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Isiah Fires Larry Brown and takes over himself

June 22, 2006 at 04:07PM View BBCode

I can't wait until next season - this is going to be hilarious.

June 22, 2006 at 04:27PM View BBCode

Isiah is an idiot.

June 22, 2006 at 04:28PM View BBCode

Does anyone know how large the buy-out was? Are the Knicks eating the entire contract?

This is going to be pretty stupendous. I don't think there's any question that Isiah Thomas is the worst GM in sports history---unless he coaches New York into a playoff berth next year, with the roster that he built.

June 22, 2006 at 05:02PM View BBCode

I'm hearing that the Knicks are eating most (maybe all) of Brown's contract, which means that he will earn $75 million for two seasons of coaching a losing team.

$75 mil--that's feder money.

June 22, 2006 at 05:05PM View BBCode

WB. Is that really a possibility, with that team?

Is Isiah the second coming of Pat Riley as a GM?

As the GM, you know your youngsters and stumblebums are a few years away, so you feed your coach to the lions. Then, when all is about to gel, you fire the coach and take over... with all the accolades building up your own perceived value.

Next step - an even larger piece of the pie with another franchise a few years down the road.

June 22, 2006 at 05:11PM View BBCode

Originally posted by max_fischer
...which means that he will earn $75 million for two seasons of coaching a losing team.

One season. One season. Not even feder is worth that kind of bread.

June 22, 2006 at 05:18PM View BBCode

Isiah will be the next to go. Unless he can walk on water?

June 22, 2006 at 05:28PM View BBCode

Originally posted by whiskybear
Originally posted by max_fischer
...which means that he will earn $75 million for two seasons of coaching a losing team.

One season. One season. Not even feder is worth that kind of bread.

Oops. You're right. I meant his last two contracts (his Pistons buyout plus his Knicks buyout, each paying him for a year of work).

June 22, 2006 at 05:38PM View BBCode

Please watch the personal attacks guys.

June 22, 2006 at 05:39PM View BBCode

What a disaster. I'm excited for next season already. Maybe Isiah has come to the conclusion that he will never build a decent team, so he is going to make his team so laughably bad that people flock to Madison Square Garden just for giggles?

June 22, 2006 at 05:44PM View BBCode

Originally posted by tysonlowery
Please watch the personal attacks guys.

He's right, guys: we need to give Isiah a chance before we staple him to the cross.

June 22, 2006 at 06:55PM View BBCode

So true. Sorry Tyson. We shouldn't rush to judge Zeke. He has some very stylish suits.

June 22, 2006 at 06:59PM View BBCode

Thomas is working on his life time list of accomplishments.

Destroy the Continental Basketball Association---check
Coach a team that was in the conference finals to finish out of the playoffs-check
Dismantle a once proud franchise to create a team made up of selfish overpaid guards-check
Pay (with someone else's money) a coach who never lasts in any city more than a couple of seasons anyway, close to 40 million not to coach your team-check

He's getting that list down.

June 22, 2006 at 07:25PM View BBCode

[url=]The Times is saying that the Knicks claim to have fired Brown for cause[/url], meaning they're attempting to get out from under the 40 million they would owe him otherwise. This will, hopefully, lead to a very public feud where the Knicks are forced to smear Brown as much as possible, and Brown goes around to friendly media to tell them how much of a piece of shit the organization is internally. I'd feel bad for Larry Brown, but I'm chalking this up to karma for constantly leaving organizations in the lurch, culminating with the flirtation with the Knicks during the 2005 playoffs, a distraction which may have caused the Pistons the title.

This always makes me think about the book/TV movie "The Late Shift". After dicking over Letterman and giving the Tonight Show to Leno, the NBC suits then get cold feet due to the mediocre ratings of the show and having to deal with crazy Helen Kushnick. At the time Letterman is still doing Late Night but is threatening to leave when his contract is up, so NBC comes up with this half-assed deal where they "promise" to give Letterman The Tonight Show in 18 months, when Leno's contract expires. Letterman talks to one of his producers about taking the deal, and the producer tells him that 1) it's a shitty deal that NBC can easily back out of if the show turns around 2) if he takes it, everyone will know he screwed over an old friend in Leno and 3) he's not taking over the Carson Tonight Show, he's taking over the Leno Tonight Show, which is leftovers and not the show he always envisioned hosting. So he turns down his dream job, knowing it's just not right. Obviously, Brown is Letterman, the Knicks job is The Tonight Show and the Pistons are Leno, except in this case Brown decided to take the job. He gets what he deserves.

