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November 28, 2016 at 06:05PM View BBCode

Originally posted by tworoosters
Originally posted by BKCUBS13

I'll be the first one to admit I sold at a cheaper price then I usually do, but when the majority of the league is rebuilding and 1st rounders are at a high commodity it limited trade partners. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the picks and players I got.

The 3 team expansion in the same league and the fact that NYN sold out his prospects for a futile playoff chase before leaving meant that none of the three expansion teams were going to be particularly strong, combine that with LAN starting a rebuild & St. Louis still recovering from the wreck he inherited and it means limited buyers in the NL.

The AL should have lots of teams looking to buy but it doesn't seem to be happening so with the possible exception of the deal with Philly I think you did very well . You deed to be careful about unloading too much talent though as the loss penalty can be a tough pill to swallow.

Yea the first thing I noticed when we set up the expansion draft was there wasn't as many high valued prospects as I expected and there were a lot of aging vets.

Now that the easy hard part is done, stripping down the roster, hopefully I don't drop the ball in the draft.

That Loss penalty is going to be rough, .350 is the magic number right now. I think if I was in the AL i'd be a sitting duck. That PHI trade seems to hinge on where Phi finishes. If that pick can fall in the top 7 I think I came away ok.

November 28, 2016 at 06:06PM View BBCode

Originally posted by tworoosters
Originally posted by BKCUBS13

I'll be the first one to admit I sold at a cheaper price then I usually do, but when the majority of the league is rebuilding and 1st rounders are at a high commodity it limited trade partners. Overall, I'm pretty happy with the picks and players I got.

The 3 team expansion in the same league and the fact that NYN sold out his prospects for a futile playoff chase before leaving meant that none of the three expansion teams were going to be particularly strong, combine that with LAN starting a rebuild & St. Louis still recovering from the wreck he inherited and it means limited buyers in the NL.

The AL should have lots of teams looking to buy but it doesn't seem to be happening so with the possible exception of the deal with Philly I think you did very well . You deed to be careful about unloading too much talent though as the loss penalty can be a tough pill to swallow.

Yea the first thing I noticed when we set up the expansion draft was there wasn't as many high valued prospects as I expected and there were a lot of aging vets.

Now that the easy hard part is done, stripping down the roster, hopefully I don't drop the ball in the draft.

That Loss penalty is going to be rough, .350 is the magic number right now. I think if I was in the AL i'd be a sitting duck. That PHI trade seems to hinge on where Phi finishes. If that pick can fall in the top 7 I think I came away ok.

November 28, 2016 at 06:19PM View BBCode

For this same trade, I was willing to pay a bit higher than I would have preferred because Gaddy fits almost perfectly into the pitching setup that I like for the playoffs. The prospect I gave up (Fulmer) will be very good, but by the time he's ready my team will probably be on the downswing anyway.

December 04, 2016 at 04:19AM View BBCode

Trade #1470620 has been completed between the St. Louis Men In Laundry and the Milwaukee Indians. The Milwaukee Indians receive Monte Kennedy, Dave Cuthbert, Sam Hatton from the St. Louis Men In Laundry in exchange for Bobby Adams.

I figure we're at minimum another 4 years out before we can think about contending. so i'm trying to collect players and picks that can be part of that time frame. no one in the AL seems to want to make a run at BOS, and the NL has been over and done for a couple of months, so that means any deals more or less have to be with teams who are also out of it. adams is the key for me here, obviously. he's young enough to be in his prime in four years and young enough that he should have some growth left in him between now and then. so if in four years we're ready, he should fit in perfectly. and if we aren't, which is more likely, then he could be a nice trade piece.

kennedy is a power bat of the same age as adams, but I find that arms fetch more on the trade market more often than not and I think we're more likely looking at a really long term time frame so I preferred to have the arm. hatton and Cuthbert are decent enough arms but they're too old to be of any use when we're ready and they might help MIL fill out a rotation after the declines hit in the OS.

Clark for a 2nd & a 3rd

December 04, 2016 at 04:16PM View BBCode


A trade has been completed between the Los Angeles Miracles and the Brooklyn Shadows. The Brooklyn Shadows receive [url=]Jack Clark[/url] from the Los Angeles Miracles in exchange for Draft Pick - 2100 Round 3 (BRO), Draft Pick - 2101 Round 2 (BRO).

I have a lot of hitters so I [url=]offered up pretty much all of them[/url] at the beginning of the season to very little response. Then Brooklyn came sniffing after Clark, I rejected his first offer and countered with this one and the deal was done. I would have preferred to move [url=]Calhoun[/url] as he seems to have stalled in improves but Clark was the catching prospect who got traded.

