Why does ABE hate...
July 07, 2015 at 07:57AM View BBCode
... young loaded teams????
It seems to me that when push comes to shove the player rating mean nothing late in the regular season and in the playoffs.
If there is an "experience factor" built into the SIM then just let us all know about it, but seriously I have a team that can't beat napkins (dramatically collapsing in the stretch) and according to ABE they are far and away the best team in the AL.
I have seen this time and time again... CIN in the MRL has limited championships even though he has had the absolute best built team for almost a decade, and in the CYL SD was by far the best built squad for 18 seasons and won just 3 titles.
The recurring theme is that when the playoffs come around, it doesn't matter how good your team is or how well you did against your opponent, if the other team has veterans players (even out of their prime) YOU WILL LOSE!!!
So please SD tell us, what is the message? If this is all "random" or "coin flips" why do young stacked teams fare so poorly? Is it an unwritten demand of the SIM that you MUST carry vets? Please enlighten us, because I am damn sick of building teams that should make 9 straight WS that have to struggle to grab a wild card spot. And I am really damn sick of seeing teams that own their league by 20+ games getting handled easily in the playoffs.
Realism is rarely what comes of the "SIM". I am in two leagues an quite honestly the "SIM" seems to think it knows much better than history on the field. This fact has very honestly kept me from joining additional leagues.
[Edited on 7-7-2015 by ruggs26]
[Edited on 7-7-2015 by ruggs26]
July 07, 2015 at 02:51PM View BBCode
there is no experience factor. age (great or small) has no impact on any playing calculation in the sim. young teams beat older teams all the time. young teams lose to older teams all the time. the smaller the sample size (ie 7 games vs 162, for instance) the greater chance the 'wrong' team will win.
July 07, 2015 at 03:53PM View BBCode
Originally posted by ruggs26
in the CYL SD was by far the best built squad for 18 seasons and won just 3 titles.
The recurring theme is that when the playoffs come around, it doesn't matter how good your team is or how well you did against your opponent, if the other team has veterans players (even out of their prime) YOU WILL LOSE!!!
So SD had the best built squad for 18 seasons and didn't have veteran players ? This doesn't seem likely to me.
The playoffs are 7 games so, as DD points out, the likelihood of random results ie: the "inferior team" winning four games, is greatly increased .
There is no veteran bonus, the ratings create the results and when you only get to play, at most, seven games then those results can easily be skewed.
July 07, 2015 at 05:39PM View BBCode
I have noticed that teams with low health players seem to not have as good of winning record durning the season as a team with alot of A health players .Reason why I say this low health team has to use its bench players more durning the season where better health team does not. Durning the play-offs a low health team doesn't have use it bench players as much so the starters play every game in play-offs.I have not done any research into this but something I have noticed
July 07, 2015 at 07:49PM View BBCode
I have noticed - and there are exceptions, certainly, and I have no empirical data - but it does seem that ABE tends to favor teams who have been to the postseason/World Series over teams that are there for the first time.
Perhaps it is merely that the managers of teams repeating the postseason experience have learned how to better tweak their preferences....?
July 07, 2015 at 08:26PM View BBCode
ABE does not 'favour' anyone. the action of one team winning or losing is not evidence of ABE 'favouring' one team over the other. even if teams with more playoff appearances win more often in the playoffs, which no one has even even gathered data for so far as I know, it doesn't mean that ABE 'favours' those teams. correlation is not causation.
the ONLY inputs into any game calculation are the ratings of the players involved. manager preferences can be managed by owners to create favourable matchups or situations, but that has nothing to do with ABE and does not in any way change the ratings of the players when the calculations are made.
July 07, 2015 at 09:26PM View BBCode
Originally posted by dirtdevil
ABE does not 'favour' anyone. the action of one team winning or losing is not evidence of ABE 'favouring' one team over the other.
Unless bundy is involved of course :)
July 08, 2015 at 02:22AM View BBCode
[rem]laugh evilly
July 08, 2015 at 05:52AM View BBCode
i'm fully on board the conspiracy bus with the veteran's bump, and not just in October. it's not impossible that there are parts of the game code that we don't know about, and it's fun to dream. It seems like a 37 year old dude with like B/A- skills after declines puts up near-prime numbers kind of often while a 24 year old around the same grades hits .220.
July 08, 2015 at 12:34PM View BBCode
DD would disagree, but then I do throw the BS flag on DD's stance!
I do agree with chance... and there may be some benefit to his thought. A team with tons of talent and low health may not produce W/L wise in the regular season, but during the playoffs there are enough built in off days where this simply is not a factor. This could be the reason second place teams win more than we think they should against division winners.
But as for DD... BS FLAG!!!
