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anyone want to deal with boston??

May 15, 2005 at 12:04AM View BBCode

i offered a legitimate trade -- 4 for 1 (granted for a very good pitcher).

even if it was the most lobsided offer in the world -- it doesn't deserve a response:
"kiss me
I like to kissed when I"m getting f'd"

boston -- i am sorry you have joined this league -- i hope you get all the respect you deserve.

May 15, 2005 at 02:30AM View BBCode

That is an incredibly sorry response, but not unprecedented.

Something similar happened to me days after the initial draft. I got so put off, I haven't really played this team for the last two seasons. The draft was so ridiculously hitter heavy, and then it seems there are a few owners who are trying to hoard all the youth . . . it makes for an impossible trading climate. It's really hard to make trades for pitching that both sides will consider fair, but of course, that's no excuse for rude comments.

I'm playing out the string in the ASL. Maybe turnover will be good for the league's activity, but after seeing this post, the prospects don't look too good.

May 15, 2005 at 03:14PM View BBCode

What a liar
The trade was for the top rated SP in the league and it was for 3 players
B- SP (his 5th starter)
an OF (like who doesn't have enough OFers?)
and the 217th rated player in the league (I have 2 2B higher rated than him)

There was NO 4th player involved
the dude was tryign to get the best SP froma newbie for 3 players he has no use for, thinking he could pull a fast one on someone not familiar with the league (lots of hitters, very little pitching) and don't like the fact that I called him on it
Now the crybaby is looking for sympathy on a message board
grow up already

May 15, 2005 at 06:49PM View BBCode

:puzzled::puzzled: Anybody want to explain?

May 15, 2005 at 08:01PM View BBCode

Keep tryin to make a deal Boys - and while I admit the Celtics response sounds a bit harsh the deal (as stated by Boston) does sound a bit like "trying to fleece the newbie". I am more concerned by AlsoBroken's post, a lame duck owner at the start of the year doesn't sound promising.

May 16, 2005 at 11:44AM View BBCode

fleecing isn't my intention. take a look back at posts in this league and other boards -- i am always willing to help newer players or anyone with questions. i take no pride in a bad deal.

the only other thing i will say about the trade. inall honestly i made it in good faith as a starting point for trade discussions. i had unreturned messages from the other owner and so had to guess about what he was looking for. if popular opinion is that it wasn't a good offer, then i must be wrong, and it was a good move to decline.

jesse james is obviousely coming with guns (and mouth) blazing. i am just helping get his tough guy persona out in the open ;)

besides, if he doesn't like anyone's offer, at least he's offering free love as a consolation.

play ball!

[Edited on 5-16-2005 by Triplet_Dad]

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