This deal gets me back the 3rd round pick I sent Atlanta for [url=]Anderson[/url] and gives me four picks in the first two rounds in 2101, meanwhile Brooklyn gets a young catching prospect who should hit RHP well and has a red letter arm.

December 11, 2016 at 04:36AM View BBCode

Trade #1472023 has been completed between the Los Angeles Miracles and the Detroit Space Goats. The Detroit Space Goats receive Stub Cronin from the Los Angeles Miracles in exchange for Craig Mulligan.

:lol::lol: I am hoping for a miracle to save myself from the loss penalty!

Cronin for Mulligan

December 11, 2016 at 06:25AM View BBCode


A trade has been completed between the Los Angeles Miracles and the Detroit Space Goats. The Detroit Space Goats receive [url=]Stub Cronin[/url] from the Los Angeles Miracles in exchange for Craig Mulligan.

Cronin is a solid hitter, as he's shown in 650 plate appearances over the past two seasons but he's OS30, not a good mentor and I am up to my ass in hitters. What I don't have enough of are pitching prospects, though I'm getting closer.

I pitched this deal to Detroit figuring Cronin might help them get over the 50 win mark and in return I get a reasonable relief prospect with a control heavy bundle who is close to ML ready. Honestly I think Cronin will help Detroit more then Mulligan will help me but I really didn't need Cronin so I get something for him and maybe Frostee doesn't get hit with a loss penalty, or at least a big one.

[Edited on 12-11-2016 by tworoosters]

Moreno for a 2nd round pick

December 17, 2016 at 06:11AM View BBCode


A trade has been completed between the Cincinnati BleacherBums and the Los Angeles Miracles. The Los Angeles Miracles receive Draft Pick - 2102 Round 2 (CIN) from the Cincinnati BleacherBums in exchange for [url=]Esai Moreno[/url]

Cinci approached me with this offer as the season ended and i waited a bit trying to figure out whether I would need Moreno in the majors next year.

Finally I decided that a bird in the bush was a better option given the number of bodies I'll be adding this OS and pulled the trigger. Moreno probably needs to be in the show and wasn't likely to get a lot of reps with us so he moves to a team that needs him more and I get another pick in the draft a few years out. Moreno should hit LHP well and has A+ health so he won't hurt Cinci as a platoon guy.

December 20, 2016 at 09:16PM View BBCode

Trade #1473653 has been completed between the St. Louis Men In Laundry and the Milwaukee Indians. The Milwaukee Indians receive Mark Lindbeck from the St. Louis Men In Laundry in exchange for Monte Kennedy.

I had previously dealt Kennedy to MIL last season. I had a long-term injury at 3B with no replacement option on hand other than an awful WW scrub. When we then started 3-9 I starting looking for who might have a better answer. I noticed MIL wasn't playing Kennedy, so I made a couple offers. Kennedy gives me a decent bat at 3B to help with the penalty during the injury who can play some after as well. Plus he's young enough to maybe be around down the road when we're ready.

Lindbeck is a decent pitcher with options, so he gives some flexibility. I feel like he's outperformed his ratings over the past couple seasons, but i'm fond of him so I would have rather have kept him, especially with him having options left. but MIL is always wanting pitching, and he didn't like my earlier offer so this seemed to be the guy he wanted.

December 20, 2016 at 09:26PM View BBCode

Nice assumptions we will leave at that. If I get a decent pitcher out of this it is worth it.

December 24, 2016 at 10:12PM View BBCode


Trade #1474241 has been completed between the St. Louis Men In Laundry and the Texas Hamiltonians. The Texas Hamiltonians receive [url=]Bob Matos[/url] and Draft Pick - 2102 Round 2 (STL) from the St. Louis Men In Laundry in exchange for [url=]Charlie Madison[/url].

It is not the return that I had hoped for when I marketed an A overall Catcher with SS eligibility on the message boards for each of the past few seasons, but it is far and away the best offer that I have had in that time frame.

Matos can turn into a decent contact heavy utility player and the 2nd round pick will hopefully fall in the top 5 of the round. Meanwhile, it gives me some roster flexibility and more slots to promote another young hitter to get major league IC's.

December 25, 2016 at 12:29AM View BBCode

I've been trying to deal for an IF bat. While the one offer I received was fair, it wasn't quite what I was looking for. The teams I reached out to were either not willing to deal or wanted more than I felt it made sense for my team to pay at this time. Madison is still near 60% at SS and has good defence so hopefully he can still be solid even with the penalty. His bat will be a major upgrade.

I liked matos more than some- I think he can become a solid leaf off hitter- so I'm sorry to lose him. The 2 should be a decent pick but it's not a top 5 1st which most others wanted and it made no sense for me to move.

When the traditional routes came up empty I saw Madison rotting with SS eligibility, so I thought I'd try outside of the box.

