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Old Forum Index » Baseball League Forums » Dynasty Leagues » Jimmy Wynn League » merger?


December 27, 2015 at 02:21PM View BBCode

what does everyone think of this merger? I like the idea to get rid of bots and open up trading but hate the idea all our stats and player stats are lost.

December 27, 2015 at 11:52PM View BBCode

I agree with you, but we haven't had a full league in a long time. if this is something that is going to happen id like to see it happen quick. I just re-upped for a bunch of seasons at the beginning of this season or I might have taken this opportunity to bow out myself. its fun, but all good things have to end.

December 28, 2015 at 02:01PM View BBCode

I would prefer to merge. Seems like the bots have dumbed down some of the play. A bad team is .500.

December 28, 2015 at 10:20PM View BBCode

I do not want to merge

January 12, 2016 at 03:10AM View BBCode

Hello JWL, I wanted to pop in and let you know that several owners and I (we would have enought to fill all openings) might have a solution to fill your league, to once again have an active and competitve league, while making some innovative changes, mainly converting to the sims first 3gpd salary league.

We want to make this league into something unique and new, while also preserving the history and the solid core of owners, that makes this league a perfect one to convert.

I am not sure of the total conversion process, we would have to have admin assist in the process, but I know that several leagues in the past have converted to the salary league structure, we may have to convert in a season or two (we could play under existing rules until then).

You may ask why salary league? Well with a salary league you have the ability to compete every year, and at the same time teams much like the NFL have to decide who to keep to remain under the cap while also developing younger players (and filling holes with free agents), so there is a much greater dispersal of talent and the typical boom/bust cycle is eliminated (no rebuilds!!).

We can also look at other exciting rules changes, including the minor league system, variable development, injuries, etc, there are many other potential rules, it just is about what the league wants to try.

Here is the basics of salary:


Please note that many of us that want to join your league and play under the salary format have not played under that format, it will be a new and exciting challenge for all of us, we all will be starting at the same point and learning together.

I know this is a big change, one that we would need the support of the existing owners, it seems like you have a good group here, many that have played in the JWL for a long time, that is something that would make this league even more likely to suceed in this change.

Thanks for your time and consideration, if you have any questions or concerns please ask here, hopefully we can make the JWL into a full, active, competitve and unique league---John

January 12, 2016 at 01:07PM View BBCode

I am completely willing to give this a try. I am curious how the salaries will be developed for each player, but these details would surely come to light before we make a switch.

I look forward to more discussion. If this league does not switch, I would have interest in whatever league would as a replacement owner. Of course, I would like to utilize this league

January 13, 2016 at 03:26AM View BBCode

I have no interest at all in a salary league, would rather merge. I will stay as is or merge, I will leave if this goes to a salary league.

January 14, 2016 at 08:51PM View BBCode

Im interested in merging a league and adding new rules , but not interested in a salary based league at all.

January 15, 2016 at 12:04AM View BBCode

what is everyones issue with the salary league? I think it might be great to force some of the people who just stand pat win or loose to make decisions

January 15, 2016 at 03:17PM View BBCode

i spend enough time on here Nate . I would like to lesson the amount of time i spend managing my team not increase it. I play this game because it is a simple easy format and enjoyable to me . Making trades and seeing the development of younger players is why I play. Adding another caveat that limits trading and development because of a cap is not intriguing to me so im out. We are all allowed our own opinion.I respect your decision that you would like to try a salary league , i just don't have the same opinion that's all. If the majority of the owners want to go to a salary league i wouldn't stand in the way. Otherwise i would vote no.
Honestly i would be happy to just get rid of the dam bots as they do nothing but hinder the league.

January 16, 2016 at 03:35AM View BBCode

I was in several "fantasy" and simulated baseball websites before I found simdynasty. Most were salary leagues. I didn't like any of them, each had a different flaw. As with mitchsox, I enjoy developing players and seeing how their careers go. I make a few trades. Occasionally get a player off the waiver wires. But I tend to stick with the players I've drafted. In a salary league your good players will price themselves off your team or you'll have a few high priced players with your team filled out with crap. This was the major flaw I experienced in salary leagues. I know it's been 13 years, and I'm sure that improvements have been made. But I don't see how you get around this problem. I like not having to worry whether I can keep my good players or not. You may like the challenge , you may enjoy studying free agents and salaries. I don't have the time. I will stay or I will merge. I will not go to a salary league.

January 19, 2016 at 12:04AM View BBCode

I pretty much echo Mitchsox's sentiment on salary league

January 21, 2016 at 06:59AM View BBCode

I'm not for a salary league. just willing to try. id much rather keep the great owners that are already in this league, and hope to start getting a few more.

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