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March 15, 2005 at 05:28PM View BBCode

Wow! It really is dissapointing to look at how some of my young guys improved.

Joe Gilhooley, 24yo rookie 1B last season, had 8 successful improves in PvsR, but only 2, 5, and 3 in the other 3 hitting categories. Speed, arm, and range went up 8,11, and 7 though, so those are nice.

Bill Wells, 25yo rookie 2B, had 2, 5, 0, and 3 in the 4 hitting categories. Range, his worst ability which resulted in 41 errors last season, improved with 2 successful improves out of 2 chances. Why only 2 chances in range while arm had 12 chances and CvsL had 13 chances?!? At least all 12 chances in arm were successful so maybe there'll be less throwing errors this season.

Hank Augustine, 22yo rookie SS, had 1, 2, 3, and 3 in the 4 hitting categories. Speed and arm went up 10 and 11, while range improved on 5 of 8 chances. Again, bad range last year resulted in 51 errors, but he gets just 8 chances there compared to 13 in CvsL, and 17 in arm.

I was really expecting much better range improvements for these guys, but for some reason the chances were skewed away from that category?

I know these guys were all decent enough hitters that they wouldn't get incredibly high improvements, but the way hitting improvements have been lately it's almost impossible for that team playing all 22-25 yo guys to ever get above mediocre.

And don't even get me started on pitcher improvements! :lol:

March 15, 2005 at 11:20PM View BBCode

Yes. It's quite a bummer. With all those young guys I was playing, I thought I would see more of a difference:

Take a look at the young guys who played for KC last season

Damaska 26 SP V1C2E2
Porto 24 SP V2C2E3
Montgomery 26 SP V2C3E0
Velazquez 23 SP V1C5E1
Clarke 28 SP V0C1E0
Makowski 28 RP V0C2E1
Thesenga 28 RP V1C1E2
Bildilli 23 RP V1C0E0
stahl 21 RP V1C1E0

nieto 28 1B P3C1P1C0S2A0R1 8
adams 26 2B P2R1P3C0S1A1R0 8
leon 28 SS P2R2P0C0S1A2R0 7
porter 25 LF P2C5P3C4S5A4R2 25 (didn't play for me)
gammons 25 CF P3C1P1C2S3A5R2 17
merson 27 RF P2R1P1C1S2A1R2 10

pretty hopeless.

March 15, 2005 at 11:30PM View BBCode

I did ok with improvements. My pitching didn't improve at all, but some of my hitters did ok.

Cathey - 26 improvements
Shea - 21 improvements
Pirkl - 14 improvements
Winfield - 14 improvements
Hogan - 13 improvements

So, not to shabby.

March 16, 2005 at 03:09AM View BBCode

just what we wanted to hear Meat---the rich get richer

[Edited on 3-16-2005 by postal99]

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