Sim Dynasty
Sim Dynasty

Owner Statistics

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Act?LeagueTeamGPDLeague YearFirst YearLast YearLeague TypeWinsLossesPctSeasonsAll-StarsRookies of the YearFiremenCy Young AwardsMost Valuable Player Awards100 Loss SeasonsPlayoff AppearancesWorld Series AppearancesWorld ChampionshipsPrestige 
Not Active Joe Jackson LeagueToronto0206220002040defunct35953047.541411984871041662374.8
Not Active Cool Papa Bell LeagueMilwaukee3206119872029subscription32663701.46943117744613952128.5
Not Active Willie Stargell LeagueCleveland0201120042011defunct421713.3717500004000-36.2
Not Active Speaker Wilson LeagueArizona3203119701972dynasty176310.3623200002000-17.4
Not Active Keller Stargell LeagueMinnesota3202919701974dynasty480330.5935170010041049.0
Not Active Brett Butler LeagueArizona0203020202021defunct150174.46326000000003.6
Not Active Mel Ott LeagueSan Francisco3206920192022dynasty271377.4184511001000-4.6
Not Active Dale Murphy LeagueColorado3205020312046defunct11961396.46116302001111019.0
Per League1194.41256.0.48715.
Per Season79.083.0.4871.

*If a team is missing or the years are wrong for one of your teams, please choose Show All Teams above to find the instructions for submitting corrections.
This will also allow you to see if a missing team is truly missing, or just has the wrong years resulting in no standings records.