Sim Dynasty
Sim Dynasty

Owner Statistics

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Act?LeagueTeamGPDLeague YearFirst YearLast YearLeague TypeWinsLossesPctSeasonsAll-StarsRookies of the YearFiremenCy Young AwardsMost Valuable Player Awards100 Loss SeasonsPlayoff AppearancesWorld Series AppearancesWorld ChampionshipsPrestige 
Not Active Orlando Cepeda League (AA)Detroit9220620102011defunct155169.47823000000001.6
Not Active Goose Goslin LeagueMiami3206519532016dynasty53035066.5116419817997111542339.7
Not Active Tris Speaker LeagueSeattle0202120002017defunct12781638.43818526132720025.0
Not Active Cesar Cedeno LeagueTampa Bay3207520062010dynasty294516.3635210003000-27.2
Not Active Catfish Hunter LeagueOakland6206920292032defunct330318.5094140001000017.2
Not Active Barry Zito LeagueOakland6210220012003subscription189297.3893601002000-8.8
Active Goose Goslin LeagueSt. Louis3206520282065dynasty31212874.521371184125491032214.7
Active Keller Stargell LeagueSan Francisco3202920132029dynasty13471245.52016311111373280.2
Active Cool Papa Bell LeagueSan Francisco3206120482061subscription9711135.46113152200211111.6
Per League1443.11473.1.49518.
Per Season80.281.8.4951.

*If a team is missing or the years are wrong for one of your teams, please choose Show All Teams above to find the instructions for submitting corrections.
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