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Strategy checker

December 29, 2010 at 07:58PM View BBCode

My strategy checker page is located at . It is not pretty or friendly at all yet, and it doesn't take fourth down or kicking into account at all; it basically is just a window into which startegy table and row will be used in any given situation. I wrote it to test the strategy code in isolation, but I think it will be a useful tool once I polish it up. (I plan to polish up my field goal, punt and kickoff code testers and make them avaialble too.)

The strategy result will be displayed in a "friendly" fashion eventually, but right now it just uses the internal shorthand to indicate a selection. It appears right below the Submit button. These indicators look like this:

O-1d : Base offense, first down
OR-2m : Offense, Red Zone, 2nd and Medium
OG2-3s(h) : Offense, Goal line 2-minute, 3rd and short at the end of the half
OR2-4l(g) : Offense, Red Zone 2-minute, 4th and long at the end of the game
A7: Advanced rule 7 (Of course, advanced rules not available yet)

Anyway, although this is a pain to use and interpret, I wanted to make it available to you so you can see how things are applied as you set up your strategies. It uses the same code the actual game engine uses.


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