January 27, 2008 at 01:12AM View BBCode
You tried to trade those guys for what a whole half day? And no I will not leave this alone until you are gone. Selfishness is only protecting ones interest. That is you!! I am trying to protect this league. You have no respect for the time and effort, not to mention the money, that others have invested in their teams. You have no respect for the rules. You are an arrogant, ignorant, selfless, prick that needs to just go away.January 27, 2008 at 01:25AM View BBCode
NOW NOW NOW - We must not use big words like "prick". Listen you idiot I have been watching (coaching - semi-pro) baseball since 1956 - long before you were even thought of - I watched the Dodgers when they were still in Brooklyn. So look you little dips----- backoff and M I N D your O W N business. Maybe-just maybe the reason your teams have been successful is that possible you quitely take advantage of new owners in trades?January 27, 2008 at 01:38AM View BBCode
Note of interest - Since I started to remake the team - My BA has gone down 9 points - My fielding has gone down 1 point but my pitching has gone from a 5.35 era to a 5.19 era - I guess not to bad for rebuilding----------January 27, 2008 at 01:42AM View BBCode
Personally I don't give a rats ass if you are Babe Ruth. The rules apply to everyone. I have not seen a waiver given your team. You were given a second chance for f-ing up. You arrogantly told everyone to piss off when they legitimately wanted to know what was up. You arrogantly continue to break the rules. As an old timer you should understand the importance of rules in baseball. If not then you are the tard I expect you to be. Time to pat teh reaper.January 27, 2008 at 01:58AM View BBCode
Things have gotten pretty heated so I think we all need a big time out. Especially while I put in my 2 cents.January 27, 2008 at 02:03AM View BBCode
alpha hotel crawl back into the cave that you pull your stupid censored -eyed mind out off and again worry about you self I don't need a dumb little terpt like you disecting my moves - whats the matter you haven't been able to push me around as a new owner - this isn't the mel ott league its the radical muslin league where you must do as your told or off with your head - end of this communications. If you have a problem you can talk to admin on mon day - if i'm removed so be it at least I won't have to put up with a little kiddy such as you anymore.January 27, 2008 at 02:04AM View BBCode
I also agree with one of the older posts regarding the Balt. lineup that started the season. No guarantees but if the lineup from last season was intact the Birds would surely be a close contender.January 27, 2008 at 02:23AM View BBCode
This is ridiculous, Baltimore your team sucks and the players on it will never amount to anything. You have ONE young pitcher who will be good, and you dumped all your mentors so the crappy ones have no chance of becoming good.January 27, 2008 at 02:28AM View BBCode
I am not going to apologize for standing up to a pos like you. Bullies don't like it when someone stands up to them. If you think you can just waltz into this league and do what ever you like then you are sadly wrong with me my friend.January 27, 2008 at 02:51AM View BBCode
BTW, love all the flag waiving, misogynist, ignorant, comments. You must be a neocon. You sound just like Dub. All name calling, no logic, no facts.January 27, 2008 at 03:04AM View BBCode
I should have guessed a dem with no mental ability. Rep fight for freedom and Dem alway think america is at fault. Jump in with Hi-Bil you all deserve each other - Democrat another word for unamerican.January 27, 2008 at 03:27AM View BBCode
Your self blindness should astound me, But some how it does not. It is obvious your world view is exactly the same as you run your team. ME ME ME.January 27, 2008 at 04:04AM View BBCode
:( good night pea brain - sweet dreams - must be past your bedtime.January 27, 2008 at 04:12AM View BBCode
No, I am not an old fart like you and can stay up past 11PM. Go put on your depends and dream of me tonight.:lol:January 27, 2008 at 04:19AM View BBCode
:spin: let me guess you turn into a democratic werewolf when you stay up past 11pm. Junior I was flying helicopter on rescue missions in Vietnam - I have served my country - you a boring democrat who if you'd been alive during the Nam war would probably have been a protester helping the enemy kill more US kids.January 27, 2008 at 04:32AM View BBCode
I respect your service to our country. I was young during that war. Most of my memories are from TV and sending care packages to my uncle who was in the Corps. I am from a military family from both sides. I turned down an Academy scholarship and served as a grunt. I was fortunate that in my time of service we were at peace. So never question my love of country. But that has no bearing on what is transpiring. The facts are that you are breaking rules and unfairly changing the balance of the league. You have not earned the right to do this and I will not allow it to happen without a fight.January 27, 2008 at 01:26PM View BBCode
As a moderator elsewhere in SD, I have rightly been told that my posts need always bear in mind that I am, in essence, a representative of Sim Dynasty. That said, it is a site-wide rule that personal attacks will subject you guys to losing your teams so please stop the personal attacks immediately. Debate the Baltimore moves on a baseball level as much as you want to but do not let your posts further devolve into character attacks, name calling, or political debates on a league board.January 27, 2008 at 02:47PM View BBCode
Please watch the personal attacks guys, we don't tolerate those here. This is your warning.January 27, 2008 at 02:54PM View BBCode
If there are any trades that you feel should be reversed, please send me a u2u. I'll post them up for a vote tomorrow according to the site-wide trade protest process.January 27, 2008 at 03:10PM View BBCode
Thanks for staying on top of this, Tyson. We appreciate your hard work.January 27, 2008 at 03:22PM View formatted
January 27, 2008 at 06:11PM View BBCode
Thanks Tyson for taking care of this issue. I would also like to apologize to you and the league. Things got kinda nasty. I have a pretty long history in SD and you will be hard pressed to find an incident were another owner and myself disagreed so much. I guess it was the guys arrogance that set me off, it is one of my buttons. But I will say no more since he is not here to defend himself. Thanks again Tyson.Pages: 1 2