January 07, 2016 at 06:24AM View BBCode
My division didn't end up at all like the formulas predicted but I landed in a pretty crazy division. They're all pretty competitive except for the AFC South which looks like Joey's domain by default
January 07, 2016 at 06:33AM View BBCode
Going to check on this --- The North makes no logical sense ---
There is balance in the conferences and each division has at least 2 or 3 solid teams. The AC south also should have had Ten. joey calculated the results similar to mine.
January 07, 2016 at 06:49AM View BBCode
Definitely a flaw in the formula, at least from what Admin said would happen. Tennessee, Denver, Indy, St Louis all should have went to there preferred division.
[Edited on 1-7-2016 by JoeyMac08]
January 07, 2016 at 07:39AM View BBCode
What we may have missed I see 3 teams filled the west before Stl. then when the north had their 2 teams or 3 Stl came in before it can call division preference as the 4th team.
I like the way it turned out. Looking at each sched plenty of nice matchups.
Don't under estimate the AC south either -- there are good rosters needing just minor play changes.
I see a Win/Min rivalry gone but a terrific Stl/Win one starting.
Cue Vs Trax 2 times is no longer but then we have the play offs.
and then the cueball-scififan-nydru-prideco(on the way up) will result in some bitter face offs.
geo has his hands full with 3 let alone facing joey-apar-zim-bobr-nyco-max-groov and other AC-ers each year. And the list will go on.
+++Update ++++ Looking closely at the results I see the cities were grouped by close proximity to one another -- for example Ind is really just miles from Chic - STL and Ten are in no mans land and from what I see DIV pref is given very high priority to teams in the extremes of the map. We will for curiosity follow up on this.
[Edited on 1-7-2016 by geosfreddy]
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