Sim Dynasty
Sim Dynasty

Owner Statistics

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Act?LeagueTeamGPDLeague YearFirst YearLast YearLeague TypeWinsLossesPctSeasonsAll-StarsRookies of the YearFiremenCy Young AwardsMost Valuable Player Awards100 Loss SeasonsPlayoff AppearancesWorld Series AppearancesWorld ChampionshipsPrestige 
Not Active Babe Ruth LeagueToronto9218720192123defunct80598955.474105330139162034341810460.4
Not Active Al Simmons LeagueLos Angeles0202019681969defunct147177.4542100000000-2.0
Not Active Hank Greenberg LeagueArizona9207319742021defunct34774299.447487833321263113.8
Not Active Mike Schmidt LeagueNew York12233419922005subscription12481021.55014540100250087.7
Not Active Juan Marichal LeagueChicago9208120022020defunct16191462.52519683200340096.7
Not Active Andy Messersmith LeagueSan Francisco9210119561970defunct11461284.47215426010022159.2
Not Active Orlando Cepeda League (AA)Chicago9220620512058defunct649647.5018312113131054.2
Not Active Graig Nettles LeagueMilwaukee12219320482080defunct26042742.48733622533642179.2
Not Active Andy Messersmith LeagueAnaheim9210119921997defunct477495.4916112010110015.2
Not Active Original Gibson Feller LeagueToronto9204419902019defunct25352325.522301021655101685224.0
Per League2196.12340.7.48428.
Per Season78.483.6.4841.

*If a team is missing or the years are wrong for one of your teams, please choose Show All Teams above to find the instructions for submitting corrections.
This will also allow you to see if a missing team is truly missing, or just has the wrong years resulting in no standings records.