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You so crazy!

November 24, 2003 at 04:40PM View BBCode

Who do YOU think is the most insane athlete in sports today?
My vote goes to Carl Everett, who else?
All the temper tantrums are pretty bad, but when you start saying that dinosaurs never existed and we never landed on the moon, then it's time for nurse Ratchett to start flinging cell phones at his dome to incapacitate him and drag him off to the nut house.:lol:

November 24, 2003 at 04:43PM View BBCode

This has already been done actually, it in fact got shut down precisely because of Carl Everett. But maybe this time it'll last a while longer.

November 24, 2003 at 04:51PM View BBCode

Well at least I said crazy instead of weird. But still, it probably won't last. Too bad, it's an interesting topic. I was going to make a poll but had a mental block trying to come up with a list of crazies. Can Mike Tyson count as two or three choices?

November 24, 2003 at 04:53PM View BBCode

Tiger Woods because he thinks he's an athlete. He swings his arms with old men for competition! I know golf takes skill but I just don't consider him an athlete. It's just not fair when his biggest competition is a few years away from wearing diapers again.

November 24, 2003 at 05:58PM View BBCode

It's gotta be Mike Tyson

November 24, 2003 at 11:06PM View BBCode

off the court, ring, field, etc. it was rodman. counting antics during the game it was tyson even though he isnt any saint off the field either.

November 25, 2003 at 06:37PM View BBCode

I'm actually starting to think that Everett ain't so bad. He's got some messed up beliefs, but he sticks to them, no matter how many people tell him he's nuts. He's been in some trouble, but has proven that he can control himself, I don't think he was problem in Texas last season, and I know he wasn't in Chicago, at least I didn't hear of it. So a little crazy, sure, but maybe not so bad.
Rodman was nuts, to a point, but I'm still not convinced of all of it. I mean, I know back before he colored the hair and got the tats he was crazy, I remember hearing that they found him in the Palace parking lot with a loaded shotgun under the seat, he was crying and they found some sort of suicide letter. He needed help. But he got it, and came out a different player and expressed himself more... So does that make him nuts? I'm saying he was probably more nuts before he changed. You can't say that his new image wasn't commercially sucessful either, so that really helped him go further into it. I mean, he got a movie deal and all. When he changed, he became super marketable because he was so unique, so all that crazy stuff he did could have been window dressing so he could keep that image of being on the cutting edge of crazy... Who knows?
I'll tell you, Rodman always came to play and left it all on the court, I was at a game where the Bulls were up by 40 and he still dove into the crowd for a ball. (Ah, the good old days). Everett, from the limited exposure I've seen, keeps it together on the field. (maybe not back in the day, but he seemed OK lately).
But Tyson, he bit another man's ear off, in competition... How messed up is that? Tyson ain't just nuts, he's scary nuts, like you wouldn't want to be in an elevator with him. Tyson isn't exactly safe for the general population, know what I mean?

And here's a dishonorable mention for Rae Carruth.... May he rot in jail!

November 25, 2003 at 07:10PM View BBCode

You know, I forgot about Rae Carruth.
Maybe not so crazy, but his mind was definitely poisoned. The world is a better place with him in jail.

November 25, 2003 at 09:43PM View BBCode

My vote is for Ray Lewis.

November 25, 2003 at 11:41PM View BBCode

Ray Lewis, how could we forget???

He's a KILLER linebacker!!!

November 26, 2003 at 02:19AM View BBCode

My vote goes with Rodman. He has done some stupid, and crazy things. There was the time he kicked the cameraman in the groin when he was the one who fell on the cameraman. Then he announces he's gonna get married and shows up in a dress saying he's marrying America. Or was it the world? There are so many more things, but to list all of them would take days.

[Edited on 11-26-2003 by 1tim412]

November 26, 2003 at 02:39PM View BBCode

Ray Lewis definitely merits consideration. He's kind of become the evil Mike Singletary, all super-intense and everything...
It's funny that Mike is the linebacker coach for the ravens, I can just imagine them watching film to prepare for the game, both of their eyes-bulging, foaming at the mouth...:rolleyes:
Fearless prediction, Mike Singletary will be head coach of the Chicago Bears in a few years.

November 26, 2003 at 03:29PM View BBCode

now wait killing someone just isnt too crazy or weird for todays atheletes. anyone remembre OJ? is he the craziest of all time? id gotta say that thinking dinosaurs not existing is crazy. there is proof, it isnt something that can be debated.

November 26, 2003 at 06:20PM View BBCode

lets not all jump on ray lewis, i mean he wuz found innocent and all his teammates say that he is a pretty decent guy but he is kinda crazy with the dances, trash talk and all. but not at tyson's level.

November 28, 2003 at 05:53PM View BBCode

i saw a ray lewis special, and he said that he didnt do it, but he shouldnt have been hanging around murderers, and he doesnt anymore

November 28, 2003 at 06:04PM View BBCode

He was never proved 'innocent', he refused to testify against those who were guilty.

Guilty of killing a man.

He's not nuts, he's just the kid of guy that you know has a warm spot reserved in Hell.

November 28, 2003 at 06:14PM View BBCode

i dont know that holding against someone a case that came back "innocent" is very good.

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