October 10, 2003 at 11:58PM View BBCode
ive noticed that most private league schedules are based on eastern times just as the site is. these times are incredibly inconvenient for a west coaster like me; most games are over by the time i can look at the computer. just throwing the idea for the league out, i have no wishes to run a league. its already bad enough that i cant participate in wednesday chats.:DOctober 11, 2003 at 12:01AM View BBCode
Some leagues have games run every 2 or 3 hours around the clock.October 11, 2003 at 12:03AM View BBCode
that is a good idea. i live on the east coast so this is not a problem for me but i have been on other sites where they have been run on pacific time schedules and it is hard considering that the times things r run can b incredibly inconvient on the opposite coast.October 11, 2003 at 12:08AM View BBCode
I am in the Barry Bonds league and we have games every 2 hours throughout the entire day.October 11, 2003 at 12:30AM View BBCode
every 2 hours throughout the day is just inconvenient. on my schedule, 8 of the 12 games would go by without me being able to look at the computer. an injury during the 2 am eastern game would be devastating for my team, because i cant check the computer until 6 pm easternOctober 11, 2003 at 01:58PM View BBCode
i live in europe and somehow i survive being 6 hours ahead of new york....Pages: 1