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Discounted Dynasty League Teams now available

July 02, 2006 at 07:01PM View BBCode

If you are interested in taking over an Expansion team in one of our Dynasty leagues, the details are all available here.

Because not all teams are built equally, different teams are more attractive than others and the process reflects this. All teams are going to be discounted. Today, the price is $7.00 for 2 seasons of play. Every few days, we will lower that price for any teams remaining, until all teams are taken. We will update this thread each time the price changes.

Here are the teams that are currently available. Teams that don't have a Replacement Owner listed are available. Teams that say 'Might be added' have not yet renewed, but we haven't been able to get a hold of the person yet, or there is some other issue that needs to be resolved. The teams that say "Un-likely to be added" have indicated that they are going to renew, but haven't yet.

This list is up-to-the-minute automatically updated in terms of which teams have not yet been taken.

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If you are interested in taking over one of these teams, please follow these instructions:

1) Create a new screen name and log in as that screen name, or log in as a screen name that does NOT already have a team. Don't ignore this step!!!

Make sure you don't signup for a team! You'll do that in step 3 below. Just signup for a username.

2) Go to this link to purchase the 2 seasons of play:

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3) Return to this link after you have paid to claim the team you want:

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Most Common Pitfalls
There are three areas where people sometimes go wrong with this process. They will create a screen name and signup for a single season team. Or they pay and then click the continue button and end up in a league named something like dynasty242. Or they pay while logged in as an existing screen name with an existing team. If you follow the 3 above steps carefully, you shouldn't have any problems. If not, we're always here to help.

Read this - it will answer all your questions
If more than 1 team leaves from any given league, there will be an Expansion Draft. If you are the only new owner in that league, you will assume control of that team after the season and playoffs are complete. Keep in mind that we will be adding more teams to this list as the days go on - namely the teams that say "might be added" or "unlikely to be added" next to them. See the rulebook for details on the Expansion Draft:

Once you have claimed an Expansion team, your team will be temporarilly placed in a league called Expansion Teams. Your team will remain here until around July 13th - at which time you will be moved into the proper league. You can set your Expansion Draft preferences while you are in the Expansion Teams League - so we recommend that you do this so you don't forget.

Some other common questions about Expansion teams have been answered here:

[Edited on 7-10-2006 by tysonlowery]

[Edited on 7-11-2006 by tysonlowery]

[Edited on 7-11-2006 by tysonlowery]

July 06, 2006 at 04:16PM View BBCode

We have lowered the price to $14.

July 08, 2006 at 10:06PM View BBCode

The price is now $10 - that's $2.50 per month of play.

July 10, 2006 at 02:56AM View BBCode

i did a trial single season league, how can i get into a dynasty league?

July 10, 2006 at 03:02AM View BBCode

Follow the steps above. You can start at step 2.

July 11, 2006 at 01:29PM View BBCode

For the last few teams, I have lowered the price to $7.

July 11, 2006 at 03:54PM View BBCode

All teams have been taken - thanks everyone.

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