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Last game played: Tue Dec 03 04:00:01 PM Eastern Time
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*** SQLException caught ***
query: select team.*, city.*, league.*, owner.*, teamowner.*, if(to_days(now()) - to_days(teamowner_lastactive) >= 14 or teamowner_chaperone=1 or teamowner_commishlogin = 1 or (league_type = 'subscription' and (to_days(now()) - to_days(teamowner_validuntil) >= 7)), 1, 0) as commishlogin from team, city, league, owner, teamowner where city_id = team_city_id and team_league_id = 7676 and team_id = teamowner_team_id and owner_id = teamowner_owner_id and team_league_id = league_id and league_id = 7676 and teamowner_active = 1 and team_active >= 1 order by team_active asc, city_league asc, city_name asc
SQLState: S1000
Message: Operation not allowed for a result set of type ResultSet.TYPE_FORWARD_ONLY.
Vendor: 0