December 27, 2016 at 06:35AM View BBCode

Originally posted by Hamilton2

Trade #1474241 has been completed between the St. Louis Men In Laundry and the Texas Hamiltonians. The Texas Hamiltonians receive [url=]Bob Matos[/url] and Draft Pick - 2102 Round 2 (STL) from the St. Louis Men In Laundry in exchange for [url=]Charlie Madison[/url].

It is not the return that I had hoped for when I marketed an A overall Catcher with SS eligibility on the message boards for each of the past few seasons, but it is far and away the best offer that I have had in that time frame.

Matos can turn into a decent contact heavy utility player and the 2nd round pick will hopefully fall in the top 5 of the round. Meanwhile, it gives me some roster flexibility and more slots to promote another young hitter to get major league IC's.

Madison has had a strange career his grades are good, as witnessed by his A overall status, and he looked well on his way to bigger things when I dealt him out at age 25 (OS26).

At that point he was coming off an OS25 season that saw him flirt with an .800 OPS while completing the transition to catcher. I recall being very conflicted about dealing him for a soon to be declining [url=]Bobby Black[/url] but Black helped us make two playoff appearances and you, sometimes, have to give to get. Madison never seemed to take that next step, the injuries were always going to be an issue but I still expected him to establish himself as a top end leadoff guy with a +.370 OBP and solid defense in a position of scarcity and that just hasn't happened. At this point that 2094 season before he was traded for the first time has turned out to be his best statistically, very odd in the sim.

December 29, 2016 at 04:41PM View BBCode

Trade #1474995 has been completed between the St. Louis Men In Laundry and the Cincinnati BleacherBums. The Cincinnati BleacherBums receive Draft Pick - 2101 Round 4 (STL) from the St. Louis Men In Laundry in exchange for Art Littell.

CIN has had Littel and others on and off waivers a few times. made an offer on him and Mowry, went back and forth a bit and this was the result. I get a long shot prospect for a bit more than nothing but for a price that won't hurt if he doesn't pan out. CIN gets his minors down to 15 and gets something for it.

Henry to Toronto for a Pick n' Prospect

January 04, 2017 at 07:05AM View BBCode

7/14/2100, a trade has been completed between the Boston Pops and the Toronto Drama Queens. The Toronto Drama Queens receive Red "Herring" Henry from the Boston Pops in exchange for Bruce Tyree, Draft Pick - 2102 Round 2 (TOR).

As I've noted before, my team has decided to underperform this season so rather than waiting until the OS (when I was planning on a rebuild) I've moved those plans up to now. This was the first step in that process.

Some back and forth with a few owners but an overall tepid response (I was hoping an A overall, highly performing guy would generate more interest) so when Toronto came calling we paid attention. I would've liked a bit more value but am happy with a potential future starter in Tyree (tho probably a back of the rotation guy) and a pick I hope I can use to refill my talent cupboard with.

I wasn't winning with Henry so wanted to get something for him before he hit declines (where trade activity in this league generally dries up). And I believe Toronto just solidified their playoff chances with this pickup.

Nicholson off to San Deigo

January 04, 2017 at 07:13AM View BBCode

7/27/2100, a trade has been completed between the San Diego Socialites and the Boston Pops. The Boston Pops receive Fred May, Bobby Hall, Draft Pick - 2101 Round 1 (SD) from the San Diego Socialites in exchange for Tom "Redrum" Nicholson, Draft Pick - 2101 Round 2 (MIL).

Move #2. This was the "big one". I had no less than five owners express interest and 4 that generated offers. All of them were very fair and compelling. Quite frankly this was a fun one given the genuine interest. I was very close to accepting 2 other offers until Cheeze agreed to add his first rounder this year (and I offered Milwaukee's 2nd to offset the bite of that a little).

Nicholson should give San Diego a stud at the top of his rotation for the next 5-6 seasons. I get my future Catcher in Fred May, what I hope to be a SOLID middle infielder in Bobby Hall and hopefully a Nicholson replacement with the draft pick (always a crap shoot).

As with Henry I wasn't winning with Nicholson so wanted to move him ASAP to get the most value for him.

I'm very happy with this deal. And to the other interested owners, thank you for your bids, exchanges and patience.

Now who want to picks up a few of my other vets?

January 04, 2017 at 12:24PM View BBCode

Trade #1475927 has been completed between the San Diego Socialites and the Boston Pops. The Boston Pops receive Fred May, Bobby Hall, Draft Pick - 2101 Round 1 (SD) from the San Diego Socialites in exchange for Tom "Redrum" Nicholson, Draft Pick - 2101 Round 2 (MIL).

