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January 19, 2009 at 03:58PM View BBCode

Originally posted by KillerG
Sorry, the team, draft, and trade help message board.

There was a question for help on a trade with Samcoff (stud) being the center piece of the deal for last season. It was right before NYN changed their mind about rebuilding. That deal was the one I was waiting to go down before I submitted the deal for Redman. I also was thinking the Black Hats would use that same deal to go after Skrmetta but he went into rebuild & I left my offer on the table.

We all check the team, draft, and trade help message board at some time, right? Great place to get info.

Yeah....I'm pretty sure I remember reading that thread too.

January 19, 2009 at 05:02PM View BBCode

NY declined my Offer. Said he was gonna make a run. Never expected him to ditch it after 1 Season. He should have shopped those guys...just my .02.

Hell, after Killer made the deal for Both , there was no way I had any chance except 2nd Place so I decided just to dump everything. I thought Brooklyn had enough to make a run for 3-4 seasons.

January 19, 2009 at 06:00PM View BBCode

Yeah I have to agree that if I was on the fence in the NL prior to Cinci making those deals I'd have decided to toss in the towel as well.

January 19, 2009 at 06:44PM View BBCode

Well he made one heck of a run but came up a bit short. On that deal, he got a pretty good return for the two of them but it didn't help anyone else in the league.

I heard other owners talk about window of opportunity & doing what you have to so you can make the run. I sold a large part of the farm & picks to get them (basically five #1 picks & two #2 picks). I've seen other owners tear down a team because they missed the playoffs ... nowing he was thinking about doing that, I went after them. If it wasn't me, it would have been someone else.

OK - I'm moving on.

January 19, 2009 at 08:51PM View BBCode slam at you. It was a helluva Deal. Not saying it wasn't a Fair deal. If it was me I woulda shopped them to more than 1 Team...that's all I'm saying.

January 19, 2009 at 11:22PM View BBCode

Hi all, cleaned up the trade for Andy Pinnance ... we swapped a #1 draft pick for the #2 draft pick in the original deal.

January 23, 2009 at 08:18PM View BBCode


A trade has been completed between the Kansas City River Cats and the Brooklyn Dodgers. The Brooklyn Dodgers receive Pete Lindstrom, Sammy Denny, Draft Pick - 2006 Round 2 (KC) from the Kansas City River Cats in exchange for Al Kaline.
KC had approached me about this a couple of days back. I was unsure if I wanted to trade Kaline as he should be better then he seems to be playing.

When it comes right down to it, Kaline was doing .230 avg for me, and seeing that he's 32 years old (going to 33) he has to be expendable.

To me Kaline seems similiar to what Lindstrom can be and being that Lindstrom is 5 years younger.. I didn't have too much choice but to take it. Especially considering the extra pitcher and pick.

[Edited on 1-23-2009 by kyleturf30]

January 23, 2009 at 08:27PM View BBCode

Regarding the above trade, I decided that if I was going to compete this year, I needed more right handed power. I had to enhance the trade with Denny before Brooklyn would accept it, so I may have overpaid a bit, but with Kaline I have a decent shot at 2nd place.

January 23, 2009 at 10:28PM View BBCode

Kaline has always been a bit of a mystery to me, and res too I believe.

He's got reasonable contact and A+ PVR yet he's only had 2 years with an OPS over .850 in 10 full seasons, plus he actually has better numbers vs. LHP than RHP over his career.

January 24, 2009 at 03:05AM View BBCode

About time for him to turn it around, then :D

January 24, 2009 at 03:08AM View BBCode

Originally posted by tworoosters
Kaline has always been a bit of a mystery to me, and res too I believe.

It's funny, I really didn't want to part with Kaline back in the day as part of the Mahaffey trade. I really felt he was going to become a stud. Kind of funny to trace his career arc, I had forgotten about him.


February 03, 2009 at 01:47AM View BBCode


A trade has been completed between the Cleveland Buckeyes and the Milwaukee Black Hats. The Milwaukee Black Hats receive Draft Pick - 2005 Round 2 (KC) from the Cleveland Buckeyes in exchange for Draft Pick - 2006 Round 2 (PIT).

