Sim Dynasty
Sim Dynasty

Rotation & Bullpen



Lineup Vs RHP | Lineup Vs LHP | Rotation & Bullpen | Minor League | Depth Chart | Backups Vs RHP | Backups Vs LHP
PitcherThrowsAgeOverallEnduranceVelocityControlHealthMentorWHIPERAEnergy  Pitching Role
Rick ParksR33A-A+D-D+1.122.951st Starter
Dixie MachadoR36A-B+A-C+1.052.542nd Starter
Ron AllieR32A-A-A+B-B-D+1.223.293rd Starter
Jeff RowanR33A-A+A+C+D+1.707.254th Starter
Bill JonesR31B+A-B+A-2.047.475th Starter
Ben McAleerR33A-D+B+B-1.031.69Long Relief A
Al EricksonL36A-B+A-B-1.503.86Long Relief B
Travis McMillanL29B+D+A+C+1.848.71Middle Relief A
Harry PagelR32B+D-B+1.503.38Middle Relief B
Jack SumnerR36B+2.198.76Setup Man
Approximate SP Mentoring: B-Approximate RP Mentoring:
Players with light gray stats have fewer than 30 innings pitched.
PitcherThrowsAgeG GS W L SV BSCG ERIPKsBBHWHIPERAEnergy  Pitching Role
Rick ParksR3355120001236.22912291.122.951st Starter
Dixie MachadoR3655300001139.03718231.052.542nd Starter
Ron AllieR3255320031541.03818321.223.293rd Starter
Jeff RowanR3344030001822.1185331.707.254th Starter
Bill JonesR3133020001315.2137252.047.475th Starter
Ben McAleerR339000000210.213291.031.69Long Relief A
Al EricksonL36500100024.22161.503.86Long Relief B
Travis McMillanL29120000101010.1117121.848.71Middle Relief A
Harry PagelR32200100012.21041.503.38Middle Relief B
Jack SumnerR36120132101212.1104232.198.76Setup Man
Approximate SP Mentoring: B-Approximate RP Mentoring:
PitcherThrowsAgeG IPKsBBHWHIPEnergy  Pitching Role
Rick ParksR33515.297131.281st Starter
Dixie MachadoR36513.010691.152nd Starter
Ron AllieR32515.11310121.433rd Starter
Jeff RowanR33410.261171.694th Starter
Bill JonesR3137.144101.915th Starter
Ben McAleerR3384.27020.43Long Relief A
Al EricksonL3631.01011.00Long Relief B
Travis McMillanL2951.21100.60Middle Relief A
Harry PagelR3210.0002  ∞  Middle Relief B
Jack SumnerR36106.042132.50Setup Man
Approximate SP Mentoring: B-Approximate RP Mentoring:
PitcherThrowsAgeG IPKsBBHWHIPEnergy  Pitching Role
Rick ParksR33521.0205161.001st Starter
Dixie MachadoR36526.02712141.002nd Starter
Ron AllieR32525.2258201.093rd Starter
Jeff RowanR33411.2124161.714th Starter
Bill JonesR3138.193152.165th Starter
Ben McAleerR3396.06271.50Long Relief A
Al EricksonL3653.21151.64Long Relief B
Travis McMillanL29128.2106122.08Middle Relief A
Harry PagelR3222.21020.75Middle Relief B
Jack SumnerR36106.162101.89Setup Man
Approximate SP Mentoring: B-Approximate RP Mentoring: