Sim Dynasty
Sim Dynasty

Lineup vs Left-Handed PitchingLHP

select bstats_runs, bstats_hsbs, bstats_cs, bstats_errors, bstats_singles as bss_singles, bstats_doubles as bss_doubles, bstats_triples as bss_triples, bstats_homeruns as bss_homeruns, bstats_walks as bss_walks, bstats_ab as bss_ab, bstats_games as bss_games, bstats_hbps as bss_hbps, bstats_hsfs as bss_hsfs, bstats_strikeouts as bss_strikeouts, bstats_rbis as bss_rbis from batterstats where bstats_type = 0 and bstats_tp_id = 2067216 and bstats_year = 1986 *** SQLException caught *** SQLState: S1000 Message: Illegal operation on empty result set. Vendor: 0