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Longetivity incentives

January 21, 2014 at 04:44PM View BBCode

I've seen a trend of owners abandoning teams when it is time to rebuild , then turn around and cherry pick chaperoned teams that are ready to make a run. To each their own i guess.

What i would like to see if game rewards for owning teams over a long period of time.

Something like reach the 15 seasons mark in one league and get rewarded with talking one player out of retirement.

Reach 20 seasons be able to relocate your team to another city. (instead of the initial one time move)

Reach 25 seasons in one league and get a "supplemental" 2nd rounder. Not actually taking two players from the draft but being able to clone and rename a player that was available at the time your pick came about.

These are just some ideas.. i am sure others could come up with more.

what do you guys think?

[Edited on 1-21-2014 by Philphan]

January 21, 2014 at 06:44PM View BBCode

not sure about some of your specific suggestions but i'm definitely fully on board with the notion of incentivizing owners to stick around. I wouldn't want to see competitive advantages like extra draft picks, but cosmetic perks like relocating, or discounts on other teams if your track record shows you're not an abandoner, would be nice, but I don't know that they're enough to really entice people to stay. need something that people can really look forward to achieving and maintaining, but wouldn't alter anything competitively. something a little more personal maybe, like once youre in a league for a calendar year (or some period) you get a fancier-looking stadium image, and you can retire numbers or something...maybe you shouldnt be able to change players' names until you've been around for a decent-enough time period...should be lots of ideas we can come up with, sure they'll probably never happen, but it'll still be fun

January 21, 2014 at 08:36PM View BBCode

One possibility is the ol' cash incentive:
1 month free for every six month calendar period you stick with a league, for example. After five full years, every third month free. Every other month free at a decade of play and up to 75% off for sticking with the site for 20 years.

I like the enhanced stadium image ... or maybe an elite player card graphic that only the longevity owners can use. Or an enhanced banner in the longevity league (like the pennant/World Series banners for the winners). All those are simple, nice perks that remind an owner he/she is "special" to the site without affecting league play.

January 21, 2014 at 08:39PM View BBCode

The very first thing that needs to happen is extract some leagues. The ones that are constantly turning over 5 or 6 owners... Disband those.

Then enact something like:

I wonder what would happen if there was some sort of trigger where the owner buys the team and pays for the first term (say its 10-15 seasons for sake of discussion). After that first term you earn the next 10 seasons free. After 25 seasons the owner then pays some sort of 75% of the original rate to stay for the next 20 seasons.

The longer a owner stay continuous the cheaper it gets. At some point, say at 100 seasons the price drops to almost nothing for the next so many seasons.

What might happen is that a owner stays the first term... Enjoys it... Figures the next so many seasons are going to be free... Figures he might as well stay.. Even if the team sucks. Next thing you know the owner has been there 25 seasons and is attached. Then pays to stay because of attachment.

January 21, 2014 at 08:46PM View BBCode

I like the idea of banners on top of league standing page that outline the longest tenured with playoff appearance, titles displayed. Again it displays a " look how good you have done in here". Some people are much to loyal to leave behind something like that no matter what.... Especially if you have some free time coming up.

January 21, 2014 at 08:51PM View BBCode

Also until this all gets straightened out put a cap on the amount of speed teams a owner can have.

I have seen owners that have joined 10 leagues. Get disinterested and disappear. Now we got vacancies in 10 leagues all at once. This guy shouldn't have had 10 leagues to begin with.

January 21, 2014 at 09:02PM View BBCode

Another thing that might work is 2 for 1. So you go buy in say Mookie Wilson. You get Dazzy Vance for free. As long as you stay and pay for Mookie you get to keep Dazzy Vance free....

January 22, 2014 at 12:16AM View BBCode

There are some good ideas in here, keep them coming. We are considering changes, Chris and I have been sending lengthy emails back and forth on similar topics and have been brainstorming. Your ideas are welcome and will be considered.


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