June 23, 2006 at 02:15AM View BBCode

holy crap this is for real? talk about beating a dead horse...

June 23, 2006 at 06:03AM View BBCode

Originally posted by FuriousGiorge
[url=]The Times is saying that the Knicks claim to have fired Brown for cause[/url], meaning they're attempting to get out from under the 40 million they would owe him otherwise. This will, hopefully, lead to a very public feud where the Knicks are forced to smear Brown as much as possible, and Brown goes around to friendly media to tell them how much of a piece of <b>[Censored]</b> the organization is internally. I'd feel bad for Larry Brown, but I'm chalking this up to karma for constantly leaving organizations in the lurch, culminating with the flirtation with the Knicks during the 2005 playoffs, a distraction which may have caused the Pistons the title.

This always makes me think about the book/TV movie "The Late Shift". After dicking over Letterman and giving the Tonight Show to Leno, the NBC suits then get cold feet due to the mediocre ratings of the show and having to deal with crazy Helen Kushnick. At the time Letterman is still doing Late Night but is threatening to leave when his contract is up, so NBC comes up with this half-assed deal where they "promise" to give Letterman The Tonight Show in 18 months, when Leno's contract expires. Letterman talks to one of his producers about taking the deal, and the producer tells him that 1) it's a shitty deal that NBC can easily back out of if the show turns around 2) if he takes it, everyone will know he screwed over an old friend in Leno and 3) he's not taking over the Carson Tonight Show, he's taking over the Leno Tonight Show, which is leftovers and not the show he always envisioned hosting. So he turns down his dream job, knowing it's just not right. Obviously, Brown is Letterman, the Knicks job is The Tonight Show and the Pistons are Leno, except in this case Brown decided to take the job. He gets what he deserves.

You are amazing.

June 23, 2006 at 09:06PM View BBCode

Originally posted by FuriousGiorge
Obviously, Brown is Letterman, the Knicks job is The Tonight Show and the Pistons are Leno, except in this case Brown decided to take the job. He gets what he deserves.

So the Pistons were coaching the Knicks? Where was I?

June 23, 2006 at 09:13PM View BBCode

Oh you be quiet Captain Nitpick. You know what I meant.

Hey, why not come join the USL?

June 23, 2006 at 09:23PM View BBCode

I liked your analogy, but couldn't resist. I like the idea of the Pistons coaching the Knicks, like a big brother.

I'm barely keeping a hand in the two leagues I am in now. I enjoy the message board more than the game, these days.

Thanks for the invite, though.

June 24, 2006 at 12:02AM View BBCode

The rumor out now is the the Wizards are quite interested in Larry Brown

June 24, 2006 at 12:32AM View BBCode

Screw him. Eddie Jordan is a good coach, he deserves better than to be tossed aside for this vagabond.

June 24, 2006 at 02:32AM View BBCode

Oh man, the Bulls have got a lock on the (most probable) #1 pick through the Knicks next year. Isiah is the man.

I'm waiting in great anticipation for the next god-awful move the Knicks make. Maybe a trade for Antoine Walker? I think he'd fit in quite nicely.

June 24, 2006 at 12:18PM View BBCode

Originally posted by FuriousGiorge
Screw him. Eddie Jordan is a good coach, he deserves better than to be tossed aside for this vagabond.

I like Eddie Jordan and I hate Brown.

But the Wizards play no defense and have a bunch of gunners running up and down the floor. That ain't coaching.

June 24, 2006 at 01:42PM View BBCode

The Knicks are a mess, and it's unfortunate. Isiah has crippled the team for years to come. Their payroll is sky high and there is next to no talent on that team and, aside from Channing Frye, all of the players that have an ounce of talent all play the same position. And while Isiah's blunder's are endless, trading away that first round pick for Eddy Curry has to really sting right now because if they had kept it they could be looking at a Channing Frye - LaMarcus Aldridge/Tyrus Thomas combo in the front court which in a few years could have been very scary for the rest of the league. Instead they have a lardbucket named Eddy Curry who gets worn out after the first half, plays no defense, and oh yeah, has a heart condition. But on the bright side, Isiah gets what he deserves... trying to coach a team with both Stephon Marbury AND Steve Francis has to be a gigundo headache.

June 26, 2006 at 10:13PM View BBCode

It would be cool if the Knicks had Aldridge and Frye, because they're basically the same player. Same for Aldridge and Chandler really. I look forward to it.

It would be hilarious if the Knicks made the playoffs now, and Thomas suddenly seemed like he knew what he was doing. That would be awesome too. That being said, Mr. Oden should be checking out homes in Chicago while he rehabs.

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