Sim Dynasty

League Information

Jesse Burkett League
Last game played: Mon Sep 11 05:00:26 PM Eastern Time
League Schedule
League Rules

TeamOwner*PM   Email AddressTeam NotesLast ActiveOwner SinceRenewed?
  Anaheim Twins mrtwolff mrtwolff (07-14-2010) 09-14-20171999No
  Boston Bums Minions Minions (02-07-2017) 03-15-20182010No
  Cleveland LumberJax cardfan cardfan (01-21-2012) 05-13-20191963No
  Minnesota Norsemen reddogs reddogs All players available!! Will entertain ALL trade offers. Will accept the good ones. LOL (07-11-2016) 08-02-20202012No
  New York Punks rocker2 rocker2 Playoffs: 1969,1977,1978,1979,1980,1981,1982,1999,2001,2002,2003,2004,2005,2006 Pennants: 1978,1979,1980,1981,2004,2006 Championships: 1981,2004 (03-13-2015) 09-14-20171988Yes
  Seattle Sasquatch Lyrici17 Lyrici17 (05-11-2017) 02-23-20212013No
  Texas Tornado nimzovich nimzovich Under control of DynastyBot; trades are not currently being accepted. (07-31-2017) 09-14-20172021No
  Washington Generals Biggs21 Biggs21 (03-12-2011) 09-16-20172010No
  Brooklyn Trolley Dodgers NDPAF NDPAF (05-15-2006) 07-30-20211950Yes
  Chicago Colts cdunn3 None (11-17-2010) 08-31-20171950No
  Miami Terra Sol SIRKERRETH SIRKERRETH Season 11/1 If there was ever a time for a breakout season, this would be it! We're close anyway. (09-16-2017) 09-19-20172009No
  Milwaukee Stags 1950srobot 1950srobot (11-12-2015) 10-01-20172022Yes
  Pittsburgh Patriots canauscot canauscot (05-13-2009) 11-18-20171973No
  San Diego Raptors DynastyBot None Under control of DynastyBot; trades are not currently being accepted. (09-13-2017) 09-13-20172021No
  San Francisco ChickenRats Chickenfarmer Chickenfarmer (01-01-2000) 09-13-20172014Yes
  St. Louis Fury Kal-El Kal-El (11-14-2005) 12-28-20201950Yes
*Click the link to send a private message to this owner.