1999 TRL HoF Results
May 15, 2013 at 10:56PM View BBCode
We had the lowest participation in the HoF voting in some time with just 12 votes. Perhaps if you do not participate for several ballots in a row, I should stop putting your players on the ballot.
The required minimum 75% for election, players need 9 votes.
No players received the full 12 votes for unanimous election.
[url=]Danny Shannon[/url] received 11 votes (92 %) and is elected into the Hall of Fame.
[url=]Bobby Cantrell[/url] and [url=]Piano Legs Hickman[/url] received 10 votes (83%) and are elected into the Hall of Fame.
Congratulations to Shannon, Cantrell, and Hickman and the owners whom developed and played them.
Just missing the cut were [url=]Ricky Day[/url], [url=]Kato Omura[/url], and [url=]Max Paine[/url] with 8 votes (67%).
Nominees receiving the minimum 2 votes to return to next year's ballot:
[url=]Ricky Day[/url] - SS (2nd time on ballot) *8 votes/66%*
[url=]Kato Omura[/url] - 1B (2nd time on ballot) *8 votes/66%*
[url=]Max Paine[/url] - 1B (4th time on ballot) *8 votes/66%*
[url=]Gil Hodges[/url] - 1B (3rd time on ballot) *3 votes/25%*
[url=]Fred Knapp[/url] - OF (3rd year on ballot) *3 votes/25%*
[url=]Jose Maye[/url] - 2B (2nd year on ballot) *3 votes/25%*
[url=]Hipolito Williams[/url] - RP (4th year on ballot) *3 votes/25%*
No others received the minimum 2 votes, and will be dropped from future ballots.
May 17, 2013 at 10:29PM View BBCode
I really don't want to leave good players out with their deserved chance, but if their team owners don't care enough to vote... it becomes a bit frustrating. So, if these owners don't care enough to participate in the HoF elections, then they obviously wouldn't care if their players are left out of the process.
May 21, 2013 at 01:39PM View BBCode
A part of playing this game is also "participating" in the league you're in.
There aren't very many opportunities for owners to come together as a group. Discussions and votes about league rules, and HOF voting might be the only times.
I've missed a vote or two in different leagues, sometimes life just gets in the way. Never participating, never voting...there's really no excuse for never taking part in league activities.
With HOF voting, if you feel there are no worthy candidates at least vote no/abstain so the Commish and the rest of the league owners know you are actually part of the league and give a hoot.
Owners that are so apathetic they can't take a bit of time within the couple weeks given to vote really aren't being a part of the league are they. Perhaps owners that really aren't interested in being part of the league should be asked to leave the league.
Do Dynasty Leagues allow rules about tossing owners from the league?
I think that may be better than removing a worthy candidate from the HOF ballot. There might be a situation where the player has had more than one owner and it's only this current owner that's being a dolt.
At the very least Deap Threat, I'd suggest making the entire vote public. When you announce the vote also list the teams that voted and the teams that didn't. That's done in RL votes of this type and should be done here too I'd say. I'd also make it retroactive and edit this year's vote to include that information.
May 21, 2013 at 04:37PM View BBCode
I have voted every year I've been here, but I don't like the implications of shaming owners who don't vote.
Sure, it would be great to have 16 ballots each season, but if folks don't have the time or attention to vote, that's their choice as paying customers. Like most things in life, you get what you put into it.
If we only get 12 votes instead of 16, I'm not going to cry over it. I know the HOF is a neat addition to a league, and we appreciate the keeping track of it, but I feel the bread and butter of Simdynasty is the games being simulated. Whether Ricky Day, Fred Knapp, or Kato Omura get in our pretend HOF is of little consequence to me.
Again, I vote every season and will continue to do so, but let's not make mountains of mole hills or suggest tossing owners out of the league over this.
May 21, 2013 at 09:28PM View BBCode
Gator, I agree with you almost entirely. If you miss a vote here and there due to whatever reason, that's understandable. Heck, it's not like I haven't missed a few of my "scheduled" times of putting together the ballots and nomination threads. Things happen, and people get caught up in them from time to time. However, failing to vote ballot-in-ballot-out is what I'm talking about here.
I've even suggested giving "No Vote" votes in times when you don't feel any player on the ballot is worthy of your vote. At least I know that you're not going to vote for anyone... and I'm not waiting for the possibility of you casting a vote that's not going to come.
I used to do public wrap-ups with each results post. Thought it might me overdoing it a bit, so I stopped. I don't want to paint owners in a bad light simply for not participating in a voluntary process.
I don't agree with the notion of kicking owners out simply because they aren't voting in a voluntary HOF process. However, if they don't actively participate in that process, then why should I promote their players through that very process? If an owner does not care about the HoF, then why should I bother with their players?
May 28, 2013 at 10:02PM View BBCode
I just realized that I missed the vote. I voted in another league around the same time and I guess I confused that league with this league. Sorry, DeepThreat, I will try to be more attentive in the future.
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