Sim Dynasty
Sim Dynasty

Rotation & Bullpen



Lineup Vs RHP | Lineup Vs LHP | Rotation & Bullpen | Minor League | Depth Chart | Backups Vs RHP | Backups Vs LHP
PitcherThrowsAgeOverallEnduranceVelocityControlHealthMentorWHIPERAEnergy  Pitching Role
Injured for 6 Buck ValleR35B+A+B+D+A+1.153.97
Juan RhemL30A-A+D+C+1.082.951st Starter
Chris WarnerR28A-A+B-D+1.445.402nd Starter
Steve GilesL33A-C+A-B+C+D+1.505.793rd Starter
Henry BrosnanR36B+A-A-B-1.234.024th Starter
Shigetoshi FontenotR32C-A+B+C+C+1.303.905th Starter
Cy CastilloL26A-D+B+A---1.386.92Long Relief B
Gary YoungR29B+A-B+A-1.465.60Middle Relief A
Jerry MorrisR26B+C+A+--1.705.87Middle Relief B
Joe StaehleL27B+B+--1.806.35Setup Man
Approximate SP Mentoring: Approximate RP Mentoring: D+
Players with light gray stats have fewer than 30 innings pitched.
PitcherThrowsAgeG GS W L SV BSCG ERIPKsBBHWHIPERAEnergy  Pitching Role
Injured for 6 Buck ValleR3577160012147.23213421.153.97
Juan RhemL301010520022473.17118611.082.951st Starter
Chris WarnerR2888330023050.04115571.445.402nd Starter
Steve GilesL3388150003046.23620501.505.793rd Starter
Henry BrosnanR3677330012147.03420381.234.024th Starter
Shigetoshi FontenotR32162100001227.21211251.303.905th Starter
Cy CastilloL26110110001013.063151.386.92Long Relief B
Gary YoungR29270031101727.12410301.465.60Middle Relief A
Jerry MorrisR26801101057.260131.705.87Middle Relief B
Joe StaehleL27240023402028.12112391.806.35Setup Man
Approximate SP Mentoring: Approximate RP Mentoring: D+
PitcherThrowsAgeG IPKsBBHWHIPEnergy  Pitching Role
Injured for 6 Buck ValleR35723.2205191.01
Juan RhemL301018.2156161.181st Starter
Chris WarnerR28827.1228241.172nd Starter
Steve GilesL33810.2112141.503rd Starter
Henry BrosnanR36724.11912141.074th Starter
Shigetoshi FontenotR321514.26490.895th Starter
Cy CastilloL2693.24030.82Long Relief B
Gary YoungR292413.2128171.83Middle Relief A
Jerry MorrisR2673.25030.82Middle Relief B
Joe StaehleL27216.253101.95Setup Man
Approximate SP Mentoring: Approximate RP Mentoring: D+
PitcherThrowsAgeG IPKsBBHWHIPEnergy  Pitching Role
Injured for 6 Buck ValleR35724.0128231.29
Juan RhemL301054.25612451.041st Starter
Chris WarnerR28822.2197331.762nd Starter
Steve GilesL33836.02518361.503rd Starter
Henry BrosnanR36722.2158241.414th Starter
Shigetoshi FontenotR321513.067161.775th Starter
Cy CastilloL26119.123121.61Long Relief B
Gary YoungR292513.2122131.10Middle Relief A
Jerry MorrisR2684.010102.50Middle Relief B
Joe StaehleL272421.2169291.75Setup Man
Approximate SP Mentoring: Approximate RP Mentoring: D+