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SI Jinx strikes again?!

March 07, 2005 at 06:40PM View BBCode

Last week Dee Brown of Illinois was on the cover of Sports Illustrated and this weekend the 29-0 Illini got knocked off by Ohio State, dashing their dreams of a perfect season.

Also on a somewhat unrelated note #3 Kentucky and #7 Kansas were both also upset. #2 UNC barely pulled out a win against #6 Duke at Chapel Hill (great game eventhough the Dukies lost).

March 07, 2005 at 07:25PM View BBCode

This whole "SI Jinx" has been referred to as a form of 'regression to the mean' by statisticians. In the latest example, Illinois was at an all time high. Statistically, they were due for a loss and they finally did lose, barely.

If you think about it, to get on the cover of SI you have to had done something fairly special. Therefore, it is not too surprising to have a decline after that.

In the case of team sports, they put one of the 4 LCS teams on the cover, say. That team loses, it is blamed on the 'SI Jinx'. That team had a 50/50 chance of losing. I think if you look back over the years, there really is not a jinx. It is merely odds.

March 07, 2005 at 07:54PM View BBCode

Originally posted by skierdude44
#2 UNC barely pulled out a win against #6 Duke at Chapel Hill (great game eventhough the Dukies lost).

You like Duke, too? Where does it stop? Christ, did you go around rooting for the lion in Ancient Rome?

March 07, 2005 at 08:29PM View BBCode

Yes, I like Duke. Jay Williams grew up in my town and he is the closest thing to a home town hero that we have so I root for him (when he played. hopefully he will play again) and his old team. I'll probably end up rooting for my school's star point guard's college team to when he decides where he is gonna go.

And I don't believe in the SI jinx. It is just a kind of cool coincidence. But yea your right, it shouldn't come as a complete shock because sooner or later the laws of probability will get you.

March 08, 2005 at 01:48AM View BBCode

This was one of the best non-tournament weekends in recent memory in college basketball. I don't remember seeing so many close games all at the same time during the regular season. Kansas-Missouri, Duke-Carolina, Texas-Oklahoma State (boo-yah), Kentucky-Florida, Arizona-Arizona State, Washington-Stanford, Wake Forest-North Carolina State and Ohio State-Illinois were all great games. Plus some of the small-conference tournament games were pretty entertaining, too. I ended up watching 6 whole games and parts of a lot of others. Should be a great tournament.

March 08, 2005 at 07:18PM View BBCode

Originally posted by whiskybear
You like Duke, too? Where does it stop? Christ, did you go around rooting for the lion in Ancient Rome?

I don't think there is anything wrong with liking a team that plays good, disciplined basketball, and wins because of it.

Yes, I too like Duke.

And also yes, this was a KICK-ASS college basketball weekend!

March 08, 2005 at 07:53PM View BBCode

Do you root for Duke's football team?

March 08, 2005 at 08:31PM View BBCode

Yea. I'll root for anything Duke. I don't know much about their football team (other than they are getting that kid, Greg Paulus i think his name is, next year who is supposed to be a stud) because they aren't on TV that much or at all really.

March 08, 2005 at 08:34PM View formatted

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Yeah, Greg Paulus is definitely the missing piece for Duke on the gridiron in 2005.

March 08, 2005 at 10:07PM View BBCode

When I finally, finally get elected supreme dictator of the human race (and the Lord knows I've earned it by now, but I have to wait for the rest of the world to catch up) there will be sports related things that will get you tossed into the can.

If you root for one college team in (football, basketball, water polo, etc.) and another college team in (football, basketball, low-gravity ice dancing, etc.) - you go to jail.

If you answer the question "so, how long have you been rooting for (team)?" with the answer, "since they first acquired (star player)" - yep, prison.

This has been covered before: if you root for more than 2 teams in any given sport, you go to the slammer. And honestly, if you do root for 2 teams, they damn well better be in different leagues, you'd better have a clear favorite, and you'd better believe my security forces will be following you every time you go into a convenience store and will be constantly pulling you over for trivial moving violations.

If anyone ever catches you rooting for some winning team in a sport after having clearly stated that you rooted for another team in the same sport about 5 years ago which was winning titles at the time but is now a pile of pig crap, they are allowed to first beat you about the head for 5 minutes before calling the police who will promptly take you off to the big house.

If every one of the teams you root for (in the sports you actually give a rat's ass about) are in completely different parts of the country, your neighbors are allowed to play loud music as late as they want, park their cars on your lawn, play baseball using your car as the backstop, turn their house into a crack den, or any other such related thing of their choosing.

I'm sure myself and my all-chimpanzee cabinet will think of many, many others.

March 09, 2005 at 01:25AM View BBCode

UC basketball and OSU football all the way. Jail me, baby.:cool:

March 09, 2005 at 01:41AM View BBCode

Furious, I like your views and agree with you on many of them. If you run for ruler of the world, you've got my vote.

