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Congrats imalbundy2

September 09, 2016 at 08:14PM View BBCode

Witnessing a dynasty? Very likely! Have you seen his depth chart? Whoa! It will take an incredible year for anyone to overtake the Liopleurodon!


September 10, 2016 at 02:00AM View BBCode

Congrats on the World Series win!!

PS: I totally agree with micktissue; that roster is super impressive.

September 10, 2016 at 06:23AM View BBCode

Congrats LA. Close games throughout. You've got a great team there.

September 13, 2016 at 03:44PM View BBCode

Thanks gentlemen. Appreciate the kudos for the roster but notice ABE hasn't allowed any of my pitchers to reach A overall.

No need to congratulate the WS though. ABE is a dik when it comes to playoffs. Had disgraceful playoff exits in CCL after a 3-0 first round lead, and in DML and CYL where my team was outscored in 4 out of 7 WS games by drastically inferior teams where their top SP would have been my number 4 at best - DML was really bad. Don't see that team even making the playoffs this season.

Looking for a halfway decent backup C in case ABE decides to injure my A+ health catcher again.

September 13, 2016 at 03:58PM View BBCode can y'all continue 2 congrat dis guy afta a response like dat...........nuthin' like pourin' cold wata on a congratz from yo peerz.............iz there a point 2 whinin' when u win?????..............Ok COMPTON will play............congratz bundy..........way 2 go u da ABE screwed u in victory 2..............2 bad those guyz didn't becum A playaz..........go bundy go...................COMPTON

September 13, 2016 at 04:04PM View BBCode

I saw you on line when I made my post.

Was hoping for a response like that.



September 13, 2016 at 04:06PM View BBCode

COMPTON doubtz dat............but COMPTON would wanna save face 2 afta doin' dat.............good luck 2 u...............COMPTON

September 13, 2016 at 04:21PM View BBCode

doubt me all you want. you were already here when i logged in BEFORE i made my post.

at this moment you are either logged out or you finally hid yourself.

good luck to you as well.

September 14, 2016 at 02:47AM View BBCode

I need a translation ...

September 14, 2016 at 03:16AM View BBCode

All I heard was, whhha wwwwwaaa waaaaaa wwwwaaaaa wwwwaaaaa

September 14, 2016 at 03:37PM View BBCode

yeah, i heard that too but i think he meant the eBoNiX.

September 14, 2016 at 07:39PM View BBCode

COMPTON may not b well liked.........but bundy it would b unlikely da waaaah wuz fo COMPTON......u got dat corna marketed fo actin' like a baby.......if it weren't fo dat u actually have decent teamz an decent strategy makin u a notewothy opponent..........but u play sim like da woman who lookz hot until she openz her mouth an what comez outta her mouth it ruinz all da hotness......eitha way play how u play..........u wanna b dat way itz ur rite 2 do it........personally COMPTON don't thinkit da best look but itz ur life............COMPTON

September 16, 2016 at 02:18AM View BBCode

um....dude.....i wrote "I heard that too" which was self deprecating humor in reference to the waaaahhhs.

and OBVIOUSLY i was writing about "I need a translation" for the second part.

you really should think before you post.

September 16, 2016 at 02:42AM View BBCode

maybe COMPTON should act juss like u up in here................maybe all those mature guyz would take 2 a mini bundy up in here cryin' an complainin' bout go knowz what.............then turnin it round and blamin it on ABE..............COMPTON could do dat............wonda if sim could handle mo than 1................COMPTON

September 16, 2016 at 11:55PM View BBCode



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