July 08, 2015 at 12:41PM View BBCode
Originally posted by ballmark
I have noticed - and there are exceptions, certainly, and I have no empirical data - but it does seem that ABE tends to favor teams who have been to the postseason/World Series over teams that are there for the first time.
Perhaps it is merely that the managers of teams repeating the postseason experience have learned how to better tweak their preferences....?
The MRL (which you are now part of) BAL (under the former owner not the current) won WS titles in multiple seasons where he should not have been even thinking playoffs (one season I think he even had 3 SP with green endurance and a shaky pen). But that particular franchise seems "blessed" in the MRL.
Hell at one point I think his 3B was paper plates and his C was spork... but yet he hammered out a few titles.
July 08, 2015 at 01:21PM View BBCode
Originally posted by ruggs26
I do agree with chance... and there may be some benefit to his thought. A team with tons of talent and low health may not produce W/L wise in the regular season, but during the playoffs there are enough built in off days where this simply is not a factor. This could be the reason second place teams win more than we think they should against division winners.
this is absolutely true. it's a known factor and has been for years. it's one reason why some people don't downgrade players for low health.
Originally posted by ruggs26
DD would disagree, but then I do throw the BS flag on DD's stance!
But as for DD... BS FLAG!!!
hey, we live in a democracy. everyone has a complete right to be wrong. if this is the time you choose to exercise that right, be my guest. conspiracy theories can be a fun way to pass time. just understand that you are, in point of fact, wrong.
July 08, 2015 at 01:29PM View BBCode
Originally posted by dirtdevil
Originally posted by ruggs26
I do agree with chance... and there may be some benefit to his thought. A team with tons of talent and low health may not produce W/L wise in the regular season, but during the playoffs there are enough built in off days where this simply is not a factor. This could be the reason second place teams win more than we think they should against division winners.
this is absolutely true. it's a known factor and has been for years. it's one reason why some people don't downgrade players for low health.
Originally posted by ruggs26
DD would disagree, but then I do throw the BS flag on DD's stance!
But as for DD... BS FLAG!!!
hey, we live in a democracy. everyone has a complete right to be wrong. if this is the time you choose to exercise that right, be my guest. conspiracy theories can be a fun way to pass time. just understand that you are, in point of fact, wrong.
I believe everything gummit tells me too... not.
Keep living in your SD dream world where everything is perfect according to you!
Oh and yes you are right... you have every right to be WRONG!
[Edited on 7-8-2015 by ruggs26]
July 08, 2015 at 01:39PM View BBCode
no one is saying everything is perfect. there are lots of things about the sim that aren't. what we're saying is that the only input into any competitive calculation in the sim are the ratings of the players. that's it.
at the time the batter/pitcher outcome is being calculated ABE doesn't even know how old either player is. or who their owner is. or which team has been in the playoffs before. or which owner has more teams on the site. or which player has the cooler nickname. or what the owners had for dinner last week.
nothing is relevant to any calculated outcome other than the player ratings. that's it.
July 08, 2015 at 01:42PM View BBCode
Oh and BTW, my teams are loaded with lower rated heath players so you can take your "I know better than you" tone and stick it.
The argument here is 34OS B+ players CONSTANTLY OUT PERFORMING 27OS A- players at every turn.
Let's face it... Mike Trout would be a total disappointment in SD until he was OS30.
I don't devote my life to SD but I will say that in 312 SIM seasons I have seen 1, count it ONE stud (A overall when drafted at OS23, and he wasn't mine) get drafted and dominate a league. 1 in 312 seasons. All the other monsters have simply been great for a handful of seasons (always OS30-35) and then they retire.
Simply put, in SD young talent is not rewarded and declines at OS34 are far too dramatic.
There is some tweaking that needs done to make this SIM "realistic".
July 08, 2015 at 02:07PM View BBCode
"at the time the batter/pitcher outcome is being calculated ABE doesn't even know how old either player is."
REALLY? You expect everyone to believe that?
Another BS flag... yes ABE does AND HE SHOULD... my point which seems to be lost in your head is that ABE gives way too much weight to that circumstance.
That is just about the most naïve thing I will hear this week, and I answer 911 calls for a living. I bet you are someone who calls 911 when you need to leave your car on the street overnight, because potentially getting a $5 parking ticket is an emergency to you... You are a brainwashed troll...
Seriously late season/post-season collapses in SD are more predictable than the tide! Hell I called mine in the first 15 games in the CYL! FLAT CALLED IT!!!!
Carry on!
[Edited on 7-8-2015 by ruggs26]
[Edited on 7-8-2015 by ruggs26]
[Edited on 7-8-2015 by ruggs26]
Sorry for so many edits... I am a little type ! about that shit!
