March 20, 2011 at 02:33PM View BBCode
[url=]Mike Dorsett[/url] has perfect health and often starts 162 of course he's now on my DL for 20 days.March 23, 2011 at 12:44PM View BBCode
I just had a 22 year old player with A health go down for 50 games. YOu should feel relieved it's only 20 games. A or A+ health guys rarely get injured, but when they do it seems like it's often 30+ games they miss.March 23, 2011 at 05:35PM View BBCode
Opening day, 1950, my A+ health leadoff guy went down for 30+ games. Don't remember exactly how many, but he missed 33 games that season, presumably all at the start since he played 161 or 162 the next several seasons.Pages: 1