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Commish can login as other people in the league

May 20, 2010 at 07:03PM View BBCode

I've setup a feature that will allow the commish to login as anyone in the league. You can try it out logged in as betauser.

A few restrictions are in place.

You can turn off this functionality from Edit Profile. By default, it is turned off. If you have been inactive for more than 14 days, this preference is ignored.

This will make it easier and cleaner for us to manage situations where someone disappears. Also, some leagues may find this functionality handy if they do something like a manual draft lottery.


May 20, 2010 at 09:41PM View BBCode

Very helpful. I have had to collect up passwords from people, and sometimes I don't have one I need ... It really comes in handy with an absentee owner or a lottery situation.

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