[Edited on 7-8-2015 by ruggs26]
July 08, 2015 at 02:39PM View BBCode
Originally posted by ruggs26
Oh and BTW, my teams are loaded with lower rated heath players so you can take your "I know better than you" tone and stick it.
I made no comment at all on your players. or mine. or anyone else's. I'm just relaying facts. I'm not sure why that upsets you, other than the facts are in direct opposition to your opinion.
The argument here is 34OS B+ players CONSTANTLY OUT PERFORMING 27OS A- players at every turn.
ok, well one, overall grade is a completely useless way to evaluate hitters and two, over time the better players will always perform better. again, age is not relevant to that.
Let's face it... Mike Trout would be a total disappointment in SD until he was OS30.
mike trout is a once-in-a-generation (or three generations) player. he is an extreme outlier in mlb, where most players have their peak years around OS27. he's actually a better example of how SD is 'unrealistic' because there are lot more SD player performing like Mike Trout in their early 20's here than there have ever been in SD.
I don't devote my life to SD but I will say that in 312 SIM seasons I have seen 1, count it ONE stud (A overall when drafted at OS23, and he wasn't mine) get drafted and dominate a league. 1 in 312 seasons. All the other monsters have simply been great for a handful of seasons (always OS30-35) and then they retire.
that's just simply wrong. I once had [url=] this guy[/url], for instance. drafted at A-/A+ at 17, played immediately in the majors in a loss-penalty league. his team won 58 games his first year. he won 20 of them. he was dominant from OS 18 to OS 36. so now you've seen two. there are tons more, if you care to see them. I doubt you do though, because you don't seem to enjoy being given facts that disprove your emotional reaction.
Simply put, in SD young talent is not rewarded and declines at OS34 are far too dramatic.
simply put, you're wrong.
There is some tweaking that needs done to make this SIM "realistic".
absolutely there is. it's just that this area is not one of them.
July 08, 2015 at 02:46PM View BBCode
Originally posted by ruggs26
"at the time the batter/pitcher outcome is being calculated ABE doesn't even know how old either player is."
REALLY? You expect everyone to believe that?
people can believe what they want to believe. I'm just telling you what's true.
Another BS flag... yes ABE does AND HE SHOULD... my point which seems to be lost in your head is that ABE gives way too much weight to that circumstance.
I'm having a bit of trouble following your thought process, probably because I left my tinfoil hat in the car this morning. you seem to be saying that ABE does take age into account during a pitcher/batter calculation and that he gives too much weight to that factor. if that is what you're saying, and I have to assume that it is because you keep saying it, you are wrong. since ABE gives that factor no weight at all in that calculation he can't possibly weight it too heavily. you're reacting to this issue subjectively and you are incorrect.
That is just about the most naïve thing I will hear this week, and I answer 911 calls for a living. I bet you are someone who calls 911 when you need to leave your car on the street overnight, because potentially getting a $5 parking ticket is an emergency to you... You are a brainwashed troll...
I've never called 911 in my life. I hope to never have to. as to the rest, I'm sorry you don't like what the facts are in relation to your fantasy problem. but they are what they are and calling me names won't change that.
July 08, 2015 at 03:03PM View BBCode
Originally posted by ruggs26
"at the time the batter/pitcher outcome is being calculated ABE doesn't even know how old either player is."
REALLY? You expect everyone to believe that?
ruggs, of all the numbers on a player card (that is, the numbers behind the letters, and the simulation uses those numbers to run every function in game) the only number that is not involved (in any way, whatsoever) is the number in the age column. old, young, somewhere in between, the number in that column affects one and only one thing. improvement.
July 08, 2015 at 03:27PM View BBCode
(but there is a totally good reason those "young loaded teams" don't do as well as you think they should. the players are not as good as you think they are.)
July 08, 2015 at 03:42PM View BBCode
Originally posted by dirtdevil
Originally posted by ruggs26
"at the time the batter/pitcher outcome is being calculated ABE doesn't even know how old either player is."
REALLY? You expect everyone to believe that?
people can believe what they want to believe. I'm just telling you what's true.
Another BS flag... yes ABE does AND HE SHOULD... my point which seems to be lost in your head is that ABE gives way too much weight to that circumstance.
I'm having a bit of trouble following your thought process, probably because I left my tinfoil hat in the car this morning. you seem to be saying that ABE does take age into account during a pitcher/batter calculation and that he gives too much weight to that factor. if that is what you're saying, and I have to assume that it is because you keep saying it, you are wrong. since ABE gives that factor no weight at all in that calculation he can't possibly weight it too heavily. you're reacting to this issue subjectively and you are incorrect.
