Sim Dynasty
Sim Dynasty

Rotation & Bullpen



Lineup Vs RHP | Lineup Vs LHP | Rotation & Bullpen | Minor League | Depth Chart | Backups Vs RHP | Backups Vs LHP
PitcherThrowsAgeOverallEnduranceVelocityControlHealthMentorWHIPERAEnergy  Pitching Role
Johnny "Baseball " RaganR32B-B+A+0.000.001st Starter
Hal "K" SouzaL34A-A+A+C-0.000.002nd Starter
Lou OntiverosR31A-A-A-D-B+0.000.003rd Starter
Bernie HollinsR27B+C+A-A---0.000.004th Starter
Ernie CookR29B+A-B+0.000.005th Starter
Bob HartsockR33B+C-B-0.000.00Long Relief A
Gene WardR33B+C-C-0.000.00Long Relief B
Terry FinneyR19B+D-C+C---0.000.00Middle Relief A
Ken RosenthalR32B+C-A-B-0.000.00Middle Relief B
John McClaneR23B+D+A-B+--0.000.00Setup Man
Bill NarleskiR27B+A-B+A+--0.000.00Closer
Approximate SP Mentoring: B-Approximate RP Mentoring: C+
Players with light gray stats have fewer than 30 innings pitched.
PitcherThrowsAgeG GS W L SV BSCG ERIPKsBBHWHIPERAEnergy  Pitching Role
Johnny "Baseball " RaganR32000000000.00000.000.001st Starter
Hal "K" SouzaL34000000000.00000.000.002nd Starter
Lou OntiverosR31000000000.00000.000.003rd Starter
Bernie HollinsR27000000000.00000.000.004th Starter
Ernie CookR29000000000.00000.000.005th Starter
Bob HartsockR33000000000.00000.000.00Long Relief A
Gene WardR33000000000.00000.000.00Long Relief B
Terry FinneyR19000000000.00000.000.00Middle Relief A
Ken RosenthalR32000000000.00000.000.00Middle Relief B
John McClaneR23000000000.00000.000.00Setup Man
Bill NarleskiR27000000000.00000.000.00Closer
Approximate SP Mentoring: B-Approximate RP Mentoring: C+
PitcherThrowsAgeG IPKsBBHWHIPEnergy  Pitching Role
Johnny "Baseball " RaganR3200.00000.001st Starter
Hal "K" SouzaL3400.00000.002nd Starter
Lou OntiverosR3100.00000.003rd Starter
Bernie HollinsR2700.00000.004th Starter
Ernie CookR2900.00000.005th Starter
Bob HartsockR3300.00000.00Long Relief A
Gene WardR3300.00000.00Long Relief B
Terry FinneyR1900.00000.00Middle Relief A
Ken RosenthalR3200.00000.00Middle Relief B
John McClaneR2300.00000.00Setup Man
Bill NarleskiR2700.00000.00Closer
Approximate SP Mentoring: B-Approximate RP Mentoring: C+
PitcherThrowsAgeG IPKsBBHWHIPEnergy  Pitching Role
Johnny "Baseball " RaganR3200.00000.001st Starter
Hal "K" SouzaL3400.00000.002nd Starter
Lou OntiverosR3100.00000.003rd Starter
Bernie HollinsR2700.00000.004th Starter
Ernie CookR2900.00000.005th Starter
Bob HartsockR3300.00000.00Long Relief A
Gene WardR3300.00000.00Long Relief B
Terry FinneyR1900.00000.00Middle Relief A
Ken RosenthalR3200.00000.00Middle Relief B
John McClaneR2300.00000.00Setup Man
Bill NarleskiR2700.00000.00Closer
Approximate SP Mentoring: B-Approximate RP Mentoring: C+