The one I have a problem with is this:

Originally posted by FuriousGiorge
If every one of the teams you root for (in the sports you actually give a rat's ass about) are in completely different parts of the country, your neighbors are allowed to play loud music as late as they want, park their cars on your lawn, play baseball using your car as the backstop, turn their house into a crack den, or any other such related thing of their choosing.

The loophole is when you move from one area where your teams play (say the town you grew up in) to another part of the country. I just moved from Boston to San Francisco and it will be a cold day in hell before I root for anyone named Bonds or any team here. My friends and I are trying to come up with some way for me to get on sportscenter that involved harassing Barry Bonds at SBC Park without me getting beat up or put in jail. Anyway, I have already found the bars that show Red Sox and Patriots games and I'm looking into getting the MLB Extra Innings package so I can watch the Sox play. Does that excuse me from my neighbors playing Megadeath extra loud late at night while they deal crack to Pookie?

March 09, 2005 at 01:44AM View BBCode

No, you misunderstood. It's perfectly okay to root for all teams from one part of the country even though you live in another part. What's unacceptable is when you like a baseball team from California, a football team from Wisconsin, a basketball team from Texas and a college team from Florida.

March 09, 2005 at 02:03AM View BBCode

Originally posted by FuriousGiorge
No, you misunderstood. It's perfectly okay to root for all teams from one part of the country even though you live in another part. What's unacceptable is when you like a baseball team from California, a football team from Wisconsin, a basketball team from Texas and a college team from Florida.

Something missing, it's ok to root for the college that you went to, no matter where it is in relation to the pro teams that you like.

March 09, 2005 at 02:07AM View BBCode

Of course.

Damn it, you're making my dictator manifesto complicated!

March 09, 2005 at 02:40AM View BBCode


March 09, 2005 at 03:08AM View BBCode

How about this (an actual scenario I have to deal with):

My friend is from Connecticut but went to college at Boston College. He roots for both UConn and BC basketball teams. THEY ARE BOTH IN THE BIG EAST!!! I'm not sure if this is allowed because has an actual tie to both of them.

March 09, 2005 at 03:09AM View BBCode

Your rules make no sense. People can root for whoever they please.

March 09, 2005 at 03:24AM View BBCode

Griffel is right, you can like as many teams as you want!

March 09, 2005 at 03:35AM View BBCode

Originally posted by griffel
Your rules make no sense. People can root for whoever they please.

When I'm dictator of the world, words like this will get you a one way ticket to room 101.

As to the "rooting for two teams in the same conference" thing: I grew up near DC and used to root for Maryland when I was little. Then I went to Tech and even though I stopped rooting for Maryland I still sort of followed them and wanted them to do well. Now that we're in the ACC with them, however, they can go to hell.

[Edited on 3-9-2005 by FuriousGiorge]

March 09, 2005 at 05:46AM View BBCode

This has nothing to do with sports, but in your world dictatorship, I'd like to see a moratorium on the phrase "Hollywood movie." Violators will be stabbed to death with a DVD shard from a copy of "Gigli."

This should not apply to "Bollywood movie," because Indian women are fucking hot.

March 09, 2005 at 06:03AM View BBCode

Done and done. And Bollywood can stay, but Dollywood is gonna have to go.

March 10, 2005 at 11:47PM View BBCode

What about having a heirarchy of teams you root for? I'd never call myself anything but a Cubs fan, but I'll also root for anyone playing a rival of the Cubs, just for that game and that game only. I'll root for anyone who plays the Cards, and if the Brewers play the Pirates, I root for the team with the worse record.
Or if your team fails to make the postseason (us Chicagoans have plenty of experience here), you use that hierarchy to latch on to a team just for that postseason... You're not buying the t-shirt if they win, but makes the game more interesting without gambling (I'd need money to do that). I ended up rooting against the Pistons until they faced the Lakers, then for a week I cheered them on against LA... sort of a grudge against Phil Jackson that was stronger than my hate of the Pistons that goes back to the bad boys days... and that postseason was more fun for me then if, say, Minnesota had played New Jersey. Of course, the hate for Detroit was back as soon as the champagne was popped.

Anyways, the hierarchy always revolves around the team you're a fan of, and no other team. Don't most of us do that already?

March 11, 2005 at 01:39AM View BBCode

Waivers must be issued for the playoffs, because all of us---at least the ones without a dog in the fight---root for teams in the playoffs without counting oneself a fan.

I also root feverishly for any team playing the New York Yankees, even the dread A's and Rangers.

March 11, 2005 at 02:13AM View BBCode

Originally posted by FuriousGiorge
Originally posted by griffel
Your rules make no sense. People can root for whoever they please.

When I'm dictator of the world, words like this will get you a one way ticket to room 101.

As to the "rooting for two teams in the same conference" thing: I grew up near DC and used to root for Maryland when I was little. Then I went to Tech and even though I stopped rooting for Maryland I still sort of followed them and wanted them to do well. Now that we're in the ACC with them, however, they can go to hell.

[Edited on 3-9-2005 by FuriousGiorge]

Are you at war with Eastasia or Eurasia?

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