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who ever...

January 22, 2009 at 09:20PM View BBCode

protested that trade are you going to protest the hoffman trade. Cinci I have a funny feeling it was you. although you werent man enough to say it. its alright with hoffman i will probably beat you out for the wild card anyway. St Louis is not a newbie, and it wasnt some mistake. he either doesnt care if he ever wins or wants to make some more bad draft picks. its alright though. Ill be keeping my eye out, and ill protest some trades to. A team thats been in the league for almost a decade.
NOW back to the accusation that I was using st Louis as a minor league I traded Bill Hood in one of those recent trades who is now an a- over all power hitting third baseman.
Now I think since St Louis wanted to get rid of the of in question someone should offer him a first round pick for the guy. Anyone willing to do that. I gave a second and a good bench player. Hes not worth a first round pick and those of you who knowwhat your doing know that. But a second + a decent power bat for a guy in the minors is a bad trade. That sort of evaluation is how come I am coming back and some of you guys rebuild has been going on longer than st louis has been in this leauge. Sorry if I offend, but Im a bit pissed that you guys overturned a trade that convincingly when I doubt anyone will do what I suggested, and I think St Louis should definatley try and get a first for the guy. because unless your going to give him 600 ab for the next 2 years he will be a bench player when hes 30. That trade certainly didnt do anything to the competitive balance of the league. I think someone was scared that my team was getting to good to fast.
no hard feeling st louis... I dont feel i took advantage of you I saw a valuable player in your minors, and made a pretty decent offer.
I havent looked but if Cole on Cleveland is still on the bench he really aught to be subject to the same I will gladly give him playing time, but Cole is actually still worth a first round pick.
That is my mind set. most of my trades I either want the player ie my recent trade with Baltimore and give up more than fair value, or I see a reason to think that maybe a player is being undervalued by the current owner and make an offer that is better than the option of him rotting. but the holier than though attitude is annoying, and down right disengenuious when Ive seen every member of this league make trades that I could make arguments are one sided.
KC traded garbage for a a- rp the end of last season to st louis. more power to him
my team is just a bit better so a, at the time 24 year old minor league outfielder, turns the competitive balance of the league. You guys made an unfair vote, and whoever made the complaint is really uncool for not being man enough to let us know. I am absolutely offended by this leagues decision. I made an inteligent trade, and a very fair offer given the specific circumstances, and unless someone trades st louis a first round pick that opinion will be backed up by your silence.

Minor league 24 yr old
rode the pine most of last year.
off season age of 25
trade was basicly a power hitting bench player who was still young
and a second round pick.

everything else i wanted off my roster.

unless he gets his b+ power he will not be a starting caliber of as a veteran on a good team. and he wont get that as a minor leaguer.
this is sim dynasty you make a dynasty by being smarter than the other guys. and I inteligently made a very fair offer for someone who is 24 and in the minor leauges.

January 22, 2009 at 09:49PM View BBCode

You seem to be fairly certain of St. Louis' motives and/or his circumstances.

He admitted it was a bad trade. This is not the first time you were called out for making a lopsided trade with him, and honestly, had people in this league been more vigilent perhaps some of the others would have been challenged. Feel free to challenge any trade you see as unfair from here on out and we can see if you are alone in your beliefs.

January 22, 2009 at 10:01PM View BBCode

hi all;
i screw up. how many time do i have to say it . barterer 2002 has a class or program. that will help me out.
ed schwartz

January 22, 2009 at 11:00PM View BBCode

Originally posted by natehoyt83
protested that trade are you going to protest the hoffman trade. Cinci I have a funny feeling it was you. although you werent man enough to say it. its alright with hoffman i will probably beat you out for the wild card anyway.

Ha, ha, ha! I'm not man enough? That's some funny shiznit! I thought it were obvious, in fact, I'm sure it was obvious to the more intelligent folks, that it was me that protested that trade! Come on now! Why would I post that it were me, when the rules state that your supposed to go through the steps that I took, in order to avoid a back and forth battle of whits! Nate, just so that you know, I DON'T HAVE A PROBLEM TELLING YOU OR ANYONE WHAT I THINK ABOUT THEM, OR TELLING YOU WHAT I THINK ABOUT ANY SITUATION HOMEY! Tyson has admonished me many times for this sort or drama before, so trust me, I don't have a problem with a little verbal slap around!

As for that lopsided trade of yours, that your so intent on defending, I protested this one, because I was convinced that you were cheating! Tyson told me there was no way that you were playing both teams, which is what I thought, because you keep on trading him crap! St. Louis is the only "newb" that has come into this league since I've been here, that hasn't learned his lesson about dealing with you! I've even U2U'd him to try and help him out, told him to ask the league what they thought about your next offer, and of course, he didn't do it! You explained in your post how you go about trade offers, but what you don't explain is that most of your famous one sided trades was ALWAYS you taking advantage of a newb! It's not a problem when it happens a few times, and the newbie learns from his mistakes, and starts to turn your seriously comical trades away. But in this case, he has never learned! It's been said NUMEROUS times that this protest had little to do with you! If you take offense to it, whatever! This protest was another attempt to wake fflousea up, and it seems that it has worked this time!!!!! 10 out of 12 is quite the majority my friend! That's more teams than we've had vote for our HOF vote! I've spoken to a few of the owners in this league, and they are tired of seeing this sort of thing happen! SO, protest away buddy! I welcome your challenge!

As for beating me out of the Wild Card, we'll see about that too! I used to think you were a great Dynasty player, but it turns out that your not as good as YOU think YOU are! You yourself mentioned that you had won 2 out of 12 trips to the Series, so it seems like your a choke artist to me! I guess it's easier to win when you can prey on the weak unchecked to build your team faster! And if you do beat me out, SO FRIGGIN WHAT! What do you want a cookie? It's not like you get anything for winning! Rob

PS, Didn't you call that guy a "mediocre player"? If you think so, why are you so mad? Was it because of the 10 out of 12 vote? Or the fact that your being called out for preying on the weak? The more you try to defend yourself, the more guilty you look Nate! Do yourself a favor, and shut your mouth while your ahead!

[Edited on 1-22-2009 by robmcrobjr]

[Edited on 1-22-2009 by robmcrobjr]

January 24, 2009 at 02:32AM View BBCode

nate--i am the one who said that, at first appearence, all of your trades with st. louis are very lopsided. with st. louis giving up good players for 3rd, 4th, & 5th round draft picks, or mediocre players that they traded to you earlier as throw ins. i don't review every trade thats made, but will when asked to. i don't have a problem with you nate, i am more annoyed that st. louis keeps making these trades. i'm the one who made the hoffman trade with you while all this other stuff was going on. any one who wants to protest that one--go ahead, make my day.


January 24, 2009 at 02:32AM View BBCode

nate--i am the one who said that, at first appearence, all of your trades with st. louis are very lopsided. with st. louis giving up good players for 3rd, 4th, & 5th round draft picks, or mediocre players that they traded to you earlier as throw ins. i don't review every trade thats made, but will when asked to. i don't have a problem with you nate, i am more annoyed that st. louis keeps making these trades. i'm the one who made the hoffman trade with you while all this other stuff was going on. any one who wants to protest that one--go ahead, make my day.


January 24, 2009 at 05:27AM View BBCode

Why would anyone protest that trade?

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