Next season confirmation
March 04, 2014 at 03:03PM View BBCode
I've just read this topic:
Is it possible that a team stays in a league for 2 season without loggin not even once?
Is it possible to redefine the staying/leaving period?
you have to confirm in the post-season or after W14, otherwise you're out.
March 04, 2014 at 05:50PM View BBCode
That should be the way it is.
Note that you can set your status without tripping the "activity" flag. For example, let's say it shows you were last active on 2/1. Today is 3/4. You log in, go straight to your profile, set that you are staying another season, and log out. It will still show you as last active 2/1, because you haven't actually done anything. To update the "last active" date, you must look at either your roster, the schedule, standings, scoreboard, strategy page, draft preview,or trade desk. You don't have to change anything, just look at one of those pages to be considered "active".
March 05, 2014 at 02:50PM View BBCode
I'm sorry but that's not what I meant.
If I don't log in, the confirmation status remains the same; it means that if I choose "staying" the status will remain "staying" until I change it.
So, it could remain "staying" for seasons without necessarily login.
I'm in a league for 3 consecutives seasons and the status has remained the same .. I've never confirmed my presence for next season.
In the previous post I meant : You have to confirm each end of season if you continue next one.
Maybe now it's more clear.
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