Sim Dynasty

League Information

Home Run Baker League
Last game played: Wed Apr 08 05:39:05 PM Eastern Time
League Schedule
League Rules

TeamOwner*PM   Email AddressTeam NotesLast ActiveOwner SinceRenewed?Renewal Status
  Boston Blue Claws thefixx27 thefixx27 (01-01-2000) 07-21-20191950No leaving
  Cleveland Steamers dtr_ckh3 None I could use a bat or two. (12-18-2008) 07-20-20091950No leaving
  Detroit Ruffians skyraider skyraider "Doc Sams and His Scalpel Quartet" (03-18-2009) 07-12-20201954Yes paid
  Kansas City Kings Hitnrun Hitnrun (01-01-2000) 05-15-20101950No leaving
  Minnesota Meteors hooty hooty (11-12-2008) 01-11-20111950No leaving
  New York Jukebox Junkies ambush ambush aka ambush (03-20-2009) 04-01-20191950No leaving
  Toronto Crimson Birds Rogerdoger Rogerdoger Rebuild underway - all vets available. (01-22-2009) 04-25-20141950No leaving
  Washington Hashers nbn_ckh3 None Please send all young pitching as soon as possible. Thanks. (07-22-2008) 08-17-20101950No leaving
  Arizona Scorpions udale None (01-01-2000) 04-07-20091950No leaving
  Chicago Cubs Dummy13 None Cubs now looking for vets os31 or younger (12-16-2008) 07-11-20121967No unknown
  Cincinnati Kluszewskis ShoelessWonder None (01-01-2000) 07-18-20111950No leaving
  Houston Unemployed Jughead None (01-01-2000) 10-16-20131950No undecided
  Montreal Expos Faceman None (01-01-2000) 04-10-20091950No leaving
  New York Technopolitans thatrogue thatrogue (01-01-2000) 02-12-20111950No leaving
  Philadelphia Guppies Leonard Leonard (01-01-2000) 03-31-20231950No leaving
  San Francisco Rice-A-Ronies maciu maciu Everyone on the major league roster is available. (09-05-2008) 01-20-20171950No leaving
*Click the link to send a private message to this owner.