Sim Dynasty
Sim Dynasty

Rotation & Bullpen



Lineup Vs RHP | Lineup Vs LHP | Rotation & Bullpen | Minor League | Depth Chart | Backups Vs RHP | Backups Vs LHP
PitcherThrowsAgeOverallEnduranceVelocityControlHealthMentorWHIPERAEnergy  Pitching Role
Injured for 17 Juice GossageL34A-B+C-B+1.314.46
Christy CanyonR34A-B+B+C-1.303.071st Starter
Doc SanchezR32A-A+A-B+D+D+1.494.542nd Starter
Jeb RomneyR28A-C+A+B-C+C-1.666.933rd Starter
Bill StocksdaleR37B+B-1.311.734th Starter
Henry McHenryR30A-A+D+0.992.635th Starter
Doc HollywoodR34B+C+A+B-D+D+1.157.27Long Relief B
Mike McCreadyL36B+B+A-C+1.894.98Middle Relief A
Steve ShirleyR30B+C-A+C+B+C-1.436.43Middle Relief B
Jim SlapnickaR32A-A+B-2.096.55Setup Man
Injured for 9 Ben McEntireR34A-C+A+1.352.20Closer
Approximate SP Mentoring: Approximate RP Mentoring: B-
Players with light gray stats have fewer than 30 innings pitched.
PitcherThrowsAgeG GS W L SV BSCG ERIPKsBBHWHIPERAEnergy  Pitching Role
Injured for 17 Juice GossageL3455220001734.12216291.314.46
Christy CanyonR3477520011544.02713441.303.071st Starter
Doc SanchezR3277130002141.23718441.494.542nd Starter
Jeb RomneyR2866120001924.2239321.666.933rd Starter
Bill StocksdaleR374411000526.02617171.311.734th Starter
Henry McHenryR3011121000827.1225220.992.635th Starter
Doc HollywoodR34601000078.26191.157.27Long Relief B
Mike McCreadyL36140120001221.21410311.894.98Middle Relief A
Steve ShirleyR30500010057.08371.436.43Middle Relief B
Jim SlapnickaR3210001000811.0114192.096.55Setup Man
Injured for 9 Ben McEntireR3416011310416.1159131.352.20Closer
Approximate SP Mentoring: Approximate RP Mentoring: B-
PitcherThrowsAgeG IPKsBBHWHIPEnergy  Pitching Role
Injured for 17 Juice GossageL3436.04551.67
Christy CanyonR34724.01310271.541st Starter
Doc SanchezR32725.12712231.382nd Starter
Jeb RomneyR2868.275152.313rd Starter
Bill StocksdaleR37410.29951.314th Starter
Henry McHenryR301111.172131.325th Starter
Doc HollywoodR3464.02141.25Long Relief B
Mike McCreadyL36134.221102.36Middle Relief A
Steve ShirleyR3053.25251.91Middle Relief B
Jim SlapnickaR3295.263102.29Setup Man
Injured for 9 Ben McEntireR34149.18450.96Closer
Approximate SP Mentoring: Approximate RP Mentoring: B-
PitcherThrowsAgeG IPKsBBHWHIPEnergy  Pitching Role
Injured for 17 Juice GossageL34528.11811241.24
Christy CanyonR34720.0143171.001st Starter
Doc SanchezR32716.1106211.652nd Starter
Jeb RomneyR28616.0164171.313rd Starter
Bill StocksdaleR37415.1178121.304th Starter
Henry McHenryR30916.015390.755th Starter
Doc HollywoodR3454.24051.07Long Relief B
Mike McCreadyL361317.0129211.76Middle Relief A
Steve ShirleyR3043.13120.90Middle Relief B
Jim SlapnickaR3285.15191.88Setup Man
Injured for 9 Ben McEntireR34147.07581.86Closer
Approximate SP Mentoring: Approximate RP Mentoring: B-