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Removing the Distinction between Private and Speed leagues and some message board cleanup

February 17, 2011 at 11:48PM View BBCode

I have decided to remove the distinction between private and speed leagues. They will all simply now be called Speed leagues.

Here's a little history behind why there was a distinction. Back in the day, we only had Private leagues. These leagues tended to have special rules that needed to be managed on top of the sim. The commish in these leagues also tended to have their hands full with managing these leagues and the personalities in them. This was before we had set policies for changing league rules or trade protests. So we really needed an A+ Commish for these leagues to be successful.

At one point, the demand for new leagues was greater than the number of qualified commishes we could find so we introduced the concept of Speed leagues. These leagues were not permitted to use special rules that were managed outside the sim.

At this point in our evolution, there isn't much difference between these leagues. There are only a handful of private leagues that do anything out of the ordinary. I think the distinction between these league types can be confusing to people as well.

So going forward, all these leagues will simply be known as Speed leagues. As things are today, if a league wants to change a rule we have a set process for this. The one caveat I will make is that if a league wants to introduce a rule that is managed outside the system, we reserve the right to refuse that request if we feel the league or commish is incapable of handling that management.

In addition, I have separated a few leagues out into sub categories underneath the main Speed league message board group - Salary Leagues and Edit Leagues. These special leagues sometimes require join decisions or discussions to make changes so I have organized them this way to make that easier.

I'll be working to update things around the site to reflect this naming change. If you see any areas of the site that need to be updated to reflect this, please let me know.

Also, please let me know if you have any questions.


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