A small deal but I had way too many picks in the upcoming draft (9) and Milwaukee didn't have a 2nd round pick so I dealt KC's in '05, a playoff 2nd, for Pittsburgh's in '06, also likely a playoff 2nd.

The deal was initially rejected because res thought I wanted Milwaukee's 2nd in '06 for KC's in '05 but we got on the same page.

February 19, 2009 at 10:39AM View formatted

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Pryor trade....

1.I offered this guy to 5 other teams last season. Nobody wanted him.
2.I've been playing this game long enough not to have to justify my trades. This will be the last time I do this.

There has been too much made about trades lately imho.

March 06, 2009 at 06:47PM View BBCode


A trade has been completed between the Philadelphia BullFrogs and the Brooklyn Dodgers. The Brooklyn Dodgers receive Jake Bear from the Philadelphia BullFrogs in exchange for Sammy Denny, Collinsworth Lewis.
I made this trade bacasue I really wanted a guy with the last name of BEAR on my team. I'm obsessed recently with trading away all my young guys for guys that can help me now. Bear, will be the eventual replacement for Jeff Cardinal.

When you CAN replace a Cardinal (a wimpy bird) with a much meaner animal (Bear) you do it.

All trades I will be making over the next 3-5 seasons will be all about maximizing the current playoff 'push'.

[Edited on 3-6-2009 by kyleturf30]

Lucius Best

April 18, 2009 at 06:59PM View BBCode


A trade has been completed between the Cleveland Buckeyes and the Pittsburgh Yellowjackets. The Pittsburgh Yellowjackets receive [url=]Lucius Best[/url] from the Cleveland Buckeyes in exchange for [url=]Toussaint Moore[/url], Draft Pick - 2008 Round 1 (STL).

At the beginning of the 2007 I looked at my roster and determined that I needed to either bring at least one of my minor league positional up to the majors or deal one of the major league ready guys, [url=]Gott[/url], [url=]Bennett[/url] or [url=]Forbes[/url]

In order for anyone to start one of my regulars had to go so I offered up a series of options on the [url=]League Board[/url].

I got a bunch of offers for young pitchers but none that really interested me, and an offer for Best from Pittsburgh. I countered with the above offer and the deal was done.

In Best Pittsburgh gets a solid major leaguer who is A- overall with great contact, a reasonable bundle and red letter speed who is only 27. I like Best as a player and would rather have dealt out [url=]Barcelo[/url] but I wasn't going to get a top end prospect like Moore and a 1st round pick for Barcelo.

In Moore I get a solid power prospect who can hopefully get to B contact with A power both ways. At OS22 Moore fits better with my timeline as I think I'm at least 3 years away from contending. The first round pick is St. Louis' so it'll likely be a playoff pick but still it allows me to continue to add prime pieces of young talent to either groom, or deal off for veterans if I see a window to compete.

April 18, 2009 at 10:13PM View BBCode

Pete J. Wright


A trade has been completed between the New York Bad Gnus and the Philadelphia BullFrogs. The Philadelphia BullFrogs receive [url=]Phil Colton[/url] from the New York Bad Gnus in exchange for [url=]Pete J. Wright[/url].

During the recent off season, the BullFrogs expressed interest in several developing youngsters on the Bad Gnus roster. Given that the Gnus have an abundance of young players with good potential, too many to trim down to the optimum 15 count without discarding players with potential, we decided to deal Phil Colton (now Corky Buxton), a youngster who could help the BullFrogs as they rebuild.

The Bad Gnus have a good young catcher who continues to improve, Dennis de Jong, but we needed another quality catcher to form a tandem at that position. Pete J. Wright is a catcher who should provide an acceptable bat, has good speed, has above average health, and has a cannon for an arm. Since the Bad Gnus pitching staff allows many base runners, a catcher who can gun down 40% of those attempting to steal will be a fine asset. In addition, in a little over a year Wright will turn 28. If we are lucky, he may turn out to be a player who can mentor the young starting pitchers and position players after they are promoted to the parent club.

