Sim Dynasty
Sim Dynasty

Rotation & Bullpen



Lineup Vs RHP | Lineup Vs LHP | Rotation & Bullpen | Minor League | Depth Chart | Backups Vs RHP | Backups Vs LHP
PitcherThrowsAgeOverallEnduranceVelocityControlHealthMentorWHIPERAEnergy  Pitching Role
Whit PowersR25A-A+D+--0.932.631st Starter
Percy GomezL24A-B+A+--1.002.132nd Starter
Pedro RamosR31A-B+A-B-C+1.173.133rd Starter
Bob ButcherR32A-B+A+B-1.193.144th Starter
Bill FrinkR33B+B-A-B+B-1.204.345th Starter
Ed DaringerR35B-A-B-1.354.05Long Relief A
Hal WilsonL30B+D-B-B-1.200.00Long Relief B
Injured for 31 Otis HoerstR30A+B+B-1.583.62Middle Relief A
Dutch JataL32B+A-B-B-B+1.343.26Middle Relief B
Ed ShetroneR31A-B+A+D+B-1.544.61Closer
Approximate SP Mentoring: C+Approximate RP Mentoring:
Players with light gray stats have fewer than 30 innings pitched.
PitcherThrowsAgeG GS W L SV BSCG ERIPKsBBHWHIPERAEnergy  Pitching Role
Whit PowersR251010520022275.16413570.932.631st Starter
Percy GomezL241010520011876.06016601.002.132nd Starter
Pedro RamosR311010540022777.26723681.173.133rd Starter
Bob ButcherR3288410012057.14615531.193.144th Starter
Bill FrinkR3388150002347.23022351.204.345th Starter
Ed DaringerR356212000920.0126211.354.05Long Relief A
Hal WilsonL30200000001.21111.200.00Long Relief B
Injured for 31 Otis HoerstR30240321201332.13117341.583.62Middle Relief A
Dutch JataL3214021010719.1254221.343.26Middle Relief B
Ed ShetroneR31160011410713.2124171.544.61Closer
Approximate SP Mentoring: C+Approximate RP Mentoring:
PitcherThrowsAgeG IPKsBBHWHIPEnergy  Pitching Role
Whit PowersR251037.1276331.041st Starter
Percy GomezL241023.1216110.732nd Starter
Pedro RamosR311038.12712381.303rd Starter
Bob ButcherR32831.1237301.184th Starter
Bill FrinkR33825.11812181.185th Starter
Ed DaringerR35613.16591.05Long Relief A
Hal WilsonL3000.00000.00Long Relief B
Injured for 31 Otis HoerstR302215.21512171.85Middle Relief A
Dutch JataL32115.27230.88Middle Relief B
Ed ShetroneR31156.06381.83Closer
Approximate SP Mentoring: C+Approximate RP Mentoring:
PitcherThrowsAgeG IPKsBBHWHIPEnergy  Pitching Role
Whit PowersR251038.0377240.821st Starter
Percy GomezL241052.23910491.122nd Starter
Pedro RamosR311039.14011301.043rd Starter
Bob ButcherR32826.0238231.194th Starter
Bill FrinkR33822.11210171.215th Starter
Ed DaringerR3546.261121.95Long Relief A
Hal WilsonL3021.21111.20Long Relief B
Injured for 31 Otis HoerstR302316.2165171.32Middle Relief A
Dutch JataL321413.2182191.54Middle Relief B
Ed ShetroneR31157.26191.30Closer
Approximate SP Mentoring: C+Approximate RP Mentoring: