On pitching and fatigue
December 21, 2001 at 10:38AM View BBCode
Short relivers should be able to pitch in bac-to-back games but not necessarily three in a row unless there is an off-day in the middle.
If we are talking about the 1950's as a basis for the simulation then the 5-man rotation is defintely an anachorism. In the 50's you were definitely talking about a 4th starter being skipped in the rotation the way a 5th starter is today. So, if you want to keep using that as a basis, starters should be able to pitching on 3 days rest without any penalty.
Of course there is whole different usage patterns of relievers also but that probably affects more of the game logic than requiring less rest for starters.
January 02, 2002 at 03:29AM View BBCode
I agree modred, you shouldn't be penalized for this. Unfortunately, I only track the last time a pitcher pitched, not the last 2 games. But here is what I'm going to do. If a guy has an endurance of less than 15, he will always remain fresh for the next game unless he pitched more than 1 inning the previous day.
See my other posts on the 1950's and rotations. I even have a section in the Rule Book about this now.
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