This trade certainly is not a blockbuster, just one piece of the puzzle. Hopefully it will work out for the best.

[Edited on 4-18-2009 by tim_ackley]

April 18, 2009 at 10:43PM View BBCode

Tim Beane... who?


A trade has been completed between the Kansas City River Cats and the New York Bad Gnus. The New York Bad Gnus receive [url=]Tim Beane[/url], Draft Pick - 2008 Round 2 (KC) from the Kansas City River Cats in exchange for [url=]Steve Wallace[/url].

In 2006, Steve Wallace was named to his first all-star team, but he approached the Bad Gnus management team and expressed a desire to play for a contender for the final years of his career. The Bad Gnus knew that they would give up power in the heart of the order if we traded Wallace, but we also knew that his skills are beginning to erode. Steve must be happy as the River Cats have jumped out to an early lead in the AL pennant chase.

In Tim Beane, the Bad Gnus received an OS29 outfielder who makes excellent contact, has above average speed, has excellent health, and who is an above average leader... but who has little power. The 2nd round pick will prove to be a very late pick, but it may yield a decent prospect. The problem is that the Bad Gnus already have a packed minor league squad.

I scratched my head after making this deal. "Was this a crappy deal for the Gnus or not?", I asked myself. At least we obtained some value for an aging veteran. The River Cats are playing great ball of late, but the Bad Gnus are playing better than expected, too. And Beane is contributing by playing very well. Perhaps this minor deal will work out after all.

[Edited on 4-19-2009 by tim_ackley]

April 18, 2009 at 11:18PM View BBCode

Beane is certainly well traveled.

Drafted 8th overall by Milwaukee he was almost immediately waived, leading me to believe Bob had been drinking heavily when making his draft rankings. It was a bad draft but not that bad.

Beane was picked up by Cleveland off of waivers and spent three years in the Buckeyes minor league system before debuting in 2002. Beane played sparingly over the course of two years with the Buckeyes but hit .286 with an OPS of .760 despite limited opportunity.

In the fall of 2003 Beane was dealt to Philadelphia, along with a 3rd round pick for [url=]Jean Barcelo[/url]. Beane was given little love in Philly either limited to 115 ABs over the course of a year and a half before being designated for assignment and a reacquisition by Cleveland.

The honeymoon was short in Cleveland and by April of 2006 Beane found himself once again on the waiver wire. Beane remained on the waiver wire for most of '06 before KC claimed him late and then dealt him, along with a 2nd rounder, to NYN for aging All Star Wallace.

Beane is a bit of an enigma, his skill set is the type we generally ignore in SIM and he has been ignored, or under utilized, almost his entire career, and yet he continues to put up reasonable numbers whenever he's given playing time.

I hope he's able to contribute to the Bad Gnus, it would be nice if high contact, high speed, low power guys had a place in this SIM world we play in.

[Edited on 4-18-2009 by tworoosters]

April 19, 2009 at 02:02AM View BBCode

I also scratched my head after making the deal, and wondered if I gave up my 2nd round pick way too cheaply, so it was probably a good trade for both parties :). I did need power in the middle of my lineup, with Kaline's decline in the off season, and I got that. Regarding Beane, I grabbed him off the waiver wire because I've had a lot of success with [url=] Nate Perez[/url] who has similar attributes and has put up some very nice numbers over the seasons with the River Cats.
I think high contact low power can sometimes work out well.

[Edited on 4/19/2009 by skycoyote]

April 19, 2009 at 02:27AM View BBCode

In another league, I have had some success with a similar player, too. That's why I took the chance on Beane. He may perform quite well for the Bad Gnus over the next few years. I can also play him as much as I need to to maintain a C+ overall mentor rating for my offense while I rest other players. The expanded flexibility is very helpful.

May 03, 2009 at 04:20PM View BBCode

A trade has been completed between the Kansas City River Cats and the New York Neanderthals. The New York Neanderthals receive Hector Baxes, Sam Easter from the Kansas City River Cats in exchange for Frank Pembleton

Considering the health of my pitching staff, I need all the decent pitching I can get. Pembleton is OS35, so is probably just a one season rental. Easter has potential, but I have a better 2B in my minors (Manzanillo), so I was willing to give up Easter. I just threw in Baxes to make room for Pembleton.

