An instant message mechanism
December 19, 2011 at 04:33AM View BBCode
for the tester leagues [for trade purposes].
A redecuction in the amount of importance places on hands amongst centers. My #2 just started making more than my primary and he still isn't going to get the start [don't think it's an attitude thing].
Who is bpearly and why is he 69ing our floor? [sorry, that was just bichie]:D
December 20, 2011 at 02:35AM View BBCode
I know bpearly from the free leagues ( you know, the same place I dragged
you in from Lance) :P
I sent him a message but I told him he could NEVER post here again. :rolleyes:
December 20, 2011 at 04:00AM View BBCode
An instant message chat (for both baseball and football) is on the drawing boards.
The problem with centers is that they don't botch snaps yet. At some point they will, so hands will become necessary, and I don't want to add it later and have to revalue everyone.
December 20, 2011 at 07:11PM View BBCode
Thank you, Rich, for inviting me in. Some mistakes are like a noxious chilidog, they keep coming back up for further review.
Rich, in Spiderland, your name adorns the Awesome Arch of Arachne and is adored by all.
In Toledo, the Totem to Rich is nearly as tall as the Tower of True Power and the Tripods exault it.
In GB, the tombstones of the vilest of offenders and abusers are graven with the Image of Rich, and onlookers giggle and/or gaggle at the sight of it. (In GB, the names of cities with successful organizations are reviled equally, and in Delta, there are many, so the loathing is good.:lol: )
Hey, 2 out of 3 ain't bad.:D
[Edited on 12-20-2011 by lancereisen]
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