I covet my catching prospects, and Fred May is no exception. However, my team finds itself in a precarious spot with its pitching depth, and both May and Hall will not be immediately helpful to either my short term window of competition or my long term inevitable rebuild. While it would have been nice to have a quick rebound from my recent dominant decade, (something that the two prospects involved would have been critical in bringing about), I felt it was rather unlikely.

Nicholson will be a crucial piece as my dynasty winds down and may even net me some prospects before he gets too old.

January 07, 2017 at 12:49AM View BBCode

Trade #1476183 has been completed between the St. Louis Men In Laundry and the Atlanta Silverbacks. The Atlanta Silverbacks receive Bob Flowers, Kazuo Ishii, Art Littell, Draft Pick - 2101 Round 3 (STL) from the St. Louis Men In Laundry in exchange for Jesse Hildebrand, Ted Weinert, Draft Pick - 2101 Round 2 (ATL).

In a normal season, I may not have made this trade... but for some reason this team while on paper should once again be with SD and cruising to the playoffs, is mired in a tight, multi-team race just to make the playoffs. I didn't want to give up Weinert, but I think this gives me the best pitching staff overall in the BoHo... and now to try to convince them to play like they understand the playoffs are on the line...

January 07, 2017 at 01:49AM View BBCode

For me it's about getting younger. I share spider's assessment of what ATL should be doing and SD adding Nicholson I think makes them unassailable for a couple more years. By that time flowers will be nearing decline. Hidebrand, while not as good statistically right now as Ishii, fits the rest of my pitching core better in terms of age. Weinert helps address the serious pitching-heavy slant to my youth. He also makes Littel expendable, which gives ATL back someone to put in the OF in a year or two. The exchange of picks just balances the value remaining on Flowers. Hopefully moving into the 2nd round can allow me to grab another decent prospect to add to the cupboard.

Now if we can just get to 55 wins...

January 07, 2017 at 02:10AM View BBCode

Originally posted by dirtdevil
Now if we can just get to 55 wins...

You need 8 wins in 42 games, though doth protest too much methinks . ;)

January 07, 2017 at 02:24AM View BBCode

Originally posted by tworoosters
Originally posted by dirtdevil
Now if we can just get to 55 wins...

You need 8 wins in 42 games, though doth protest too much methinks . ;)

Maybe. But when you've just gone 2-15 and traded your two best pitchers...

January 07, 2017 at 03:50PM View BBCode

Originally posted by tworoosters
Originally posted by Hamilton2

Trade #1474241 has been completed between the St. Louis Men In Laundry and the Texas Hamiltonians. The Texas Hamiltonians receive [url=]Bob Matos[/url] and Draft Pick - 2102 Round 2 (STL) from the St. Louis Men In Laundry in exchange for [url=]Charlie Madison[/url].

It is not the return that I had hoped for when I marketed an A overall Catcher with SS eligibility on the message boards for each of the past few seasons, but it is far and away the best offer that I have had in that time frame.

Matos can turn into a decent contact heavy utility player and the 2nd round pick will hopefully fall in the top 5 of the round. Meanwhile, it gives me some roster flexibility and more slots to promote another young hitter to get major league IC's.

Madison has had a strange career his grades are good, as witnessed by his A overall status, and he looked well on his way to bigger things when I dealt him out at age 25 (OS26).

At that point he was coming off an OS25 season that saw him flirt with an .800 OPS while completing the transition to catcher. I recall being very conflicted about dealing him for a soon to be declining [url=]Bobby Black[/url] but Black helped us make two playoff appearances and you, sometimes, have to give to get. Madison never seemed to take that next step, the injuries were always going to be an issue but I still expected him to establish himself as a top end leadoff guy with a +.370 OBP and solid defense in a position of scarcity and that just hasn't happened. At this point that 2094 season before he was traded for the first time has turned out to be his best statistically, very odd in the sim.

he sure doesn't like STL. he's only hitting .248 here with an OBP of just .323.

January 07, 2017 at 06:07PM View BBCode

He really is a strange case, I can't easily recall another hitter with his ratings who has been such a consistent under performer. I thought I gave him away when I dealt him but it looks like I actually sold high and did pretty well seeing as how [url=]Black[/url] is still contributing for me.

January 14, 2017 at 05:04PM View BBCode

3 thirds owned by Boston for Milwaukee's 2102 2nd.

Even though this draft is meh. I took the deal because I need something to train and without my second this year. I will in essence get 6 picks now instead of three and I need to keep acquiring whatever I can and hope.

January 14, 2017 at 05:04PM View BBCode

3 thirds owned by Boston for Milwaukee's 2102 2nd.

Even though this draft is meh. I took the deal because I need something to train and without my second this year. I will in essence get 6 picks now instead of three and I need to keep acquiring whatever I can and hope.

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