Sim Dynasty
Sim Dynasty

Rotation & Bullpen



Lineup Vs RHP | Lineup Vs LHP | Rotation & Bullpen | Minor League | Depth Chart | Backups Vs RHP | Backups Vs LHP
PitcherThrowsAgeOverallEnduranceVelocityControlHealthMentorWHIPERAEnergy  Pitching Role
Jim LilliquistR24B-A+B+B---1.036.521st Starter
Odell BowmanR29A-B+A+1.143.242nd Starter
Les WarwickR29A-A-A+D+D+1.927.563rd Starter
Lindsay WardR34A-B-A+B-A+1.001.504th Starter
Matt ScottL32A-B-A+B+B-1.767.945th Starter
Gaylord BlaylockR23A-A+D+--1.290.00Long Relief A
Javier SmithR26A-D+A+B+--1.250.00Long Relief B
Nap HartsL33A-C+B+B+C+1.005.14Middle Relief A
Ed SmalleyL34A-A-B+D+C-1.262.84Middle Relief B
Jim StankyL31A-C+A+B+1.809.00Setup Man
Approximate SP Mentoring: B-Approximate RP Mentoring: C+
Players with light gray stats have fewer than 30 innings pitched.
PitcherThrowsAgeG GS W L SV BSCG ERIPKsBBHWHIPERAEnergy  Pitching Role
Jim LilliquistR24221000079.28281.036.521st Starter
Odell BowmanR292220000616.2103161.143.242nd Starter
Les WarwickR29220100078.184121.927.563rd Starter
Lindsay WardR34110000016.06331.001.504th Starter
Matt ScottL32110000055.27551.767.945th Starter
Gaylord BlaylockR23200010002.12031.290.00Long Relief A
Javier SmithR26601020008.06551.250.00Long Relief B
Nap HartsL33501000047.01071.005.14Middle Relief A
Ed SmalleyL34400010026.18261.262.84Middle Relief B
Jim StankyL31301100055.01361.809.00Setup Man
Approximate SP Mentoring: B-Approximate RP Mentoring: C+
PitcherThrowsAgeG IPKsBBHWHIPEnergy  Pitching Role
Jim LilliquistR2425.05261.601st Starter
Odell BowmanR29210.18291.062nd Starter
Les WarwickR2925.03151.203rd Starter
Lindsay WardR3413.02110.674th Starter
Matt ScottL3210.20417.505th Starter
Gaylord BlaylockR2310.21011.50Long Relief A
Javier SmithR2663.02231.67Long Relief B
Nap HartsL3352.00021.00Middle Relief A
Ed SmalleyL3441.11133.00Middle Relief B
Jim StankyL3131.10111.50Setup Man
Approximate SP Mentoring: B-Approximate RP Mentoring: C+
PitcherThrowsAgeG IPKsBBHWHIPEnergy  Pitching Role
Jim LilliquistR2424.23020.431st Starter
Odell BowmanR2926.12171.262nd Starter
Les WarwickR2923.15373.003rd Starter
Lindsay WardR3413.04221.334th Starter
Matt ScottL3215.07141.005th Starter
Gaylord BlaylockR2321.21021.20Long Relief A
Javier SmithR2665.04321.00Long Relief B
Nap HartsL3355.01051.00Middle Relief A
Ed SmalleyL3435.07130.80Middle Relief B
Jim StankyL3133.21251.91Setup Man
Approximate SP Mentoring: B-Approximate RP Mentoring: C+