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Rating Displays Changed

February 02, 2002 at 05:56AM View BBCode

I've experimented with the way Ratings are displayed. On the roster page for batter lineups, I've made the ratings a little less of an exact science. Now you just see grades for the player, from A+ through F. This was done so that you don't know exactly whether one player will do better than another. Make it a little more realistic, so that you don't always now exactly how a player will perform.

Note that the database still uses exact numbers, but the display is "fuzzied up" a bit.

What do you think? If you like it, I'll move it over to all rating related pages.

Two things that are easy to tweak. The grades could be made even less specific (A, B, C, D, & F, or really any other system). Also, what do you think about the colors for each grade? Anyone have any good ideas how these should be set up? I kind of arbitrarily chose the colors that correspond to the grade.

Thanks, really interested in hearing feedback on this one.

February 02, 2002 at 01:00PM View BBCode

I love this idea -- I think it will encourage people to look at actual performance more closely and tinker more with their lineup. And it's definitely more realistic.:D

February 02, 2002 at 01:27PM View BBCode

I also think this is a great idea!

One thought on the colours. The red seems to stand out the most. After that it's blue, green, and orange. It all depends what you want to stand out more. If you want to worst to stand out more than the red for the D's. If it's the A's, than they should be red.

February 02, 2002 at 02:28PM View BBCode

i like the new system
but i found a bug if you go into the rotation and bullpen page or the minor league page then go back to the batters lineup the number ratings are there instead of the letters

February 04, 2002 at 11:00PM View BBCode

Ben, it took me a few days but I finally fixed it. The changes I was making weren't taking on the site, so I had to do some fiddling around to figure out why.

Look for this new rating system to be used throughout the site sometime soon.

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