Sim Dynasty
Sim Dynasty

Rotation & Bullpen



Lineup Vs RHP | Lineup Vs LHP | Rotation & Bullpen | Minor League | Depth Chart | Backups Vs RHP | Backups Vs LHP
PitcherThrowsAgeOverallEnduranceVelocityControlHealthMentorWHIPERAEnergy  Pitching Role
Injured for 32 Jose FoutzR32A-A+B+A-1.302.64
George Clooney Randy GarberR30B+B+A+1.001.801st Starter
Joe Goon GigonR32A-B+B+C-1.365.962nd Starter
Bill ReissR21B+A-B+A---1.736.603rd Starter
Larry Christmas CarrollR30A-B+A-B+1.211.934th Starter
Bunny JohnstonR28A-B-A+C+D+1.242.145th Starter
Mike BrownR32C-A+B+D+D+1.919.82Middle Relief A
Billy DavisR26B+C-A-B-D---0.000.00Middle Relief B
Ed KnabeL32A-A+1.173.00Setup Man
Mike DeweyR34A-B+2.250.00Setup/Closer
Mike Tyson WalkupL24A-C+A+B-B---2.459.82Closer
Approximate SP Mentoring: Approximate RP Mentoring: C+
Players with light gray stats have fewer than 30 innings pitched.
PitcherThrowsAgeG GS W L SV BSCG ERIPKsBBHWHIPERAEnergy  Pitching Role
Injured for 32 Jose FoutzR324421001930.21712281.302.64
George Clooney Randy GarberR304411001630.0305251.001.801st Starter
Joe Goon GigonR3244030011725.2253321.365.962nd Starter
Bill ReissR2133120001115.0117191.736.603rd Starter
Larry Christmas CarrollR302211000314.093141.211.934th Starter
Bunny JohnstonR287020100521.0177191.242.145th Starter
Mike BrownR32310000087.174101.919.82Middle Relief A
Billy DavisR26100000000.10000.000.00Middle Relief B
Ed KnabeL32601102026.02251.173.00Setup Man
Mike DeweyR34300010002.22422.250.00Setup/Closer
Mike Tyson WalkupL24500120043.24542.459.82Closer
Approximate SP Mentoring: Approximate RP Mentoring: C+
PitcherThrowsAgeG IPKsBBHWHIPEnergy  Pitching Role
Injured for 32 Jose FoutzR32410.056121.80
George Clooney Randy GarberR3048.17291.321st Starter
Joe Goon GigonR3246.160101.582nd Starter
Bill ReissR2135.26331.063rd Starter
Larry Christmas CarrollR3021.10021.504th Starter
Bunny JohnstonR2876.03140.835th Starter
Mike BrownR3232.00232.50Middle Relief A
Billy DavisR2600.00000.00Middle Relief B
Ed KnabeL3230.10039.00Setup Man
Mike DeweyR3431.00112.00Setup/Closer
Mike Tyson WalkupL2410.10000.00Closer
Approximate SP Mentoring: Approximate RP Mentoring: C+
PitcherThrowsAgeG IPKsBBHWHIPEnergy  Pitching Role
Injured for 32 Jose FoutzR32420.2126161.06
George Clooney Randy GarberR30421.2233160.881st Starter
Joe Goon GigonR32419.1193221.292nd Starter
Bill ReissR2139.154162.143rd Starter
Larry Christmas CarrollR30212.293121.184th Starter
Bunny JohnstonR28715.0146151.405th Starter
Mike BrownR3235.17271.69Middle Relief A
Billy DavisR2610.10000.00Middle Relief B
Ed KnabeL3255.22220.71Setup Man
Mike DeweyR3431.22312.40Setup/Closer
Mike Tyson WalkupL2453.14542.70Closer
Approximate SP Mentoring: Approximate RP Mentoring: C+