March 05, 2013 at 12:27AM View BBCode
COMPTON ain't got no issue wit u y'all play a respectable game up in COMPTON wonderin' why all da flak every playa comez 2 win their own way fo realz.......COMPTON certainly respectz what y'all bring in comparision 2 da ***clown mismanagin' hiz team outta a playoff spot an playin' da "hey look at me an my new COMPTON post"..........yo biznezz iz respectable...........COMPTONMarch 05, 2013 at 02:20AM View BBCode
This is going to take a few posts.Let's get started by saying this is the MOST entertaining post of recent times from the CC...ok BACK TO THIS GREAT POST,the word :wit...does not exist...try using with..."u y'all is a say one or the other...and if you pick Y'all?that is not a minus 2 points off your second grade say "up in here"I assume is referring to this could mean many let's just replace that this league... I'm sorry:(:o this is off the charts.Let's just label this last post...Compton's latest edition 0f "PURE ENTERTAINMENT" coming to a league near you.I think this is Compton on "MoonShine":puzzled:Sleep it off...sleep it off...:yawn:that's it...and take a couple days off...:lol::lol:March 05, 2013 at 06:06PM View BBCode
hey guys, sorry to intrude, but I want to invite COMPTON to take the opening in the Cool Papa Bell dynasty league. I'm sure most of the owners won't like you, but I think you're hilarious and personally would love to deal with you. The available team has been stripped bare, so it'd be a good challenge...March 05, 2013 at 09:34PM View BBCode
COMPTON ain't undastandin' what iz so da*n funny tho.............March 06, 2013 at 12:17AM View BBCode
i think it's funny anytime someone talks about themselves in the third person. and i think talkin trash and causing ruckus is both funny and fun, but it's just so frowned upon here on the internet that it's virtually non-existent. I think it's a little boring that we all have to be so nice to each other, it's supposed to be competitive.Pages: 1