March 17, 2005 at 03:28AM View BBCode
I feel my team is way too young at least way too many guys to train in the minors. I am hoping to pull off some trades and really surprised I have had no takers on any so far.March 21, 2005 at 06:06AM View BBCode
I guess I need to make myself clearer on this:March 21, 2005 at 12:08PM View BBCode
Maybe you should have been clearer I didn't know Frank Turner was in your minors and i didn't know he was available for a (B+) relief pitcher.March 21, 2005 at 02:56PM View BBCode
Well Bruno, the weasels and I have been going back and forth over Adam Dunn since the WS. And I decided to take him for a Frank Turner. If you think I could have gotten more for Frank--then you should sit in my shoes. the only trade offers I have been given are for Rankin Walker--no other offers. Plus, I think I did good on getting a B+ RP to replace Richie.March 21, 2005 at 05:10PM View BBCode
I should had never make this trade between Mulholland and Turner. It was a newbie mistake. I was thinking that a C+ velocity wasn't so bad if it was add with a B+ control and I was wrong, unless you pitcher is young. Bob is too old to get very much higher with a lot of chance he will be a B/B+ but he just turn on B- and he's 26 and his endurance C-... Turner can get higher... I didn't know that it was possible to switch players postition so easily... Turner will be my first base... it's a gonna take 5 or 6 months to him to convert which is ok... I was upset against me all past season to had trading him for less that he worth but, at least, I won the World Series;)March 21, 2005 at 07:08PM View BBCode
Yeah, you can't complain about winning the WS. It is nice to see Adam Dunn return to PIT where he started.March 21, 2005 at 07:14PM View BBCode
B0S0xR0x,March 22, 2005 at 02:37AM View BBCode
Sorry if I sound critical, i'm in no position to give advice I've been rebuilding for 5 years now and my team is still bad. But one thing I have learned is everybody wants your youngsters and you can't get in that I'm tired of losing mode I wanna win now because that is when you make mistakes. Dunn will help you a little short term but Turner is going to be a Stud. Dunn is what he is and isn't going to get any better. Good luck Pitt i do sympathize cause I get trade offers almost daily for my good young pitchers and its nothing that will help me. Let me see what i can ofer you.March 22, 2005 at 04:17AM View BBCode
I'm not so sure Turner is going to be a stud. He'll be 26 this next off-season so his best years of improvements are beyond him. His righthander power rating is just a B and I doubt it will ever get better than a B+. He only batted .258 with 10 HR's. Also, the 135 games he played last season will probably be as high as he ever gets, so you've got to have a capable backup to spot him.Pages: 1