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the war in iraq

November 20, 2003 at 04:23PM View BBCode

lets try to be ironic by turning this into a sports debate

so i hear that those iraqis cant play any baseball, that is why we attacked them...

November 20, 2003 at 08:15PM View BBCode

hope tyson bans u for this topic:).

anyway ill turn this into something interesting well interesting to me atleast. how many people here ski or snowboard? this will be my 11 year skiing and i am pumped. just came from a ski club meeting so that is why i am on this skiing rant. if any of u care tell me.

November 20, 2003 at 10:05PM View BBCode

ha, he wont ban me for it, it isnt really about the war in iraq. anyway, ive never skied or snowboarded, but i want to try.

November 21, 2003 at 01:47AM View BBCode

skiing is awesome, i live for it. its like basketball the west is better than the east. the only place on the east that is close to the west is stowe in vermont. that place rocks.

November 21, 2003 at 02:39AM View BBCode

You ain't skied until you've skied Whistler.

November 21, 2003 at 02:41AM View BBCode

i wanna go there and i almost did a few years ago, i gotta work on my dad about getting their. im surprised u ski hollywood.

November 21, 2003 at 04:29PM View BBCode

skier, work on going to yankee stadium first...

November 21, 2003 at 07:14PM View BBCode

I skied once. Real cool. Never tried Snowboarding, but eh. lol. Skiing is cool. And the ski lifts are great :D

November 21, 2003 at 08:02PM View BBCode

happy i been to yankee stadium. too bad u suck. anyway my chances of getting my dad to take me to whistler are better than going to a yankee game, as retarded as that sounds, its true. ski lifts are cool unless they r the old crappy kind that are REALLY high up and dont have safety bars and switch cables and sway in the wind. they have those at breckinridge colorado, scared the hell out of me when i wuz 10.

November 21, 2003 at 10:14PM View BBCode

skier, this is about the only time i almost feel like crying. it is so sad. how can you not be allowed to go to sports games? tell your dad to check the 8th amendment. i know my dad's dad didnt like baseball and never took him to games, but sometimes he could get friends to take them. you think that is possible? it just sounds so crazy...

November 22, 2003 at 12:39AM View BBCode

well its not that my dad hates sporting events, he took me to about 3 jet games, which i have little to no memory of cuz i wuz 3,4,and 5 at the times. i have been to TONS of devils games, no net games although i have been a nets fan i think that i would have been pretty much a rip off to go any time before marbury got there. and if we count the atlantic independent league then i have been to a lot of baseball games. if i had to choose between a sporting event or a ski season i would choose the ski season 9 out of 10 times. i get the feeling that i am gonna be going to a lot more yankee games in the future though.

November 23, 2003 at 03:17PM View BBCode

I went skiing once.... I did really bad and fell alot until I decided to just try going straight down and not try to turn all the time....
Then I was great, until I had to try to stop, cuz I just kept sailing on past the bottom, and I almost hit the lodge. I went really fast though.
So I never got to the lift, cuz the bunny hill gave me enough trouble. They had the rope thing with the handles on it, it took me up pretty good, but even that gave me fits at first. And all these kids Skier's age were zipping by me with all kinds of skillz...
Which tells me, skiiing is something you need to learn early on, or you'll never be very good at it. But I made it without any broken bones, and the lodge had some good drink specials so it was OK after all!

November 24, 2003 at 04:51PM View BBCode

basketball games cost too much, and arent any better live than it is at home unless you are in the front couple rows. my dads friend got me the job of mopping the floor (if you watch, most of the time someone comes out and mops while the players are on the other side) i was little, and dont totally remember it, but i remember that the players were HUGE. after the game i got to go into the tunnel, and got autographs from a lot of the players. the coolest guy was georgie mureson (7 foot 7 inches) and he had to bend over to get through the tunnel.

November 25, 2003 at 12:49AM View BBCode

yea skiing is a lot better when u learn it at an early age. Nextyearcubs, i was doing wut u were doing at 4 years old so yea its more fun when u start early. i guess its kinda like learning a foreign language, how the younger u r the easier it is to learn.

November 28, 2003 at 05:54PM View BBCode

foreign languages suck. i was just talking to one of my friends who moved away whose first language was spanish, and i told him i dropped spanish III because it was too hard, and too annoying, and then i told him "I HATE YOUR LANGUAGE, I HATE ESPANOL" and he said "Its espaƱol" but anyway, the point is, i hate foreign languages, so i guess i will hate skiing too

November 28, 2003 at 06:02PM View BBCode


November 28, 2003 at 06:09PM View BBCode

Lord MAyO?

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