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January 27, 2017 at 03:54AM View BBCode

Part 1: Evaluating Talent

This is how I value attributes for each position and a brief reason why. The overall philosophy on how I like to build my team is simple: Agility Rules. With all things being equal, games are won or lost on dodged tackles. I like to build my team (and my coaching strategy) to dodge as many tackles as possible and give up as few dodged tackles as possible. I doubt any of this is groundbreaking information but there are differences in how people evaluate talent so just wanted to share how I dot it:

QB - ThrA > ThrP > EXE > AGI > BKT > AGR (low)
I want an accurate QB (ThrA) who can make the correct throw (EXE) and avoid pressure (AGI/BKT).

Nothing special here, just a RB with solid physical tools

WR - AGI > Catch > SPD > JMP > BKT
Like I mentioned before, I like dodged tackles. Ideally my top 3 WR will be A or better in Agility (dodge), Catch (catch), and Speed (make dodged tackles gain more YAC). Broken tackles seem to lead to significantly less YAC and are also harder to accomplish so I don't really care about them as much.

TE - Catch > PBK > RBK > AGI > SPD > STR
TE is my safety net. I'd like a high catch so he can scoop up those checkdowns. It's rare to find a high AGI/SPD TE that can also block and catch so this is the one receiving position I don't care as much about dodging tackles.

OL - PBK > RBK > STR > AGI (not for C, obviously) > EXE
One of the few positions I actually look at Execution rating but it's more of a nice-to-have. Give me a strong blocker with solid physical tools with D- EXE and he'll start for me.

DT - STR > TKL > RCov > AGI
Stop the run is the first priority, get to the QB is the second priority.


In my opinion, you want your best run stopping LB lined up over the TE for several reasons. One, that side has an extra blocker (the TE) and two, most "end runs" are to the right. This applies to either shotgun or 4-3.

The reason I want my best pass defending LB on the weak side is for zone coverages. This reasoning probably is more "real football" related than SIM related since I obviously have no idea how the algorithm determines why exactly passes are complete vs. incomplete. However, from playing around a bit, I feel like having your best Pass Coverage LB in the WOLB role is beneficial because it helps take away the short pass to either the TE/RB (and SR, if the other team is in Shotgun). It might not but I seem to get the best results with that setup.

As for your struggles against slot receivers, totally understand it. The short/medium pass is easily the most difficult play to stop. Get a team who throws short dink-and-dunk passes to A+ agility receivers and it's damn near impossible to get them off the field. Here is what I THINK is the best way to defend it:

1. Trot out a high agility defense. Like I mentioned, SS and MLB are responsible for about 80% of the missed tackles so prioritize that attribute for them. In the 4-2-5 defense, the SS becomes even more important since there is no MLB.

2. High agility defense will stop the dodged tackles but it won't stop you from being eaten alive by completions. I think the SIM determines complete/incomplete as much by Team Ratings as Individual matchup ratings. So moving your top CB to the Nickle will help but it won't do the trick on it's own. The key is to stack your team with high Pass Coverage ratings. From my experience this greatly reduces QB accuracy, regardless of who the pass is delivered to. So, having your top CB shadow the other team's top WR helps, but if you have A/A+ pass coverage across your entire secondary and B+/A- at your WOLB position, I think you'll see the completion percentage drop drastically. Especially for those short throws, having a SS and WOLB with high pass coverage ratings (positions where many people opt for run stuffers instead) will be impactful.

This is the only position I wouldn't assign a hierarchy of skills. The best combo of STR/TKL/RCov/AGI gets the job.

MLB - AGI > RCov > STR > TKL
Dodged tackles. They primarily come from MLB and SS so having high AGI at those positions is a must. A- Agility at a minimum. The other 3 attributes are fairly even after agility.

OLB - STR > TKL > AGI > RCov
These are my "get to the QB" guys. Sam-Will blitz is probably the best defensive play in SimD, if not overused. I want linebackers who can get to the QB on the blitz. Best PCov LB gets WOLB and best RCov gets SOLB.

CB - PCov > SPD > AGI > JMP
Solid tackling would be a bonus but not critical. Give me good coverage guys (A minimum PCov) with good physical tools and I'm happy.

FS - PCov > AGI > SPD > JMP > TKL
Like CB, I want solid pass coverage but since they are also in on many tackles, the difference is prioritizing AGI over SPD and adding Tackle as a more necessary attribute.

SS - AGI > PCov > RCov > TKL > STR > SPD > JMP
Agility is the most important since SS is the primary culprit of dodged tackles. In fact, I'd rather have a SS with A+ agility and B- everything else than A+ in everything but a B- in agility.

[Edited on 1-27-2017 by GrubDawg]

January 30, 2017 at 04:03PM View BBCode

I'm pretty much 100% on board with all you said here. Spot on.

January 30, 2017 at 09:14PM View BBCode

On my recievers I want speed and agility as high as possible and will do with the extra dropped pass. Of course this scheme can cost against a strong secondary is you don't take the time to adjust the match ups.

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