[Edited on 5/3/2009 by skycoyote]

May 03, 2009 at 04:36PM View BBCode

A trade has been completed between the Kansas City River Cats and the Boston Brown Acid. The Boston Brown Acid receive Roy Burgos, Draft Pick - 2009 Round 1 (KC) from the Kansas City River Cats in exchange for Florentino Ariza.


A trade has been completed between the Boston Brown Acid and the Kansas City River Cats. The Kansas City River Cats receive Draft Pick - 2009 Round 1 (KC) from the Boston Brown Acid in exchange for Draft Pick - 2008 Round 1 (KC).

I've been interested in Ariza for a long time. He is top quality, has at least three good seasons left, and can start if necessary. With my top RP Moulton going down for 50 days, I had room on my roster and a lot of incentive! I gave up a lot, Adderley (formerly Burgos) will be an excellent power hitter (altho with abysmal health) and I gave up a 1st round pick. (Boston had mistaken the year of the pick and wanted 2008 instead of 2009, which is the reason for the second trade). But I finally have the pitching staff I've been working toward, so I hope it was worth it.

[Edited on 5/4/2009 by skycoyote]

Jay Hicks

May 03, 2009 at 04:43PM View BBCode


A trade has been completed between the Cleveland Buckeyes and the St. Louis Red Birds. The St. Louis Red Birds receive [url=]Jay Hicks[/url] from the Cleveland Buckeyes in exchange for Draft Pick - 2009 Round 2 (STL).

[url=]Hicks[/url] is a 34 year old reliever who had served me well in a variety of spots in the bullpen over the past 6 years. 34 year old relievers with D+ leadership however are a luxury that rebuilding teams don't require.

I shopped Jay a bit and ended up with a 2nd round pick from St. Louis, in 2009, where he can add depth to a contender's bullpen.

The pick ended up being [url=]Larry Farrow[/url] who I later swapped in a future deal

[Edited on 7-29-2009 by tworoosters]

Moberg for Stoner, Chelsea and Moore

May 22, 2009 at 05:58PM View BBCode


A trade has been completed between the Cleveland Buckeyes and the Brooklyn Dodgers. The Brooklyn Dodgers receive [url=]Joe Chelsea[/url], [url=]Harry Stoner[/url], [url=]Toussaint Moore[/url] from the Cleveland Buckeyes in exchange for [url=]Bill Moberg[/url].

With Brooklyn in full "blow it up" mode I thought it might be an opportune time to acquire a top end pitcher. It may be a bit of a reach but I think that we can compete by 2011 and Moberg will still be 32 that season.

This was a fairly quick process, 2 offers rejected and a third accepted with a counter rejected in between. I gave up a fair chunk of offense in Stoner, who hit 47 homers in just over 900 at bats the last two seasons, a reasonable pitching prospect in Chelsea and a monster power prospect in Moore.

I really didn't want to give up Moore in this, or any, deal but you don't acquire A- starting pitchers in their 20s without giving up something prime and Moore was the prime piece.

Chelsea, Stoner and Moore all need regular playing time at the major league level and I really only had room for Moore. I hope Moberg can anchor my rotation and wish Brooklyn the best of luck with his rebuild.

[Edited on 5-24-2009 by tworoosters]

Shannon to Boston

June 13, 2009 at 06:17PM View BBCode


A trade has been completed between the Cleveland Buckeyes and the Boston Brown Acid. The Boston Brown Acid receive [url=]Desmond Shannon[/url] from the Cleveland Buckeyes in exchange for Draft Pick - 2010 Round 3 (BOS).

Shannon's pretty much the poster boy for "No CP improves", he would've been rotted out in the old days but picked up 137 minor league improves and is a reasonable bench guy, spot starter - exactly what the system was supposed to produce.

I tried to get a 2nd rounder for him but nobody blinked so he's in Boston and I have an extra 3rd round pick.

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