That is just about the most naïve thing I will hear this week, and I answer 911 calls for a living. I bet you are someone who calls 911 when you need to leave your car on the street overnight, because potentially getting a $5 parking ticket is an emergency to you... You are a brainwashed troll...
I've never called 911 in my life. I hope to never have to. as to the rest, I'm sorry you don't like what the facts are in relation to your fantasy problem. but they are what they are and calling me names won't change that.
again... believe everything gummit tells you.
I get it, you have wet dreams about SD, and you devote ALL your free time to it... GOOD FOR YOU!!
As for us casual owners that probably know much more about real life (and baseball) than computers, you can take your "YOU ARE WRONG AND ALWAYS WILL BE" attitude and flat shove it!
You have one example out of your how many seasons (thousands)???
Yes this is definitely an area where SD needs work. I have seen plenty of owners come and go because they were pissed that the teams they built could not win titles (or multiples) while crap teams finishing 20+ games back swoop in and dominate the post season.
Maybe because you are in a bagillion leagues and a member of the SD higherarchy you just don't notice, but for those of us who spend about $15-$25 a month here... IT'S A BIG DEAL!!!
Like I said before... I would probably buy more teams if this the crap I am addressing wasn't an issue.
And as for every rebuttal you have made... again... shove it!
July 08, 2015 at 04:23PM View BBCode
Originally posted by ruggs26
again... believe everything gummit tells you.
so what, Tyson shot jfk?
I get it, you have wet dreams about SD, and you devote ALL your free time to it... GOOD FOR YOU!!
uh, yeah, no.
As for us casual owners that probably know much more about real life (and baseball) than computers, you can take your "YOU ARE WRONG AND ALWAYS WILL BE" attitude and flat shove it!
I don't have any idea about our relative baseball knowledge. I'm also not giving you 'attitude'. but you are, in point of fact, wrong about this issue. and if you continue to insist that you aren't, you're still wrong. so I don't really know what you want me to do. should we (because there's more people than just me telling you this) apologize that your being wrong about this one thing upsets you so much?
You have one example out of your how many seasons (thousands)???
yes, just the one. in no other league that I have ever been in has nay player under 30 ever done well. [/sarcasm] look, I can post as many cards as you want. how many would it take for you to believe me though? either you accept what you're being told or you don't. clearly, you don't, so what point me posting a litany of player cards?
s is definitely an area where SD needs work. I have seen plenty of owners come and go because they were pissed that the teams they built could not win titles (or multiples) while crap teams finishing 20+ games back swoop in and dominate the post season.
there are all kinds of reasons why stuff like that happens. but it happens in real life too. for it not to happen here, that would be unrealistic.
Maybe because you are in a bagillion leagues and a member of the SD higherarchy you just don't notice, but for those of us who spend about $15-$25 a month here... IT'S A BIG DEAL!!!
you do know that you can access owner cards just by clicking on the person's username, right?
And as for every rebuttal you have made... again... shove it!
so in other words, please don't interrupt my ranting with facts. ok, got it. have at it.
July 08, 2015 at 04:54PM View BBCode
(honestly, I feel like I'm arguing about why 2+2 is 4 with someone who insists it's 5.)
July 08, 2015 at 05:27PM View BBCode
Originally posted by paulcaraccio
i'm fully on board the conspiracy bus with the veteran's bump, and not just in October. it's not impossible that there are parts of the game code that we don't know about, and it's fun to dream. It seems like a 37 year old dude with like B/A- skills after declines puts up near-prime numbers kind of often while a 24 year old around the same grades hits .220.
I think this is selection bias. A 37 year old in decline with those skills will quickly hit the bench if they start the season off batting .220. Only the lucky B/A- 37 year olds who are hitting way above their skill level (again due only to luck), will remain in the lineup. Meanwhile a 24 year old with that skill set will almost always stick in the lineup to gain improves, whether they are getting lucky with the bat or not.
An interesting alternative hypothesis: Is there something about the improve/decline system combined with how players attributes are assigned at the draft that would make young players worse than old players with similar OVERALL grades (since it seems many people put far too much emphasis on the total grade).
July 08, 2015 at 06:07PM View BBCode
The original poster is correct. I've also seen evidence for facial recognition and the "Lucky 7/Unlucky 13" software that ABE probably uses.
Facial Recognition:
Ruggs, test it out yourself. Change the faces on each of your players each and every game. Record their stats for each game. Do that methodically for a year real-time and keep good track of your data. Then get back to us. You'll be surprised what you find.
Lucky 7/Unlucky 13:
Also, do the "Lucky 7" and "Unlucky 13" study... it requires meticulous record-keeping but study the stats of players drafted 7th overall and 13th overall. It yields some very interesting stuff. Study it for a year and you'll see.
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