.

Without a doubt Baltimore's attempted trade with NYY is lopsided and he should be displined if not booted according to the rule.

The problem is he is a paying customer in a dynasty league which I would imagine would make it harder to boot him.

NY Anarchists

August 16, 2003 at 06:56PM View BBCode

There is a difference between taking advantage of a dumb owner (what seems to have happened here) and signing up for 2 teams in the same league and using one team as a minor league squad. That is what the true definition of 'cheating' is. Big league teams make bad trades too but we don't say they cheated.

August 16, 2003 at 08:35PM View BBCode

Actually cheating is defined as:

Any attempt to cheat by making lopsided trades with another owner in your league is considered cheating and your team will be deleted from the site immediately.

That is proposing or accepting a lopsided trade which is what happened here. Technically the ridicoulous trade offers Baltimore has also sent me is cheating as it is an attempt to make a lopsided trade. But whats more troubling to me than breaking the defintion of games cheating system.

In an online game like this where cheating is so easy. It is every owners duty to preserve not only thier own integrity but the integrity of the league. Besides breaking the cheating rule, enganging Baltimoren owner has violated the integrity of our league by his unethical behavior.

I don't mean to sound overly harsh. But he knew this was a lopsided trade as he knew all the trade offers he sent out were ridicoulous and one-sided. Certainly his boastfull posts don't garner him much sympathy. But putting his posts aside he knew or should have known better.

NY Anarchists

August 17, 2003 at 09:37PM View BBCode

i dont cheat...and tysonlowery has the ip's of the people who signed he is dumb...and i proposed the deal...and i had a team go 30-132 and i saw another team go 22-142 in my dynasty league

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